Today, the crew met up at the Weinberg Memorial Library, to discuss our Clio Page and the research website. After weighing in our options, we concluded that providing a tour of Gunster Memorial Student Center, would best suit our research. Opened in 1960, the University’s student center was home to many campus theater productions and artistic events. Since this building was constructed at the start of our time line (1960’s), we figured that its features would reflect the style and treads of that time period. In 2008, Gunster was demolished and replaced with the DeNaples Center. The old building stood at the location of the Dionne Green. For further information about the former “Hub” of the campus check out our page on Clio! In addition, our research website now has a tab dedicated to our Clio findings. This page will include pictures and a brief summary on our topic (GMSC). Overall, we are making great progress and are on pace to meet our goals. Good luck to all the other fellow researchers! Have a great weekend!