Business Process Improvement: Annual Report System

Over the past year, the Planning & Institutional Effectiveness and Information Technology units have been working together to develop a replacement technology for the longstanding electronic Annual Report System. Drawing from prior assessments of the system, and feedback gathered through a pilot phase this fall, the new SharePoint-based tool will enable users to more easily submit, share and archive information and documents related to planning and continuous improvement. In addition to ease of usage, the new system is designed to enhance transparency, accountability, and data-informed decision-making. The system will also streamline resource request processes.

More information, including training resources, will be shared with academic department chairs, administrative department heads, and others involved in the Annual Reporting process in the weeks ahead. The new system is set to launch in early April. Much gratitude goes to IT for collaborating in the development of this innovative new system.

With questions, please contact Kate Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning & Institutional Effectiveness at

Written by Kate Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning & Institutional Effectiveness at The University of Scranton

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