As the world continues to rely on the use of technology, the need for trained IT professionals is rapidly expanding. IT advances businesses operations and enhances learning. In my internship thus far, I have experienced first-hand how an IT department must operate to do so. From this internship. I hope to gain knowledge of the corporate world and continue to apply what I have learned in the classroom to the real-world. I have found that within the past 2 weeks, I have learned more about various IT tasks and operations than I would have within a traditional academic setting. I also hope this experience will expand my network and connect me with experienced IT professionals who can help me navigate the job market after graduation.
This experience will heavily impact my career path, as it has further solidified my career choices. As someone who is unsure of what field of IT I would like to pursue, I hope this experience will help me to choose which field best caters to my personal goals and abilities as well as reveal those I may want to avoid in my future job search. This experience will also give me an edge in the job market when it comes time to explore career options. The projects I have been partaking in so far have allowed me to develop certain skills that I can add to my resume to attract potential employers. In the end, it is my hope that this experience will equip me with the skills and confidence I need to embark onto a fulfilling and enjoyable career.

Simal Sami ’24
Information Technology
As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the IT field will become increasingly important. In my opinion, IT may be the safest field to go into in terms of job security due to the ever increasing demand for IT professionals. I agree with your comment that interning can give you learning experience that could not be gained from learning in a classroom. I look forward to hearing more about this internship in the future
Hi Simal,
I enjoyed reading your post! I agree that the IT field is rapidly growing, and there is an increased need for IT professionals. You picked a great career path! I admire how you are using your internship to discover not only which field of IT you like best but also fields that you may dislike, which is just as important to know. I’m glad you’re enjoying your internship thus far, and I’m excited to hear more about your experiences.
I agree with you that technology is rapidly growing, so that’s great for your job outlook! Your internship really sounds supplemental to your academic career, as you mentioned how you could only get such experience and skills from being in the work environment. I’m glad your internship reinforced your career path, and it will certainly help with getting a job placement in the future! I wish you the best of luck!
Hi Simal,
It sounds like this internship is a terrific start for you and your career! You seem very passionate about this career path which is fantastic. I’m glad you are enjoying your experience so far and I hope this will help you start to narrow down where you see yourself in the field of IT. Great work!
Simal –
Your internship sounds so intriguing, I’m glad that it has further solidified your career choices! That must be such a relief. It’s great that you’re able to apply what you’ve learned at school to the real-word, as well as learning new things. I’m excited to hear more about it!