Royal Museum Experience

Well, 8 weeks flew by. Summers always do move at a rapid pace, but this particular summer seemed to move even faster. My time at the Everhart Museum in Scranton, PA, left a lasting impression in my heart and opened up new worlds that I could explore with the degree I am working toward. As an “art major”, I have been learning to hone my painting and drawing skills by some very fine artists\teachers in our area, and while at the Museum, I was able to put some of that knowledge to work. The highlight of my 8 weeks there, however, was when I was asked to help with condition reporting on the Museum’s textile collection. Since I was about 10, I have been spinning wool and knitting\weaving garments, so this was a big day for me. I quickly agreed to help, and off we went. My favorite piece was a Civil War-era cotillion dress, which was handmade (most clothing was back then). I got an up close and personal look at hand-stitching and hand-made lacework, and I could just imagine the young woman who would have worn the dress to her summer dance in the south. Not only was I able to put my art background to use, but I made lasting connections at the Museum, and I cannot wait to visit with my friends there again. It was bitter-sweet to leave, but I will always hold the memories in a special place in my heart.

Jordan Oakey
Liberal Studies with concentrations in Studio Art, Art History, and Education Theory

One Reply to “Royal Museum Experience”

  1. Hey Jordan!
    It sounds like you had a fantastic summer! Often, students do not have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to outside activities, which is why your experience is so fascinating. Having the opportunity to use one’s talents in work one is passionate about is remarkably rewarding, and I had a similar experience at McLean hospital this summer. Thank you for sharing pieces of your experience. May you have many other opportunities to do work you are passionate about!

    All the best,

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