A Wave to 100

This week The Abington Journal included an article, “A Wave to 100” by Joan Mead-Matsui, that features Annette Barosi Kalwaytis of Special Collections/University Archives.

As sponsor chair of the Clarks Summit Centennial Celebration, Annette describes the sponsored pole flags that include the centennial’s logo and sponsors’ names.  The twenty-two flags will be displayed throughout the borough for the duration of the year and are available for sponsorship at the cost of $100 each.

For more information, visit the Clark’s Summit Centennial official website or view the complete article in The Abington Journal.

Think Spring – Think Schemel!

Northeastern Pennsylvania is expected to get 3-5 inches of snow tonight – but according to us, it’s not too early to be thinking Spring!

Our Schemel Forum spring semester schedule is about to be posted to our website, and the classes, lunches, and trips it includes will all be great ways to hold off the winter blues until May arrives.  Featured this year are:

For the full schedule and to register for programs, contact Kym Fetsko at 570-941-7816 or fetskok2@scranton.edu.

Schemel Forum Videos Posted

Did you miss some of this fall’s Schemel Forum World Affairs briefing luncheons? You can catch two more of them online, thanks to the University’s Public Relations office.

On October 22nd, Northeast Pennsylvania native Michael Greenberger, who served with the Clinton Administration, discussed new developments in U.S. terrorism enforcement.


And on October 27th, Goodwin Cooke, Professor Emeritus of International Studies at Syracuse University spoke about “China Today: What We Need to Know.”


There’s just one more luncheon scheduled for this fall – Suraya Pakzad, founder and executive director of the Voice of Women Organization, will speak on Monday, November 16 at 12pm. Be sure to contact Kym Fetsko at fetskok2@scranton.edu if you’d like to attend!

Fabric Recycling Drive

If you have any old and used fabric that you are looking to get rid of…

The Friends of the Poor is sponsoring a Recyclable Fabric Drive.

They are accepting old, used, torn, stained, and tattered fabric items, which include: Clothings, Shoes, Boots, Outerwear, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Towels, Curtains, Tablecloths, Bedspreads, Back-packs, Purses, Belts, Socks, Hates, Gloves, Stuffed animals, Area rugs, etc..

The Drop off location is at:

Our Lady of Peace Parking Lot

University Ave (Marywood U. Campus)

Scranton, PA

Come by on:

Thursday November 4, from 8am to 5pm

Friday, November 5, from 8am to 5pm

Satuday, November 6, from 8am to 5pm

Sunday, November 7, from Noon to 3pm

Health Care Reform Discussion

The Schemel Forum is collaborating with the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce to host a discussion of how health care reform will affect businesses.

This Health Care Reform Panel Discussion will be held on Monday, October 18 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the DeNaples Center on the campus of The University of Scranton. The discussion will feature nationally known speakers Douglas Hastings, Mark Lutes, and Adam Solander, who will look at the issue from four perspectives: the employer, the consumer, the medical professional and the underwriter.

Douglas Hastings is the Chair of the Board of Directors for Epstein Becker & Green P.C. and is a member of the firm’s Health Care and Life Sciences practice in Washington D.C. Mr. Hastings provides a wide range of health care organizations with legal guidance in responding to the challenges and opportunities in the rapidly changing U.S. health care system.

Mark Lutes is a senior member of EpsteinBeckerGreen’s health law practice. He counsels health insurers on reform and compliance issues, and a variety of health care businesses about reimbursement issues and regulatory trends. He has led multidisciplinary teams developing and implementing regulatory and public policy strategies for health care companies.

Adam Solander recently joined EpsteinBeckerGreen from the ERISA Industry Committee where he was Health Policy Counsel. He worked on behalf of Fortune 500 employers concerned with legislative and regulatory developments affecting their employees’ welfare benefit plans. He counseled employers on the impact of health reform legislation and emerging regulation.

The cost for the event is $10 for Chamber members and Schemel Forum members and $15 for all other attendees. A continental breakfast will be served.  Please RSVP to Karen Durkin by October 13 at 570-342-7711 or kdurkin@scrantonchamber.com, or visit the Secure Registration page of www.scrantonchamber.com.

PaLA Awards Nomination Deadline Quickly Approaching!!!

Come August 15th it’ll already be too late to nominate your favorite librarian for an award, so it’s best you do it now!

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2010


  • Distinguished Service Award: Highest award the associate gives. It may be awarded annually to one person in recognition of exceptional meritorious service to libraries of the Commonwealth.
  • Certificates of Merit: These are awarded to individuals making outstanding contributions during the last five years in Pennsylvania.
  • Elected Official Award: This award may be given annually to an elected official or officials for exemplary support of library service in Pennsylvania.
  • New Librarian Honors Award: Honors a librarian who has been in the profession fewer than six years. It recognizes the originality and inventive ability of a new librarian who devises new and improved methods in library service on a statewide or local level.
  • Trustee of the Year Award: Presented to a public library trustee in recognition of outstanding leadership and service to library development at the local, system, district, and/or state level.
  • Library Support Staff Recognition Award: This award is presented to a library that has consistently encouraged and supported participation in career development activities, particularly those of PaLA for the support staff in Pennsylvania libraries. Nominations should be in the form of a statement of the library’s activities. (A little clarification on this award: It is presented to a library not to a staff member. Does your library provide you with opportunities to develop your library skills through continuing education opportunities? Does your library allow you to attend PaLA conferences and Chapter Meetings as a Support Staff member? Does your library provide you with opportunities to take classes on library related activities or in areas which you can use on the job? Then tell us how that support helps you on your job and give a little recognition to your library.

