Contract Process for New IT Hardware, Software or Services

If your office is seeking to purchase new computer hardware, software or services, please consult the Division of Information Technology to confirm that these will be compatible to University computer systems.

Although the following steps have been established in regard to contract assistance, our hope is that you choose to partner with IT during the product evaluation stage.

Contract Process:

  1. Danielle Morse, IT Asset Management office, should be contacted during the vendor evaluation stage for any new IT software or services being considered by a department.  IT will provide the necessary security standards that need to be considered when selecting a product or vendor.
  2. Once a solution is selected, the contract must be reviewed within IT (minimum two weeks notice).
  3. Next, we will provide the contract for review to the Office of the General Counsel who will need a minimum of 30 days for review.
  4. If negotiations on contract language or terms are needed, an additional two weeks will be required.

For further information about this process, please contact Danielle Morse at or 570-941-7603.

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