IT Matters

Security Spotlight: “Are You Available” Gift Card Email Scam Targeting Faculty and Staff

Our Information Security Office has received several reports of email scams targeting University faculty and staff that involves the purchase of gift cards.

The email begins with subjects like “Follow up” or “Are you available?” and if the recipient replies, the attacker continues to portray a University leader explaining that they are in a meeting and can’t take calls. They urge the recipient to buy gift cards for them promising to reimburse them later.

The end goal is for the criminal to be sent gift cards on the “leader’s behalf” and email pictures of codes to them with the promise of later reimbursement.

**If you receive such an email, DO NOT RESPOND and forward the email to**.

If you received a similar email and you purchased gift cards, please contact the University Police for assistance and forward the original message to

Previous story related to this topic:
Office Tip: Forward an Email Message as an Attachment

Computer Budget Forms for FY19/20

Microcomputer budget forms for academic and administrative computer requests for FY19/20 will be emailed to department heads in February and will be due back to IT early March 2019. In light of limited budgetary resources, the evaluation and prioritization of these technology requests will focus on providing efficiencies in the administrative and academic areas.

As a reminder, each employee should have only one system. If your current computer equipment does not meet your needs in performing your job, please make sure to contact your supervisor before the forms are submitted. Full-time faculty are on an automatic four-year renewal cycle and do not need to be requested. IT staff members will meet with departments who have computer labs to determine what’s needed and are available to meet with all departments to assist in this process.

If you have any questions, please email

IT Assessment: MISO Survey Results

In collaboration with the Library, the Division of Information Technology asked the University community to provide feedback on its services. The survey was conducted last February through March, 2018. The survey was administered to undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff.

Measuring Information Service Outcomes (MISO) is a web-based quantitative survey that measures how faculty, students, and staff view library and computing services (IT) in higher education. The MISO Survey provides information on:
• the services and resources that are important to users
• how successfully services and resources are delivered
• the effectiveness of communications about services and resources
• users’ skill with software and databases
• additional skills that users want to develop and the preferred manner of acquiring them
• software and hardware tools used by faculty, students and staff
• benchmarks for delivery of library and computing services

The results of the survey were shared with the faculty Technology Advisory Committee, the Administrative Technology Advisory Committee, the Provost Council and the Student Senate.

In response to the feedback from the survey, IT will be focusing its effort on providing additional support and instruction regarding file storage solutions and backup management. We will also be focusing on providing our constituents with additional opportunities to familiarize themselves with online safety best practices and cybercrime prevention.

Review the survey results.

Business Process Improvement: Annual Report System

Over the past year, the Planning & Institutional Effectiveness and Information Technology units have been working together to develop a replacement technology for the longstanding electronic Annual Report System. Drawing from prior assessments of the system, and feedback gathered through a pilot phase this fall, the new SharePoint-based tool will enable users to more easily submit, share and archive information and documents related to planning and continuous improvement. In addition to ease of usage, the new system is designed to enhance transparency, accountability, and data-informed decision-making. The system will also streamline resource request processes.

More information, including training resources, will be shared with academic department chairs, administrative department heads, and others involved in the Annual Reporting process in the weeks ahead. The new system is set to launch in early April. Much gratitude goes to IT for collaborating in the development of this innovative new system.

With questions, please contact Kate Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning & Institutional Effectiveness at

Written by Kate Yerkes, Assistant Provost for Planning & Institutional Effectiveness at The University of Scranton

Scheduling Doors for On-Campus Events

The community was a large focal point while developing a plan for building access control during emergencies, and time was well-spent in reviewing each entrance and exit of every building on campus.  After ensuring that our campus residence buildings were properly equipped to be able to manage door access during an emergency on campus, we spent the better part of 2017 completing access control throughout academic and administrative buildings.  The goal was to meet convenience with security.

In completing the project, we were able to create an environment that allows the Royal Card system to control over 50 doors across 22 academic and administrative buildings. We utilize this same process for after hours and weekend events. In order to maintain control of all these doors for emergency events, it is pertinent that any time a door is required to be unlocked, it is done so using Royal IT Support.

How do I require that a door gets unlocked for an event?

If your event on campus requires doors to be unlocked in a campus building, it is important that the doors are properly scheduled to be unlocked, by submitting a request through Royal IT Support.

From the Royal IT Support homepage, you can submit your request by select Request a Service > Royal Card > Royal Card Door Schedule Change Request. Please be sure to include the building, doors, date(s), start time and end time of the event. To ensure the request is completed, submit this request at least 3 days before your event is scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact the Technology Support Center at 570-941-4357 or

Thank you for making the IT Fair a great success!

