Affordable Learning Implementation Grants – Application Deadline Extended to April 29th, 2022

The deadline to apply for an Affordable Learning Implementation Grant for Summer/Fall 2022 has been extended to April 29th, 2022.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by replacing expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

For our Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, full-time faculty may opt to use existing OER textbooks and open source software or may compile course materials from appropriately licensed e-books and journals that are open access or available through the Library to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

Please visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page for more information and reports from previous recipients.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide.

Looking for more Affordable Learning resources? You can simply search the catalog by typing in “Scranton Affordable Learning” into the Catalog search box on the library home page. Or select the new Open Access Search tab to search for Open Access and OER material through our new CloudSourceOA database.

For additional information about Affordable Learning and how to find resources that can be used as part of the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, materials presented at the March 9th discussion on implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and Affordable Learning materials in the classroom can be viewed on the Library’s OER Research Guide.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Welcome Class of 2025 to the Weinberg Memorial Library!

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to welcome the Class of 2025 to The University of Scranton!

Sign up for the Heritage Hunt, the interactive introduction to the library and its resources for first-year students!

Image link to welcome video








You can consult a University of Scranton Librarian during our service hours by calling 570-941-4000 or by using the Ask a Librarian chat box. Assistance is available 24/7 through the chat box, which is covered by librarians not affiliated with the University of Scranton outside service hours.

Research consultations can be scheduled by using the Ask a Librarian chat box or by contacting your library liaison directly by email.

To find resources, such as books, periodicals, and media, search our catalog from the Library’s home page. The Library’s large collection of e-books, e-journals, and streaming media are available 24/7. To access the Library’s online content, you must first authenticate through

The InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service is available for requesting articles not currently accessible at our library. For ILL questions/concerns, please email

The Weinberg Memorial Library has five floors and offers a variety of spaces to support your study and research needs including computer workstations, individual study space, group study rooms, quiet study areas, and the Heritage Room.

The library’s Pro Deo room, Reilly Learning Commons, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor remain accessible to students 24 hours a day when campus is open and include printing stations, group study rooms, and lab computers.

Circulation Services, located on the first floor, can help you check out and return print materials, laptops, and iPads. You can also pick up items on reserve, books placed on hold, and InterLibrary loan materials.

The Reilly Learning Commons (RLC), located on the first floor, is a collaborative space with access to high-powered computers, video and audio recording rooms, 3D Printing, and reservable group study rooms equipped with white boards and monitors.

The Library’s Research & Scholarly Services department, located on the second floor, can assist you with research, such as finding, evaluating, and citing information.

The Media Resources Collection (MRC), located on the third floor, provides media materials for instructional support and student learning. The EdLab collection, found within the Media Resources Collection, consists of children’s literature and K-12 textbooks.

University of Scranton Archives and Helen Gallagher McHugh Special Collections, located on the fourth floor, collects, preserves and provides access to rare materials of historical value on local and University history. Appointments are strongly recommended.

The Digital Services Department provides access to digital content related to University Archives and Special Collections. You can search our digital collections online at


The Library building will remain closed today, Tuesday, August 24, 2021, due to water damage. Essential maintenance workers will continue to work in the building to mitigate damage and restore air conditioning.

Royal Card Swipe Access has been turned off until tomorrow morning (Wednesday, August 25, 2021) when the Library hopes to reopen.

Library remote services and assistance will continue. For more information and assistance, please visit the Remote Library Services guide.

Celebrate Open Education Week! Join the Affordable Learning Discussion 3/3





The Library invites University of Scranton Faculty to join us during Open Education Week on Wednesday, March 3rd, at 11:00 am on Zoom to discuss implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and affordable learning materials in the classroom. Affordable learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

Discussion will include an introduction to OER, how to locate OER and other open materials within the Library’s collection and online, and suggestions for how you can replace costly textbooks and other resources with OER and/or appropriately licensed library resources. Librarians will also answer questions about OER and the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants (formerly the Open Educational Resources Grants), available to full-time Faculty and accepting applications until April 16th.

Click here to register for the Zoom link.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Fall 2021

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For our Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, formerly OER Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER textbooks and open source software that is available online or may compile course materials from appropriately licensed e-books and journals that are open access or available through the Library to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the OER Research Guide. The Library’s OER Committee will be hosting an informational session over Zoom about the grants and available resources on March 3rd from 11 am – noon if you are interested in learning more. Please register if you would like the Zoom meeting link.

The library will award up to two $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Fall 2021 courses. These grants are also made possible with additional funding from The University of Scranton’s Strategic Initiatives Funding.

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.

Affordable Learning Discussion 10/28

The Library invites University of Scranton Faculty to join the Library’s Open Educational Resources Committee on Wednesday, October 28th, at 11:00 am over Zoom to discuss implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and affordable learning materials in the classroom. Affordable learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

Discussion will include an introduction to OER, how to locate OER and other open materials within the Library’s collection and online, and suggestions for how you can replace costly textbooks and other resources with OER and/or appropriately licensed library resources. Librarians will also answer questions about OER and the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants (formerly the Open Educational Resources Grant), available to full-time Faculty and accepting applications until November 13th.

Please click here and register to receive the Zoom link.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring 2021

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For our Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, formerly OER Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER textbooks and open source software that is available online or may compile course materials from appropriately licensed e-books and journals that are open access or available through the Library to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the OER Research Guide. The Library’s OER Committee will be hosting an informational session over Zoom about the grants and available resources on October 28th from 11 am – noon if you are interested in learning more. Please email if you would like the Zoom meeting link.

The library will award up to two $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring 2021 courses. These grants are also made possible with additional funding from The University of Scranton’s Strategic Initiatives Funding.

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.