Please start at the 20 second mark
Author: Tara Hamilton-Fay
Sheep Brain Dissection Guide
Click on the link and then click through these very good pictures!
Muscles of the Lower Extremity
The Muscles Song – learn many muscle names in 3 minutes or less!
This isn’t comprehensive, but it’s a good start, especially if you like catchy tunes!
Muscles of the Upper Extremity
This is a really nice video because they show the muscles in isolation, allowing you see where they attach and, if you think about a muscle contracting towards it’s center, you can get a sense of how it might pull on the bone(s) it’s attached to.
Drawing a multipolar neuron
In this video I will draw and label a color-coded multipolar neuron and will show where graded potentials and action potentials occur.
Synaptic Transmission with Dr. Mike! (events at a chemical synapse)
This one is especially for Sophia!
Why is Resting Membrane Potential of a neuron negative?
Synaptic Transmission (neurotransmitter release)