Technology and Learning Discussion Group

15 02 2013

Reposting from Bboard – all are welcome! :)


This semester, my colleague Bryan Burnham and I are organizing an open discussion group on Technology and Learning, and we invite all members of the University community to join us.

As a general theme, our discussions will center around these questions: What role does technology (broadly defined) play in student learning and course pedagogy? How does technology affect thinking and learning? In what ways can technology benefit or impede learning? We’ll aim for informal but interdisciplinary and evidence-based conversations.

The first meeting will be Monday, February 18th at 6:00pm-7:15pm in LSC238 (the Science Center’s Forum/Faculty Dining Area). We will have snacks, but feel free to bring additional consumables. Our plan is to meet every other Monday evening (except Easter Monday 4/1) at the same time and in the same location.

At our first meeting, we’d like everyone to come prepared to discuss something they recently read/watched/observed that relates to the theme of technology and learning. This could be a research article, a book, a media article, a TED talk, etc. Feel free to browse (and add to) our list of readings and media.

For future meetings, we’ll ask volunteers to lead group discussions on a more specific topic of their interest (for example- 3D printing, digital portfolios, learning analytics, MOOCs, computer/information literacy, reading/writing in the digital world, geographic information systems and location-based learning…). Discussion leaders may share readings, videos, or other resources in advance for the group to work off of.

Please let us know if you’d like to join us, and if so, if there are particular technology issues or questions that you’re interested in exploring. Hope to see you there!

Kristen Yarmey, Digital Services Librarian

Bryan R. Burnham, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology