Author: Alyssa L. Charney
Indraloka Animal Sanctuary
As an Animal Care and Veterinary Medicine Intern at Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, I am excited to become more educated in the field of veterinary science while learning proper animal care skills. Throughout my internship, I hope to learn how to handle both small and large animals, perform physical examinations, treat and diagnose illnesses in various species of animals, prepare and administer vaccines, draw blood samples, learn important surgical techniques, and aid in the preparation and recovery periods of surgery. I will have the opportunity to become familiar with medical terminology and different types of medications and vaccinations. I also look forward to learning about animal health and nutrition, which includes sustaining a healthy environment for animals to thrive.
After graduation, I plan on attending veterinary school. My experiences and professional skills learned from the Animal Care and Veterinary Medicine Internship position will prepare me for my future career, allowing me to achieve my childhood ambition of becoming a mixed-practice veterinarian. At the sanctuary, I can learn how to care for a variety of animals including cows, pigs, horses, goats, sheep, chickens, alpacas, rabbits, cats, dogs, turkeys, geese, and more! I am beyond excited to share my love for animals with the community and team at Indraloka Animal Sanctuary, all while helping animals that are in need.
Cabre Capalongo
Reading Royals
Throughout my internship with the Reading Royals, I am eager to gain valuable knowledge and skills that will benefit my professional career moving forward. Working in the sports industry has been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid, and now that I get the opportunity to intern with a professional team. I am thrilled to learn what it’s like working in sports. During my time here with the Royals, I hope to get a feel for what the atmosphere is like around the offices and around the arena on a daily basis. Are the people that work here sports fanatics? Is the setting any different from a typical office job? Is this the type of environment I would want to work in for the rest of my life? These are all questions I believe I can get an answer to while working for the Royals this summer. Hopefully, this will help me determine if a lifelong commitment to the sports industry aligns with my career aspirations and passions.
Another goal of mine this summer is to determine if a sales job could be a good fit for me in the future. Within the past year, I’ve been told twice that I sound like I could be in sales. Once at the career fair this past spring, and again at an interview for an internship position with the University of Scranton athletic department. Sure enough, I was able to land this internship with the Reading Royals, as a ticket sales and sponsorship intern. Not only will I get a feel for what it’s like to work in sports as I mentioned earlier, but I will also get to learn and apply my skills of being a sales representative. The sales knowledge I gain from this internship will hopefully open more possibilities for my future and allow me to improve my overall people skills. I am excited about this opportunity and I believe the experience I gain from this internship will greatly contribute to my professional growth.
Benjamin Trexler
Northport Historical Society
I have known ever since I was a young girl carting books with me everywhere I went, that I wanted to work in a library. This past semester, Dr. Ganges gave a talk to English majors sharing her archival research experiences in Scotland. Her discussion made me think about pursuing a different career focus. This seemed like a similar niche about organizing information and having a real influence on how people access information, but different from the work of a librarian. My summer internship at the Northport Historical Society is a unique way to work on research skills that could lead to a future career either at a historical archive or special collection library. I am gaining skills that could be used in this area but working with local artifacts from the Northport (Long Island, New York) Community. Each artifact I process needs to be evaluated and cataloged. I have assessed photos, newspaper articles and other various historical items. By learning how to catalog these historical documents and artifacts, I am learning about how The Society also hosts various community events that will give me experience working and interacting with the members. This experience will broaden the opportunities of my career path to look at history more than just the bookshelves in a library. By having experience with special collections including historical documents my career path could be broadened to working in museums as an archivist.
Amelia Semple
The University of Scranton Biology Department
This summer I will be working in Dr. Jong-Hyun Son’s Neuroscience Research Lab at the University of Scranton. Neuroscience is not only the foundation of my major but also of my future career. I am excited to gain more knowledge of the intricate connections of the nervous system and how these connections shape our everyday lives. The study of the brain and its processes are so fascinating to me because there is always something new to learn and investigate. During this internship, I will be researching the effects of hypoxia-induced neurotoxicity on adult zebrafish. I desire to further understand how hypoxic conditions affect the swimming behavior and neural connections of the zebrafish. I am excited to advance my lab techniques, communication skills, and data analysis efficiency. I look forward to applying the scientific method to intellectual inquiries and relating my findings to prior and future experiences.
Currently, my responsibility is maintaining the zebrafish colonies, which includes cleaning their tanks and filters, balancing water pH, and providing them with proper nutrition. I will then use the zebrafish to complete novel tank diving and z-maze behavioral trials. Then, I will perform immunohistochemistry to evaluate the effects of hypoxia on the cellular and molecular level. This research is important because understanding the functioning of the nervous system brings the scientific community closer to developing better treatments and, potentially, cures for neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders. Participating in this internship will not only allow me to pursue my passion for research, but it will be a stepping stone in my career as a medical professional. I aspire to become a neurosurgeon, and as a neurosurgeon my goal is to take part in medical breakthroughs and advancements in order to change the lives of others. This internship is the catalyst in neuroscience research that will be carried into my career as a physician and diagnostician.
