Meeting Notes 1/24/2011

25 01 2011

Sorry for the outburst of posts today! But just wanted to share some news from our TAG meeting yesterday.

The meeting centered around our frighteningly long to-do list and how to tackle all of TAG’s various projects.  One of our main discussion points was how to get more faculty actively involved in TAG – so if anyone has any suggestions, please let us know! We’re hoping that our departmental meeting visits in early Spring 2011 will help us recruit more willing victims volunteers.  If not, we may have to cut back on our project list.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the projects we’re working on, somewhat in order of priority:

  1. Transition to Microsoft Live @ Edu email.  This transition will have two main impacts on faculty.  Firstly, faculty who currently use Thunderbird will need to adjust to a new interface (Outlook desktop client or web client).  Secondly, IR is still exploring ways to migrate faculty email both from the current RoyalMail server and especially from faculty local drives to Live @ Edu cloud storage.  TAG is figuring out the best ways for us to be involved in this transition – whether that means training faculty on the new interface, participating in discussions about migration strategies, etc.
  2. Classroom Mediation Survey. TAG is working with IR, Academic Affairs, and the CTLE to put together a survey that will determine what classroom technology is used in what classrooms, so that equipment budgets can be allocated more efficiently.
  3. User ID change. TAG’s role here will basically be to help get the word out to faculty so that no one will be surprised come March/April when they need to log in with their R number.
  4. Knowledge base. TAG hopes to provide here on our website lists of faculty who use certain classroom technologies (see, for example, our list of campus resources on Facebook and other social media) – so that if you’re interested in trying out a new technology tool in your classroom, you’ll know who on campus you can talk to about it.
  5. Faculty websites. TAG is working with PR to establish protocols for requesting and building faculty websites within the new CMS.  We’re on track to have two models to show other faculty, one built using a basic template and one built using an advanced template.
  6. Faculty scholarship database. Word has it that Academic Affairs is reviewing products for tracking and cataloging faculty publications. TAG hopes to provide faculty feedback on the products reviewed before a decision is made.
  7. Keeping the TAG website up to date. We hope that this website becomes (if it isn’t already) a useful resource for faculty.
  8. Evaluating and providing feedback on technology training for faculty.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in and willing to lend a hand on any of these projects, please let us know!

Last but not least, TAG’s next major step is to visit a department meeting in early Spring 2011 for each department on campus. We’re currently working on developing talking points for those visits. Keep an eye out for your TAG liaison at your next faculty meeting!


Meeting Notes 11/11/2010

11 11 2010

Another month, another TAG meeting.  We had a packed agenda today and did our best to at least touch on each issue.

New member:

  • Anne Marie Stamford, Assistant Provost for Operations, has joined the committee as a representative for the academic administration.  Anne Marie was invited to join after we realized she was dealing with some of the same questions as TAG (e.g., how to get feedback from faculty on technology issues). Welcome, Anne Marie!

Follow-up on survey results:

  • The results from our 2010 survey on faculty communication have been posted to the TAG site, both summarized and in full.
  • Jim, Jeremy, and Kristen drafted up responses to the “Top 9” major concerns from the survey comments.  TAG members have until Monday to make any edits/suggestions.
  • What’s the best way to distribute these “Top 9” responses to faculty?  On one hand, we want to get the information out quickly rather than holding it back – and some of the issues (i.e., requesting new computers) are time sensitive. On the other hand, we do want people to actually consider and respond to the “Top 9,” not just ignore them as tl;dr.  Our current plan is to post them (individually) to the TAG site, and then send out an all-faculty email with the first response on communication, and links to the next 8 responses.  If we don’t get a lot of feedback on the other 8 responses, we can also send out updates on the next 8 posts at regularly spaced intervals (e.g., 2x/week).  Jeremy and Kristen will coordinate this with Anne Marie.
  • Sending email to all faculty that includes links is somewhat of an issue. IR wants to make sure that people are very cautious about what links they click on, in light of the many recent phishing attacks.
  • Anne Marie suggested that some of the “Top 9” responses would be of interest to staff.  She will share them with the Data Technologies group.
  • More detailed statistical analysis of the survey results is on the way.


  • There are several reasons why faculty feel strongly about having paper copies of the catalog (e.g., ease of advising, being able to bookmark/make notes, concerns about monitor sharing…).  This seems to be a major issue mostly in CAS, where most faculty are advisors (unlike in PCPS and KSOM, which have professional advisors).
  • We posted a PDF of the catalog to the TAG site.  Anne Marie has 10 printed copies of the catalog in the Provost’s Office if anyone wants one, and she will look into printing enough copies of the catalog for all advisors next year.

Feedback from English Department

  • Teresa brought feedback from the English department on three main issues: the need for a print copy of the phone book/directory, recommendations for a WYSIWYG editor for HTML code (for the CMS), and difficulty with TSC customer service.
  • In general, TAG will respond to faculty feedback like this by 1) posting a summary of the question, with a response from TAG, to the TAG site and 2) emailing the faculty member directly with the response.
  • Kristen will coordinate with Teresa to get responses to these concerns posted to the TAG site.

