RoyalMail and My.Scranton Outage

11 11 2010

Heads up. An outage announcement from IR:

Royalmail and My.Scranton will be unavailable on Saturday, November 20th from 6:00am until 12:00pm. We will be physically moving the servers into the new computing enviroment.

Android mobile access to my.scranton

25 10 2010

I’ve heard from several students lately about not being able to access my.scranton from their Android phones.  When they try to log in, they get an error message that looks like this:

uPortal Error

Sorry, but uPortal encountered an error that is preventing it from rendering.  The error must be corrected by system administrators.  Try again later.

I asked Tim from Network Infrastructure about this, and he said that the problem isn’t the Android OS but Chrome — so if Android users download Firefox as their mobile browser instead, they should be able to get into my.scranton just fine.  Spread the word, Droid owners!

2010 Faculty Questionnaire – Results

28 09 2010

As you’ll all probably remember, a few weeks back TAG ran a survey of all University faculty, with a goal of figuring out the best way to communicate with faculty about their technology needs. We finally have gotten to sort through all the results, and we’ve put together a basic summary report (PDF).  More intense statistical analysis is on the way.

Some of our key results (see the report for more details):

  • We got 121 survey responses as of September 10 – which is about 30% of the faculty.
  • Communication about technology updates is regarded as either “very effective” or “somewhat effective” for 85% of our respondents.  Contrast that with ~30% who complained about communication problems, and we are left with the conclusion that communication exists, but is largely ineffective… perhaps people don’t even know when they’re being communicated with.
  • “Email to all faculty” floated widely to the top as the best method for communication with our respondents… we should feel more comfortable sending emails to all faculty.
  • Many people use the my.scranton portal as at least one way in which they access their University email, followed closely by Thunderbird.
  • There were many written comments reflecting specific problems with communication, technology, and customer service.  A full list of comments can be found in the report.  As a way to address these comments, TAG and IR will be writing up reactions to the “top 10” issues described by faculty survey respondents.

Thanks so much to all of the faculty who responded to the survey!  Let us know if you have reactions to the results, particularly the comments.

Downtime Scheduled Saturday 10/2

27 09 2010

This notice was up on the Portal today:

The following services will be unavailable from 6:00 am until noon on Saturday, October 2:

Banner, INB, Self-Service and Feline shares in both Test and Production environments. The myScranton portal will be running in minimal capacity, displaying links to the remaining available services after log in.

Campus Network Outage

24 08 2010

Some of the on-campus network seems to be down. is accessible, but royaldrive and are not.  This is affecting the authentication system as well, so logging on to the computers with your scranton ID my not be possible.  Access to off-campus websites is unaffected.  I have been told that the Help Desk is aware of this situation, but no further information is available at this time.  Anyone with additional info, please pass it along.

UPDATE 1:00PM : Everything seems to be back working.  royaldrive, e-mail, and my.scranton all seem to be accessible.