IT Matters

IT Forum Recap: File Storage Solutions – Replacing RoyalDrive

RoyalDrive has been the University’s on-premise main file storage location for over 10 years. In order to provide our campus with the security and flexibility needed, it will be replaced with an on-premise and cloud storage (view the slides below for more information on the storage options, challenges and migration plan).

The project goal is to get everyone’s files off of RoyalDrive by the end of the calendar year:

  • Staff during the summer
  • Faculty during the Fall semester

IT Forum Recap: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The Division of Information Technology will be deploying MFA as a preventative security measure to our campus starting this summer.

MFA requires users to provide multiple factors of authentication/information to access an account:
• Factor 1 – Something you know. Example: MyScranton Password
• Factor 2 – Something you have. Example: Typically your mobile phone (Mobile App, SMS text message / Phone Call, Hardware tokens, and one time code.)

Next steps:

  • Purchase Duo by the end of May (MFA product)
  • Develop and refine policies
  • Phased release beginning during the Summer 2018


IT Forum Recap: IT Ticketing System

Footprints, the IT system that is currently used to log technical issues or requests will soon be replaced. This July we will the launching Royal IT Support, our new ticketing system that will provide our campus with improved communication around IT issues and requests.

Royal IT Support will allow you to:

  • Report an issue through a simplified form (on your behalf or on someone else’s)
  • Request support based on a specific service
  • Review your open and closed (completed) requests

User training will be available in July and August.

IT Forum Recap: Mobile App

The University will be launching a new mobile app this summer that will include additional features for students such as access to courses and grades, campus directories, faculty office hours and more! The app will be available in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store early June.

IT Forum Recap: Infrastructure Upgrades

The Division of Information Technology will be upgrading the following key infrastructure items over the summer:

  • Unified Computing System (UCS) Blade Servers – Target: mid-June to late July
  • Campus Datacenter Network Switches –Target: mid-June to mid-August
  • Campus Network Aggregation Switches – Target: late-June to mid-August
  • Pulse Secure VPN Service (aka Network Connect)

These major initiatives will require large amounts of infrastructure time to complete, but minimal downtime is anticipated to network and server resources.


Contract Process for New IT Hardware, Software or Services

If your office is seeking to purchase new computer hardware, software or services, please consult the Division of Information Technology to confirm that these will be compatible to University computer systems.

Although the following steps have been established in regard to contract assistance, our hope is that you choose to partner with IT during the product evaluation stage.

Contract Process:

  1. Danielle Morse, IT Asset Management office, should be contacted during the vendor evaluation stage for any new IT software or services being considered by a department.  IT will provide the necessary security standards that need to be considered when selecting a product or vendor.
  2. Once a solution is selected, the contract must be reviewed within IT (minimum two weeks notice).
  3. Next, we will provide the contract for review to the Office of the General Counsel who will need a minimum of 30 days for review.
  4. If negotiations on contract language or terms are needed, an additional two weeks will be required.

For further information about this process, please contact Danielle Morse at or 570-941-7603.

Office Tip: Forward an Email Message as an Attachment

If you wish to send a message to email administrators, it is recommended that you forward the message as an attachment so the headers are included as well as the body.

Outlook on the web:

  1. Log into Outlook on the web.
  2. Click New
  3. Click the pop-out icon, open separate window icon, located at the top right corner of the message window. This will open this message as its own window within your browser.
  4. Next, organize your browser windows so that you can view both your mail folder listing and the new message window.
  5. Drag the email, from your mail folder list, that you want to include in the message you are composing. It will be included as an attachment.
  6. Enter any other relative information and click Send button.

Note: The recipient(s) will receive this message which will include the message you dragged into it as an attachment

Outlook 2016/2013 for Windows:

  1. Open up a message by double clicking on it.
  2. Within Message tab, in the ‘Respond’ group, click on More to get a drop-down option of forwarding/sending as an attachment

Outlook 2016 for Mac:

  1. Click HOME tab.
  2. Select Message.
  3. Click the “Attachment” button from within the ribbon bar to forward the message as an attachment.

Student Advisor Profile: An Enhancement to the Student Experience

The Offices of the Registrar and Academic Services, and Information Technology are pleased to announce the release of the Student Advisor Profile.  This easy-to-use, modern Banner 9 Self-Service application facilitates personalized academic advice by presenting each student with a comprehensive view their academic information in a centralization location. Each student’s assigned advisor has a similar view of their advisee’s profile. In keeping with the Strategic Plan, it is the latest enhancement to the student experience.

The Student Advisor Profile consolidates a student’s curriculum, grade, registration, hold, gpa and pre-matriculation information.  It also allows advisors to record and release student advising notes.

Student Advisor Profile training sessions for students, advisors, department chairs, program directors, deans, administrators and staff occurred in the months of March and April.  User documentation and Panopto videos can be found in the portal under the Employee tab in the Office of the Registrar and Academic Services portlet.

Questions and comments about the product should be directed to Julie Ferguson, Registrar,

Free Campus Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday, April 21, 2018

Campus Electronics Recycling Event
Saturday, April 21, 2018
9:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M.
Location: Corner of Linden St. and Monroe Ave.

The Division of Information Technology is proud to offer employees and local residents the opportunity to responsibly recycle obsolete electronics from their homes. Please no business drop offs.

Electronic items accepted include:

  • Computers, Monitors (Flat Screen/CRT)
  • Computer Accessories (Keyboards/Mice)
  • Tablets (ipad, surface)
  • Modems/Routers
  • Printers/Scanners
  • DVD Players/VCR
  • Gaming Devices
  • Fax Machines
  • Televisions
  • Stereo Equipment
  • Answering Machines
  • Typewriters
  • Small Appliances (used on countertop)
    * Nothing with broken glass

Items NOT accepted include: Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Batteries, Lights or light bulbs, Refrigerators, Freezers, Fitness Equipment, Grills, Hazardous Waste, Household Garbage.

For more information, contact: Danielle Morse, IT Asset Manager 570-941-7603 or

IT Town Hall is scheduled for Tuesday, March 27

Please join the Division of Information Technology for a town hall meeting on Tuesday, March 27 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the LSC 133 Auditorium. This meeting is part of an ongoing effort to improve communications between IT and our campus community. We invite you to come with your ideas and questions (you may also submit these in advance on the registration form).

Bring your lunch, refreshments and desserts will be provided.

Register online

We hope you will consider joining us.


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