Chelsea Curran – Bucks County Public Defender’s Office

Over the past few months working at the Bucks County Public Defender’s Office, one of the most fulfilling parts of my experience has been learning from others. I have had the opportunity to seek advice from judges, experienced attorneys, and law school interns about being successful in the legal field. I have learned what motivates people and gained insights into various types of law, the LSAT, and strategies for being successful in law school. Without the guidance and reassurance that I have received from these individuals, I might not have gained such a valuable perspective on my career aspirations.   

Another rewarding aspect of my experiences was being able to observe how attorneys interact with clients and witnessing their success in court. I am so grateful for the opportunity to watch various trials and hearings, as shadowing has allowed me to see each attorney’s unique approach to criminal defense. Although it initially seemed daunting, the internship has left me feeling very enthusiastic about the prospect of litigating and making a difference in someone else’s life. 

The most challenging part has been hearing about the difficult circumstances that people have found themselves in. Despite the complexities of the criminal justice system, I have admired the ability of attorneys to remain empathetic and kind, while consistently putting forth their best efforts for indigent clients. Even with their heavy caseloads, I have met several experienced attorneys who have demonstrated a genuine concern for each client on top of achieving impressive results in short amounts of time. 

Chelsea Curran, Political Science

5 Replies to “Chelsea Curran – Bucks County Public Defender’s Office”

  1. Chelsea, it’s so great you were able to interact with and gain knowledge from so many different occupations. I’m glad you were able to witness empathic attorneys and learn from them.

  2. Chelsea,
    It sounds like your internship this summer was a very positive experience. I’m glad you had the chance to observe and learn from many attorneys and that the experience left you feeling positive about law school. You gained a lot of skills this summer, and I’m glad you are a recipient of the Royal Experience! Great job!

  3. Chelsea,
    It sounds like your internship at the Bucks County Public Defender’s Office was a life-changing opportunity that provided you with priceless legal industry insights. It must have been really fulfilling to learn from judges, lawyers, and law school interns, especially as you developed a greater comprehension of the legal field and your own career goals. It’s obvious that witnessing courtroom proceedings and lawyers in action increased your interest in criminal defense. I wish you well as you pursue this career path!

  4. Chelsea, this is awesome! Getting to be present in the courtroom and being able to witness everything first hand sounds incredible. Although I’m sure it was challenging due to the nature of some of the cases, it sounds like you were able to make a positive difference this summer. Best of luck with everything going forward!

  5. Chelsea,
    I am glad you had the chance to learn from professionals in the legal field and observe them in action! Although it must have been hard to hear about clients’ difficult circumstances, it gave you real exposure to what you will encounter in the future. I wish you the best of luck as you continue your career development journey!

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