Earth Day 2012: Sunday, April 22nd
Earth Day is only about a week away! This list of U of S Earth Week events at https://foursquare.com/univofscranton/list/earth-week-events makes it easy to learn what environmentally themed activities are happening on campus starting with tomorrow’s annual Street Sweep.
Included in the list are Library activities like the opening reception for the Environmental Art Show, which will take place Monday at 7pm in the Heritage Room. As part of this year’s Foursquare Frenzy, there will be a special prize for the first students who check-in during the reception, and it’s not too late to submit artwork! Just bring in your submissions to the Library by Monday morning.
Want to learn more about how you can go green? Check out resources on sustainability in the Library Catalog or Research Guides.
You can also visit the Media Resources Center to watch one of the top sustainability themed films available at the Library:
- The Age of Stupid– DVD- feature film
- The Day After Tomorrow –DVD- feature film
- Eating Alaska– DVD- documentary/educational film
- King Corn-DVD- documentary/educational film
- An Inconvenient Truth –DVD- documentary/educational film
- No Impact Man-DVD- documentary/educational film
- Flow: For Love of Water-DVD – documentary/educational film
- Food, Inc. –DVD- documentary/educational film
- The 11th Hour– DVD- documentary/educational film
- The Great Warming -3 parts VHS- documentary/educational film
- Warnings from the Ice VHS- documentary/educational film