New Jersey State Parol Board

As I am entering my senior year at The University of Scranton, I am hoping to gather more information about what I want to do with my criminal justice degree and psychology and crime analysis minors. As I personally see it, internships are a good testing ground for people like me that are looking to explore different career paths with different industries. With my last internship and this current one, I look forward to being able to experience things firsthand. With my internship at The New Jersey State Parole Board this summer, I am looking to gain more experience and knowledge about the different parts of the criminal justice system. Following my internship with the New Jersey State Police in their Criminal Records and Compliance Unit last year, I am looking to explore the different careers that make up the criminal justice system as a whole. With entering my senior year, I am trying to figure out what my final destination career path is going to look like. I am hoping that these experiences will help me decide if I want to go to graduate school and get my masters in something more specific within the criminal justice realm, or if I want to go right into work as soon as I graduate from Scranton. I am specifically also seeking to gain practical experience, industry exposure, establishing networks within each department as well as developing my skills and intellectual abilities from these experiences.

Olivia Ciccimarra

6 Replies to “New Jersey State Parol Board”

  1. Hi Olivia,

    I totally agree with how you see internships. Internships are a fantastic tool to help narrow career interests and explore different options. This particular internship sounds extremely interesting and I’m sure you will learn many new things from it. It is fascinating how an internship can provide people with so many new skills, some of which you have mentioned here.
    I can’t wait to hear more about this internship, and if it alters your career path in a new direction.

  2. Hello, Olivia!

    Your internship sounds very interesting. It is great to hear that you are open to new experiences and are navigating all of your opportunities. Forensics and criminal justice are not my areas of expertise, but I do know how important they are to the structure and progression of society. You seem enthusiastic about this career path, and I believe you are going to do great.

    What are some of your responsibilities during this internship? What is it like to be in the environment of law enforcement? What majors are you considering if you do go for your master’s degree? I look forward to hearing more about your experience.

  3. Hi Olivia,

    I look forward to hearing about how your internship influences your future career choices. I am happy that this intern position will allow you to be exposed to new opportunities within the criminal justice system. Pursing a career in this field is very interesting and I hope you learn all that you hope to and more!

  4. Hi Olivia,

    I believe with a combination of this internship and your last internship; you will have so much knowledge of the criminal justice/crime field and it will help you explore many different career paths within this industry. I hope to do something very similar within the sports industry. This summer I am doing a sales internship with a sports team and next summer I hope to land an analytical internship. I think exploring many different areas in a field can be crucial in deciding what you really enjoy the best. Best of luck to you this summer!

  5. Hey Olivia!

    I believe the way that you are going about seeing your multiple internships to figure out what path you want to take is admirable. I always knew that I wanted to be a librarian but with other paths it was an internal argument why I shouldn’t pursue it. You really opened my eyes to see that one cannot put that internal argument to the side but must investigate it to see if it is a career. I hope the both of us do a lot of soul searching this summer and I’m so excited to hear what happens next!

  6. Hi Olivia,

    As someone else interning in the criminal justice field, I am super excited for you and your internship with the New Jersey State Patrol Board. I hope this internship allows you to find what you are looking for and help you make a decision for the future. Regardless, I am sure it will all work out for you and the practical experience you will gain in this field will certainly be valuable. I cannot wait to hear out it goes!

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