- Did you know that the WML building is the third location for the University’s campus library?
- Where was the first library on campus located?
- How many years was the library located in the Alumni Memorial building?
- How can students win fun prizes and giveaways?!?
Find out the answers to these questions and brush up on your knowledge of the library’s history by visiting the exhibit, “Card Catalogs, Computers, and Learning Commons.” As part of WML’s 20th Anniversary celebration the exhibit will be on display in the 5th floor Heritage Room throughout the fall semester.
Students are encouraged to test their knowledge of the library and win fun prizes with an exhibit trivia quiz, available in both print and mobile friendly versions on the 5th floor. Answer the short quiz using the exhibit captions as hints and place the quiz in the box provided on the 5th floor. All correct trivia winners (students only) will be entered into random drawings to win fun giveaways every week throughout the fall semester!