Nominating is now easier than ever, thanks to the new online form.

2010 Award Nomination Form

Simply fill it out and click submit… It’s that easy!

Pennsylvania Library Association Award Nominations

The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) presents six different awards to librarians and library supporters throughout the state at the PaLA Annual Conference. This is your chance to recognize that new librarian on the block, your outstanding public library trustee, an elected official who has advocated for libraries in hard times, or any individual who has made an outstanding contribution to libraries in PA during the last five years. You can even honor a library that has consistently encouraged its support staff to participate in career development by nominating them for the Library Support Staff Recognition Award!

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2010

Download the 2010 Award Nomination Form


  • Distinguished Service Award: Highest award the associate gives. It may be awarded annually to one person in recognition of exceptional meritorious service to libraries of the Commonwealth.
  • Certificates of Merit: These are awarded to individuals making outstanding contributions during the last five years in Pennsylvania.
  • Elected Official Award: This award may be given annually to an elected official or officials for exemplary support of library service in Pennsylvania.
  • New Librarian Honors Award: Honors a librarian who has been in the profession fewer than six years. It recognizes the originality and inventive ability of a new librarian who devises new and improved methods in library service on a statewide or local level.
  • Trustee of the Year Award: Presented to a public library trustee in recognition of outstanding leadership and service to library development at the local, system, district, and/or state level.
  • Library Support Staff Recognition Award: This award is presented to a library that has consistently encouraged and supported participation in career development activities, particularly those of PaLA for the support staff in Pennsylvania libraries. Nominations should be in the form of a statement of the library’s activities. (A little clarification on this award: It is presented to a library not to a staff member. Does your library provide you with opportunities to develop your library skills through continuing education opportunities? Does your library allow you to attend PaLA conferences and Chapter Meetings as a Support Staff member? Does your library provide you with opportunities to take classes on library related activities or in areas which you can use on the job? Then tell us how that support helps you on your job and give a little recognition to your library.

Nominating is easy! All you have to do is:
1. Complete the PDF form found at

Download the 2010 Award Nomination Form

(or include the information on the form with your email or mailed submission)

2. Email it to Erin.Dorney@millersville.edu or snail mail it to Erin Dorney, Outreach Librarian, Millersville University Library, P.O. Box 1002, Millersville, PA 17551-0302.

Have questions? Contact 2010 Awards Chair Erin Dorney (erin.dorney@millersville.edu / 717-872-3617) at any time!

We hope you’ll consider submitting a nomination before the deadline of August 15th, 2010.

Book Sale 2010: The Preparations Begin

We’re T-minus 73 days to the kickoff of Book & Plant Sale 2010, and the Library staff is already busy getting ready for our biggest annual event.  Clear your calendar for April 24 and 25, since this year’s sale promises to be one of our best yet.

The Library has started collecting donations of used hardcover and paperback books, along with videos, CDs, records, and tag sale items.  If you’re doing some early spring cleaning and would like to donate, please drop off your contributions in the donation boxes at our Monroe Ave entrance.

Recruitment of this year’s class of volunteers has also begun. We’re looking for students, patrons, and friends of the Library to help us price, organize, and sell our books.  Give Barb E. a call at 570-941-4078 and let her know what times you’re available.

And in the meantime, feel free to start thinking about where you’ll start your browsing when the doors open. Cookbooks? Nonfiction? Barb’s famous “Special Treasures”? The fragrant flowering plants? Whichever section catches your eye, shop with a happy heart, knowing that your purchases benefit the Friends of the Library endowment fund and support the collections and services of the Weinberg Memorial Library.

Schemel Forum – Fall 2009

The Weinberg Memorial Library’s Schemel Forum has just released its Fall 2009 schedule, and as usual, there are several great opportunities for University and local community members to learn, think, share, and discuss.  This year, offerings include three evening courses, five luncheon seminars, and the second annual University for a Day.

One of the Forum’s highlights will be a lunch seminar on “U.S. Foreign Policy: Ten Months into the Obama Era,” presented by Scranton alum Harvey Sicherman of the Foreign Policy Research Institute(Side note: we couldn’t resist looking Dr. Sicherman up in the 1966 Windhover.  Not only was he a Dean’s List and Honors student, he also worked on the Aquinas and the Royals’ Historical Society’s semi-annual publication of Retrospect.)

We’re also looking forward to Atty. Morey Myers’ evening course on “Church & State or Church v. State?,” since his series last fall on the American Presidency was so engaging.

For more information or to register for Schemel Forum events, contact Kym Fetsko at 570-941-7816 or fetskok2 [at] scranton [dot] edu.

Book sale success!

The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library’s annual Book and Plant Sale, held over the weekend, was a big success!  The sale raised over $6,500 for the Friends of the Library, more than last year’s sale.  We enjoyed great weather and a constant stream of shoppers all weekend long.

Thanks so much to the Friends of the Library, all of our staff and faculty who helped out at the sale, and, of course, all of our book buyers for your support.

P.S. Check out more photos from the book sale on our Flickr page!