All of our resources are available at Here are a few of those:

Coming Soon to your Desktop

Security While you Sleep

While you’re home resting and refreshing, your office computer will be refreshing, too! This new strategy for updating office computers in the early morning hours will secure them from vulnerabilities like never before with minimal disruption to you. This includes KBOX updates, Windows quality and feature updates, anti-virus and anti-malware scans, Windows health checks and more!

VPN Client for Laptops

This new client provides the ability to access on-campus services from off-campus networks! This includes licensing services for software such as Matlab and Windows/MS Office activations as well as access to on-campus network drives. All new laptop deliveries will include this client while current laptop owners will receive it with KBOX updates as soon as February 2019.

Intersession Classroom Upgrades

At the end of the Fall semester, Academic and Media Services will be upgrading five classrooms in the Loyola Science Center.  The rooms included in the upgrade are 233, 333, 334, 433 and 437.  The rooms will be receiving a full-scale upgrade that will include removing the equipment from the closets and putting it in the podiums where possible.  All A/V components, including the projector(s), switcher, controllers and cabling will be replaced.  All rooms will get an updated program that will be more user friendly and intuitive than what is currently in place.  All upgrades will be completed by the start of the Spring semester.

The Technology Support Center is on Facebook and Twitter!

Subscribing to our social media entities is a great way to receive timely updates concerning our services. Likewise, follow us online for advice and tips to become a safer online citizen. Furthermore, get to know our best and brightest student consultants on our recurring “Consultant’s Corner” segment!

Do you have a question or incident to report to the Technology Support Center? Get social! In addition to the multiple methods you already use to reach the Technology Support Center, Twitter and Facebook provide rapid communication between TSC staff and the University community.

We invite you to follow us today at our respective social media websites listed below.

Twitter: @ScrantonTSC

Facebook: The University of Scranton’s Technology Support Center

Building Access During Campus Emergencies

The University’s ability to prepare for and mitigate an emergency always remains a priority. In the event of an emergency, University Police will activate the Emergency Notification System once it has been confirmed that there is any significant emergency or dangerous situation. Then we think, what next?

It was in October, 2015 when a shooting occurred at Umpqua Community College. The suspect went from one building to the next, as we watched those events unfold live on CNN. The reporter asked, how the suspect could continue to enter buildings, when surely Umpqua was in lockdown. Probably at a secondary school where there is typically a single building that would be easy. But we recognized on an open college campus, that’s not always so easily done, especially with so many buildings. Back then, facilities manually unlocked and locked all the doors. And in an emergency could we really expect staff to start manually locking doors, and how long might that take? Consequently, we recognized the importance of implementing some measures to prevent what happened at Umpqua.

So in 2017, University Police, Facilities and IT embarked on a project to be able to remotely control all doors through the Blackboard Transact system. Now with the click of a mouse, most exterior doors can be put into “Royal Card Access Only” or in an extreme situation, a total lockdown. Educating the University Community on how these systems work during an emergency is an ongoing effort.

On any evening or weekend, access to all buildings requires your Royal Card. Should something happen either on or off-campus, we may decide it would be safer to control who has access to our buildings. We can now control access immediately through Blackboard Transact by requiring everyone to use their Royal Card to enter a building. We’ve decided to call this state, “Royal Card Access Only”. This isn’t a lockdown. Typically, classes and all university business would continue as scheduled, unless we decide otherwise. It’s important to recognize that we could be in this controlled state, for hours or even days depending on the situation. Or depending on the incident or threat, we could direct everyone to take shelter by staying inside. If you found yourself outdoors, you would be directed to seek shelter in the nearest building, which would be communicated through our Emergency Notification System.

Depending on the situation we may decide we must go into a “Total Lockdown” where all exterior doors would be locked, and Royal Card access would not be available. Certainly, we’d prefer to give our community the ability to quickly enter a building, therefore this would have to be for an extreme situation where perhaps a suspect has compromised our security system and possess a Royal Card. The strategy is to keep those who are already in a building safe. If you were in a building and in a safe location, you would stay where you are. If you’re not in a building you should immediately leave the area and seek safe shelter off campus, and not return until an all clear is given.

University Police continue to offer our Emergency Response/Active Shooter training. We’ve now incorporated these access control procedures into that presentation. You can also go onto our webpage to learn more, or reach out directly us by calling 570-941-7888 or stopping by in the Parking Pavilion.

Written by Donald Bergmann, Chief of Police at The University of Scranton

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