Forefront Replacing McAfee

8 03 2011

Just a reminder to everyone that IR is deploying Microsoft Forefront as new antivirus software (replacing McAfee) on campus computers.  This is great news – McAfee is pretty resource-intensive and often slows down machines.

The week before your computer is scheduled for deployment, you’ll get an email from IT Services.  Installation will happen overnight, starting at 7pm and completing by 4am the following morning.  You won’t be able to use or access your computer during the installation time.  Your machine must be left on during that time since the installation will happen through KBOX.

While Forefront is being installed, your computer name will be changed, so if you use your computer name for peer to peer use, contact the Technology Support Center prior to the day your computer is scheduled for deployment.

This update is only for Windows machines – there will be a change in Mac antivirus software, but that won’t happen until sometime in the future.

TAG has asked IT Services for an implementation schedule, which we’ll post here when we get it.

Let us know if you have any questions, and we’ll do our best to answer!