Bikes Ready to Borrow!

Bike Lackawanna is back! For the 2024 season the library has 3 bikes of different sizes to lend to anyone age 18 or over. Bikes may be borrowed whenever the library is open, and all bikes must be returned before the library closes that same day. There is no charge for borrowing bikes. Stop by the Library Services Desk and borrow a bike soon!


PAWC will be replacing the main water supply valve located outside of the library building, and there will be no water available in the building all day. While the water is out, bathrooms will be available in the McDade Performing Arts Building or in the DeNaples Building. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Additional Group Study Room Available

An additional Group Study Room on the 4th Floor (Rm.419) is now available for student use. Please note the guidelines posted. Good luck preparing for your exams!

Bike Lackawanna 2023 Ends Today

The 2023 Bike Lackawanna Season has ended today. We were happy to be participants in this green initiative again this year. Plan to join us again next April!

Maintenance on 2nd Floor Computers

Computers on the second floor of the library will not be available for use from 11a.m. until Noon today for scheduled maintenance.

Please use computers on the first floor during this time.

Additional Group Study Room Available

An additional Group Study Room on the 4th Floor (Rm.419) is now available for student use. Please note the guidelines posted. Good luck preparing for your exams!

Poem in Your Pocket Day 2023

You may know that April is National Poetry Month, but did you know that Thursday April 27 is “Poem in Your Pocket” Day? The Academy of American Poets encourages poetry lovers to celebrate by selecting a poem and sharing it with others throughout the day at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, and on social media using the hashtag #PocketPoem.

I am choosing to share here the poem “Sometimes” by Rae Crossman, which illustrates why I love poetry.


Sometimes by Rae Crossman

Rushing into our early morning bedroom

with her

under-the-pillow discovery.


My daughter’s

toothless grin.


Sometimes poetry is like that:

all tooth fairy

no incisors.



it’s wolf canines

and snap of bone.


Please consider sharing a poem you love or that inspires you with a friend on April 27, either directly or via social media.