Celebrate Open Education Week! Join the Affordable Learning Discussion 3/3





The Library invites University of Scranton Faculty to join us during Open Education Week on Wednesday, March 3rd, at 11:00 am on Zoom to discuss implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and affordable learning materials in the classroom. Affordable learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

Discussion will include an introduction to OER, how to locate OER and other open materials within the Library’s collection and online, and suggestions for how you can replace costly textbooks and other resources with OER and/or appropriately licensed library resources. Librarians will also answer questions about OER and the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants (formerly the Open Educational Resources Grants), available to full-time Faculty and accepting applications until April 16th.

Click here to register for the Zoom link.

Open Education at the Center and Margins of Social Justice

University faculty and staff are invited to a special meeting of the Clavius Seminar Open Revolution on Monday, February 22nd from 12:00–1:00pm that will feature a presentation by guest speaker Jasmine Roberts titled “Open Education at the Center and Margins of Social Justice.”

Open education is commonly known for the advocacy of OERs (open educational resources), consequently framing the discourse as a textbook issue. However, there is an increasing need to consider the intersections between social justice, inclusion, equity, and open education. Roberts’ talk will address the urgency of centering social justice approaches in open educational practices and the challenges of this process, and provide recommendations for attendees to apply to their context.

Jasmine Roberts is a lecturer in the School of Communication at the Ohio State University, where she teaches in the areas of public relations writing, digital activism and campaign strategy. Roberts’ advocacy work centers on the experiences of people of color, women and queer communities. Along with her communication expertise, Roberts is also a renowned open education leader. She has delivered numerous keynote presentations across the country on the topics of inclusion in open education. She is the author of the highly-rated, openly-licensed book “Writing for Strategic Communication Industries”.

Faculty and staff can register here: https://scranton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvc–orzIsHt1FfcwyvAEnFnB-LcbiO-Xt

This event is part of the 2020-2021 Clavius Seminar Open Revolution hosted by
Kelly Banyas, Research & Instruction Librarian
Marleen Cloutier, Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
Colleen Farry, Digital Services Librarian