Lindsey Pelucacci, along with Maria Cleary, Lizzy Polishan, and Alex Wasalinko, are hosting a Roundtable Discussion at the International Convention of Sigma Tau Delta. Lindsey provided the following explanation:
“This roundtable will discuss two poems from Simon J. Ortiz’s From Sand Creek and, in light of these poems, attempt to “break down the borders” between Native American perspectives and Western thought, specifically in regards to both Platonic philosophy and feminism. Ortiz suggests that the colonizers’ takeover of Native Americans negatively affects both the conquered and the conquerors. Our team will compare this idea to Plato’s discussions of tyranny’s effect on the human soul. Ortiz also suggests that the colonizers of Sand Creek, who killed women and children, are afraid of “feminine” forces, such as emotion. We will discuss this in relation to western feminism’s responses to patriarchal ideology.”