Olivia Manarchuck
New Jersey State Parol Board
As I am entering my senior year at The University of Scranton, I am hoping to gather more information about what I want to do with my criminal justice degree and psychology and crime analysis minors. As I personally see it, internships are a good testing ground for people like me that are looking to explore different career paths with different industries. With my last internship and this current one, I look forward to being able to experience things firsthand. With my internship at The New Jersey State Parole Board this summer, I am looking to gain more experience and knowledge about the different parts of the criminal justice system. Following my internship with the New Jersey State Police in their Criminal Records and Compliance Unit last year, I am looking to explore the different careers that make up the criminal justice system as a whole. With entering my senior year, I am trying to figure out what my final destination career path is going to look like. I am hoping that these experiences will help me decide if I want to go to graduate school and get my masters in something more specific within the criminal justice realm, or if I want to go right into work as soon as I graduate from Scranton. I am specifically also seeking to gain practical experience, industry exposure, establishing networks within each department as well as developing my skills and intellectual abilities from these experiences.
Olivia Ciccimarra
Friendship House
I plan to learn a plethora of new skills and get practical experience from working as a clinical research intern this summer at Friendship House in Scranton. Psychology is a broad major with countless paths, with students typically attending graduate school post-graduation in numerous disciplines. This internship will narrow my interest and guide my graduate school applications. The skills learned at this internship will be a fantastic asset in the future as I learn the components of clinical research trials. This will be a vital skill I can use when researching my projects and helping other professors as a research assistant.
This internship will also assist me in preparing for my University Honors Program research project. It will give me practical knowledge in the area of parent-child interaction therapy, and the skills learned will be put into practice as I develop a research project of my own. This internship will likely accelerate my honors program project, which will be fantastic in the long run. Thanks to this internship, I’ll be able to compose a more complex and detailed project because I understand the information.
I hope to learn many things from the clinicians I will be working with. I hope to ask good questions that’ll provoke thought and meaningful conversations. These experiences cannot be taught in the classroom, so it is a priceless experience.
Lastly, I plan to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity and I know I will thoroughly enjoy it. The Royal Experience has provided me with this extraordinary opportunity, and I am forever thankful for the Center for Career Development and the Psychology department for always supporting me and assisting me.
Jack Burke
An Enlightening Summer with the NJSPB
My internship with the NJSPB this summer was undeniably rewarding. Perhaps the most rewarding aspect was learning and experiencing more than I ever could in a classroom. While I highly value my education, my internship introduced me to a professional work environment, strengthened my hard and soft skills, and familiarized me with the inner workings of the criminal justice system. After all, these rewards are not typically feasible in a traditional academic setting. As a result, I am positive my experience this summer will give me a competitive edge in the future job market.
The most challenging aspect of my internship was maintaining my self-confidence. As the only intern in my unit (and the floor of the building), it was intimidating being the new face in the office. Most people have worked for the NJSPB for several years and know their colleagues well. Additionally, with no prior experience in the criminal justice field, a great deal of information was conveyed to me, all of which I did my best to absorb. Nevertheless, as the weeks passed, my confidence grew, and my knowledge expanded. I learned not to be afraid to speak up, ask questions, and share new ideas. Fortunately, I was guided and supported tremendously by my supervisor and colleagues. I am very grateful for such an enlightening summer, and I am excited to return to campus soon for my senior year!

Sydney Gero ’23
Criminal Justice
The Importance of Internships
Internships are a valuable asset to traditional college education. The most rewarding aspect of my internship thus far has been the opportunity to develop professional skills while also furthering my knowledge in the field through hands-on application. In many of my academic courses, I have learned about various IT tasks and concepts. However, I was not able to fully grasp the ideas presented in class until I was able to see them in action. I now have a clearer understanding of what Information Technology really involves and what skills are needed to be successful in the field. Developing connections and expanding my network has also been an extremely rewarding aspect of my internship. I have had the opportunity to meet accomplished individuals who have shared their experiences and given me advice to help advance my career.
The most challenging part has been overcoming the learning curve that comes with taking on a role in a brand-new environment. Initially, I felt unsure as to how I would apply my skillsets. The environment was unfamiliar, and I had surface-level knowledge of the concepts presented to me. However, as time went on, I began to find my niche within the workplace. I learned the value of asking questions and taking advantage of the resources available to me. I was encouraged to ask questions if I was unfamiliar with a concept and my mentors were happy to provide answers. Internships are learning experiences and interns are not expected to have all the answers. I am eager to continue learning and applying the knowledge I have learned down the road.
Simal Sami ’24
Information Technology
Good Grief
I have just sadly wrapped up my time at Good Grief on August 5th. It has been such a rewarding experience for me. The most rewarding part was definitely facilitating support groups because I was able to be hands on with families participating in the Nights of Support programs and see the struggles of each age group. This was also important to me because this opportunity helped me narrow down what age groups I gravitated towards. I really enjoyed working with the middle school and high school groups which is what I predicted.
I consider myself very lucky because during my time at Good Grief, I didn’t face many challenges as far as data collection, gathering supplies for summer camp, researching organizations for community outreach database, or any other administrative work. However, one thing that was challenging for me was learning to not self-disclose when I was with the middle school and high school participants. As the facilitator, I had to let the participants control the conversation and make sure they are the center of the group. This group is not for me to participate in, but I am simply a guide. However, self-disclosing when we are talking about lighter topics was tempting for me. For example, one participant said they were thinking about going to the University of Scranton after senior year. Of course, I was extremely tempted to let her know that I go to Scranton and express how much I love it. I knew that it could derail the conversation and others wouldn’t be included in the conversation. Learning to not self-disclose definitely got easier as time when on, and I am glad I learned to control when to self-disclose. This skill will be extremely important for me as a future counselor!

Nicole Gomber ’23
Counseling and Human Services