Category: Forum (Page 3 of 3)
We were pleased to host Cinzia Arruzza, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the New School for a talk on Plato and Shamelessness on February 27, 2019. A recording can be found below. Thanks to all who came out to hear this enlightening presentation!
The University of Scranton Humanities Initiative is proud to welcome Cinzia Arruzza to campus on Wednesday, February 27. Her talk will be at 5:30 in the 5th floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library.
Dr. Arruzza is the author of several books and co-editor of the forthcoming Feminism for the 99% (Verso Books). She currently teaches at The New School and is a member of the editorial collective for Viewpoint Magazine.

Dr. Conniff’s scheduled talk for this Tuesday (2/12/19) has been cancelled due to inclement weather. We will reschedule at a later date.