UPDATE: Important advisory on Holds

Please note that the issue listed below has been corrected.

We are working to correct an issue created from a recent upgrade where almost any item in the catalog maybe placed on hold. Please note that your holds will through, and notification of pick up will be sent, but please be advised that certain items that are not holdable will not be placed on hold.

Library software upgrade completed

The upgrade has successfully completed. Access to our catalog and any online resources linking out of the catalog are available. Please report any issues that you encounter.

Library software upgrade will cause outage

On August 14th starting at 9 am there will be an interruption of service due to an upgrade. During the upgrade our catalog and any online resources linking out of the catalog will not be available. Our databases will continue to be accessible. We will post when the system is back up and running.

Possible network interruption

On July 17th from 7 pm to 10 pm users may experience brief network interruptions. Information Technology is applying required updates to the SSL certificates to the campus wired and wireless networks.
If you experience any difficulties with your network or internet connectivity after this work is complete, please update your network settings while you are on campus. To do so, open a browser on your device, and go to http://cloudpath.scranton.edu/wireless/. Follow the onscreen directions.

Reilly Learning Commons to upgrade PC’s

The RLC will begin upgrading PC’s in afternoon of June 19th and complete the process the following afternoon on June 20th. This upgrade process will include a hardware upgrade and reconfiguration of the software.

Notice of library lab downtime

Notice of VDI upgrade


Over the next 24 hours, the VDI units in the library will undergo an upgrade.The process should not take more than one hour; during the upgrade, the VDI units will not be available for use.

Wednesday, May 22, from 4:30pm – 5:30pm,  2nd Floor VDI units will be unavailable.

Thursday, May 23, from 7am – 8am, 1st Floor Pro Deo Lab will be unavailable.

Thursday, May 23, from 8:30am until 9:30am, 1st Floor Reilly Learning Commons VDI units will unavailable.

Notice of downtime

On January 26, at 8AM, our catalog will not be available due to an upgrade. The outage is scheduled to last for an hour at which time all service will return to normal.