The library invites you to view the traveling exhibit “A Fine Romance: Jewish Songwriters, American Songs” on display in the Heritage Room until October 21st. “A Fine Romance” tells the story of the many Jewish composers, such as Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, and George Gershwin, who helped create the great American songbook from 1910-1965.
The best composers of this period combined a genius for melody, a talent for finding the perfect words, and an ability to connect with a wide audience. A large number of them were Jewish—from families that had immigrated to America in the 1800s or had fled persecution in Europe. “A Fine Romance” tells their story.
The exhibit was developed by Nextbook, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Jewish literature, culture, and ideas, and the American Library Association Public Programs Office. The national tour of the exhibit has been made possible by grants from the Charles H. Revson Foundation, the Righteous Persons Foundation, the David Berg Foundation, and an anonymous donor, with additional support from Tablet Magazine: A New Read on Jewish Life.

Two programs/receptions will be free and open to the public:
Thursday, September 22, 6 to 7:30 pm
The Swing Set, a New York-based trio, will perform selected favorites by songwriters in the exhibit
Heritage Room —Weinberg Memorial Library
Tuesday, October 11, 6 to 7:30 pm
Ricky Ritzel, internationally renowned raconteur and cabaret artist will tell tales of the songwriters from his perch at the keyboard
Heritage Room —Weinberg Memorial Library
To RSVP or for further information, please contact Michael Knies at 570-941-6341 or visit for details.