A Summer of Crime (and Self) Analysis

It is hard to believe that my time at the Montgomery County Detective Bureau is already over. There were many rewarding aspects to this internship. This internship gave me so many opportunities to experience so many new things within the criminal justice system. My most favorite experience was definitely getting to shadow an autopsy. I almost passed out during it, but I still thought it was the coolest thing ever. It also helped me decide that I was definitely more suited for an analysis job. Another rewarding part of this internship was knowing how much of an impact my work was making on my community. I was assigned to work in the Detective Bureau’s Major Crimes unit to analyze data in an ongoing investigation for catalytic convertor theft. My job was to look through GPS tracking data and see if it lined up with addresses listed in police reports as well as noting other stand out addresses and reporting my findings to the detectives in that unit to be used in court. I was also able to work with some of the Detective Bureau’s Intelligence Analysts and check out the programs they use for their analysis. Being that this is my intended career path, I am extremely grateful that I was given the opportunity to learn about the different ways intelligence analysis is done, as well as putting everything I’ve learned at Scranton to use in a real-life case.

The most challenging part of this internship was the day-to-day schedule because this job is not like other jobs where you know exactly what you are going to be doing every day. There were some days where I had a million things to do and others where I would do the most minimal tasks just to feel like I had done something. This was difficult to face at first because I felt like I was not contributing or being lazy on the days where nothing was happening, but one of the lieutenants assured me that it was completely normal because crime does not run on a 9 to 5 schedule.


ID photo
My ID that I had to wear in the office
Tote bag
They gave us a bunch of cool stuff during our tour of the coroner’s office, including this tote bag that has now doubled as my beach bag

Clare Maguire ’23
Criminal Justice

5 Replies to “A Summer of Crime (and Self) Analysis”

  1. Claire,
    I will admit that you got me to laugh at the part about almost passing out while witnessing an autopsy. It is probably a wise idea to stick with analysis as you suggested. Despite this, not many people would have the stomach to witness an autopsy, so props to you for getting through that. I can relate to the idea of having variety in the amount of work given and the feelings that come along with it in both my internship and former summer jobs I worked. There were some weeks during my internship where I worked nonstop for the entire week and may have exceeded the hours I was supposed to due as a result. Other weeks I would barely have enough work to fulfill the required hours and would have to figure out other productive things to do after completing my tasks.

  2. Hi Claire,
    Exploring different areas within your field is definitely advantageous given that you can figure out what you do or don’t enjoy. I have experienced this within my own internship as well. I agree that the uncertainty of what each day will hold can be challenging. I am glad you were able to explore the in’s and outs’s of crime analysis.

  3. Claire,
    It’s crazy that you got to shadow an autopsy- I couldn’t imagine what that was like! I’m glad you didn’t pass out, and I’m sure that was a unique experience. It’s also really great that you got to work hands on with a case. That must be so exciting! I absolutely relate to your challenge with never knowing what your schedule looks like. My internship has also been a surprise nearly every day, but that’s what makes it different. It’s nice that you got to experience the real unpredictability of the field.

  4. Hi Clare,
    It sounds like you gained lots of valuable experience at your internship this summer! I am glad you had the opportunity to assist with ongoing investigations and recognize how your work will positively impact your community. I can relate to the challenge you faced since some days at my internship were busy while other days not so much. Still, I am sure you contributed a lot to the Bureau!

  5. Clare,
    I can’t believe you got to shadow an autopsy- that sounds so cool! It’s great that you had such a good experience, helping you solidify that you want to work in this field in the future. It also sounds kinda cool how everyday was different and unpredictable with your schedule. That takes a lot to get used too but beneficial to learn what a typical day looks like.

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