The M365 workgroup is gearing up to launch Yammer in November. Yammer is Microsoft’s unique social networking service designed to promote online engagement within organizations. The University of Scranton’s Yammer network will be available and accessible only to staff, faculty and students.
Bboard, the University bulletin board that currently resides in My.Scranton will be recreated in Yammer and rebranded as the Royal Marketplace. Other communities can be requested around initiatives, interests or departments. Requests can be made and additional information can be found at
The M365 workgroup was created last Spring and consists of Diane Kennedy, Phil Erb and Julie Brackeva-Phillips. Our goal is to implement M365 applications across campus and promote their adoption.
You can still join the M365 Champions team.
The M365 Champions team met for its official kick-off in August. Our Champions are faculty and staff that collaborate with IT to drive awareness, adoption, and education of M365 products on our campus. If you would like more information on this initiative, please visit