Justin Matzner – Island Dolphin Care

During my time as a therapy intern at Island Dolphin Care (IDC) in Key Largo this summer, the most rewarding and fulfilling experience was witnessing the profound impact dolphin-assisted therapy has on our clients and their families. Over the course of six weeks, I saw firsthand how our therapy sessions—both in the classroom and in the water—significantly improved the daily living skills of our clients. Understanding the challenges they’ve faced and seeing how IDC has empowered them to make meaningful progress has been truly inspiring. As a person with a disability myself, it was welcoming to see a fully accessible facility that offers a space where clients and their families can enjoy their time without the usual constraints of their conditions. Having my own challenges daily, and having a lense into what these clients experience, made the experience even more rewarding. I feel deeply proud and grateful to have been part of the IDC family this summer. 

The most challenging aspect of this internship was only having five days to focus on each client’s targeted goals. Most clients participate in a five-day program that combines classroom and swim sessions, and while it’s inspiring to watch their progress, it’s always hard to part ways at the end of the week. It was also difficult to say goodbye to the remarkable clients, dedicated staff, and incredible dolphins I had the privilege of working with. I gained invaluable knowledge from the animal care team about marine life and the complexities of working with dolphins during therapy sessions. Throughout this experience, I’ve interacted and got to know clients from all over the world, including Spain, Poland, and Germany. Learning about their diverse backgrounds and languages has greatly enhanced my cultural sensitivity. It’s amazing to witness how the dolphins leave a lasting impression on everyone they meet. 

This internship has continued my decision to pursue a career in animal-assisted therapy as an occupational therapist, and I’m excited to see where this path will lead me. I wish I had more time at Island Dolphin Care, as it truly feels like a second home to me. My time there has been invaluable, teaching me so much about myself and how to grow as an occupational therapist. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to work with the incredible team of therapists, animal care specialists, and the seven dolphins I was fortunate to work with, including Fiji, Tashi, Dalai, Squirt, Sarah, Bella, and Grace. Thank you to the Royal Experience Program for making this life changing internship possible. 

Justin Matzner, Occupational Therapy

6 Replies to “Justin Matzner – Island Dolphin Care”

  1. Justin, I’m glad your internship was so rewarding for you. It’s great that the most challenging aspect was seeing the clients you made connections with go.

  2. Justin,
    Your experience at Island Dolphin Care sounds like an incredible and very moving experience. I’m so glad you had this opportunity and that it reinforced your professional goals. You gained some very significant clinical skills as well as some competencies like working with diverse clients, communication, and teamwork (to name a few!). We are thrilled to have you as one of the Royal Experience recipients this year! Thanks for all of your commitment and work this summer! Great photos!

  3. Justin,
    These pictures are awesome! I loved how you were able to connect with patients, many of which come from diverse backgrounds, through dolphins. Island Dolphin Care seems like such a unique way for patients to receive treatment and I hope there are more places like this around for you to gain more experience at. Best of luck!

  4. Justin,

    What a wonderful accomplishment! You should be so proud of yourself for completing this incredible internship. I am sure that you had such a positive impact on all of the patients that you cared for! A career in animal-assisted OT sounds so rewarding, and I know that you will do amazing things!

  5. Justin, this is amazing! I’m really impressed- this looks like a really rewarding, engaging, and educational experience. I’m happy you had such a great time and were able to make a positive impact. Best of luck with everything going forward!

  6. Justin,
    It must have been incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact that dolphin-assisted therapy had on the clients! I am happy to hear your internship has reinforced your desires to pursue a career in animal-assisted therapy. Best of luck to you as you continue your career development journey!

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