Sigma Tau Delta held its annual convention on March 2-6, this year in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where three of our student members traveled to read their original work: Elizabeth Polishan, “Mythology and Maritime Archaeology: Molly as Calypso”, “The Other Side of Despair”; Peter Shaver, “‘Ode to a Nightingale ‘ and ‘A Darkling Thrush.’” and Cailin Potami, “‘My Dear Mother’: Female Bonding in All’s Well”, which won 1st place in a special category of essays on Shakespeare. Congratulations to all!
Our local Mu Omicron chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the Department of English & Theatre, the CAS Dean, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs together fully funded this important work. A BIG thank you to all.
Next year’s Convention is to be held in Louisville, KY on March 29 – April 1, 2017.