Soliciting faculty feedback

  • There are several issues on which faculty feedback is needed, including the CMS (per Anne Marie), classroom mediation (per Jim), and faculty areas of technology interest/expertise.  What’s the best way for TAG to gather this information? Our communication survey was useful, but didn’t hit all faculty.
  • TAG will work on assigning liaisons from TAG to each department.  Liaisons could visit February department meetings to solicit feedback from entire departments.  They’d also be able to let faculty know that TAG exists and talk about how we can be a resource.
  • To assign TAG members to departments, Cathy will work on dividing PCPS departments between herself and Kevin, and Jeremy and Teresa will work on assigning CAS departments between them, Tim, and Kristen.  Neither SP or Sufian were in attendance, so we will ask them to choose KSOM departments.  Jim and Anne Marie will send Kristen specific questions on which they need faculty feedback.

Email and Calendaring change

  • Campus email will be moving to Microsoft Live@Edu.  To smooth this transition, TAG has offered to help IR communicate with faculty about the transition.
  • Since this is a big issue, we’ll have a meeting sometime after January specifically dedicated to the email issue.  By then, we should have some test accounts so TAG members can identify potential faculty concerns.
  • We discussed describing the change as a benefit rather than an annoyance – while faculty will have to learn a new interface, they’ll get a much larger quota and along with other new features. We also need to communicate to Google fans that, while Gmail was considered, IR did have valid reasons for choosing Microsoft.

TAG Policy

  • A few TAG members drafted a policy for codifying how TAG interacts with IR and facilitates faculty feedback into technology decisions.  We’d like the rest of the TAG members’ feedback on the draft policy, with an eventual goal of passing it up to the Faculty Senate Academic Support committee.   We’ll post the policy on the TAG site next week after all members have gotten to review it.
  • Cathy pointed out that the policy does not address all of TAG’s original goals – so we need to be clear that the document is not a mission statement for TAG but instead a single policy that defines one aspect of TAG’s goals.

Other points of discussion

  • We discussed the idea of visiting Dean’s Conferences in order to spread the word about TAG, but we agreed that checking in with the Faculty Senate would be best before approaching the Deans directly.
  • Cathy and Kristen will meet after Thanksgiving to start working on aggregating classroom technology resources for faculty.

TAG Meeting set for 11/11/2010

5 11 2010

TAG has a scheduled meeting coming up next Thursday, November 11, at 9am.  Here’s what’s on our agenda:

1) Update on action items from our last meeting

2) Discussion of feedback from the English department (regarding the phone directory, the CMS, and TSC customer service)

3) Email and calendaring transition – how do we spread the word to faculty?

4) New proposed policy for TAG

5) Classroom mediation – how do we get more feedback from faculty on what technology they need/want in their classrooms, before Thanksgiving?

As usual, we’ll be posting notes after the meeting. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Meeting Summary 8/19

19 08 2010

TAG met for the first time today and had a very productive meeting.  Our main questions for discussion were the following:

  • How do we set up lines of communication between the faculty and IR?
  • How do we communicate with and solicit feedback from the faculty as a whole?
  • How should we communicate within TAG?

And here’s what came up in discussion…

  • IT Services has been focusing on pushing announcements through the my.scranton portal (and then as secondary outlets, Bboard, mass emails to faculty).  Most committee members agreed that neither my.scranton portal nor Bboard were used frequently by faculty members.  We discussed the bureaucratic limitations on mass email to faculty.  One possible outlet for faculty communication could be a RoyalList specifically for discussion of tech issues.
  • We noted that there’s an age/ability divide among faculty on campus.  Some might still want paper notices, and only about major IT outages, while others want to know every detail and want that information through Facebook/Twitter/other social media.  How do we filter what’s relevant to faculty members and put it into terms they can understand?
  • IR often has to make decisions based on meeting the needs of the majority of campus users, sometimes at the cost of convenience to a minority of users (e.g., less support for Macs on campus since fewer people use Macs).  Often unified solutions that work campus-wide may not meet specific individual needs.
  • Compromises often have to be made, since resources are limited.  How do we explain these compromises to faculty? We can say “No” when we need to, but it should be phrased as “No, but here’s why not.”
  • Faculty often feel like they don’t have input in IR decisions.  Many times there is faculty representation on a product/project committee, but other faculty don’t know about it and feel their voice isn’t being heard.
  • Regarding the role of TAG – the group could serve as guinea pigs for testing out new classroom technologies.  We should also be keeping eyes/ears open for other faculty who are already doing this, and make sure we link to their presentations, notes, or syllabi to help other faculty learn from them.

And here’s what we decided on as next steps…

  • Set up RoyalLists for TAG-Members and TAG-Discussion, and invite any tech-interested faculty to join TAG-Discussion
  • Create a New Technologies tab on the TAG website to start sharing information about which faculty are using new technologies in the classroom
  • Invite 1st year faculty to join TAG-Discussion and give TAG feedback on the technology aspects of their transition
  • Survey FT and PT faculty on how they’d like to receive IT updates (and why)
  • Meet again after the survey results have been received and compiled