Cranial Nerve – face drawing
Overview of the skin and accessory structures
Meiosis I and II explained
Cerebrospinal fluid flow through the various structures of the CNS
Please start at the 20 second mark
The Muscles Song – learn many muscle names in 3 minutes or less!
This isn’t comprehensive, but it’s a good start, especially if you like catchy tunes!
Muscles of the Upper Extremity
This is a really nice video because they show the muscles in isolation, allowing you see where they attach and, if you think about a muscle contracting towards it’s center, you can get a sense of how it might pull on the bone(s) it’s attached to.
Joint actions
Study tips, etc. from the Amoeba Sisters
Start at the beginning for the whole story. Or, start at 1:09 for the part where this video gives study tips for when you are watching their videos – these study tips are not just for their videos though – they’re good to use when studying anything!
Mitosis Mover step-by-step