LibQual Prizewinners


Scott, Shawna, and Pete

In March, our University community was invited to give feedback to the Library by participating in our LibQUAL+ survey.  As a thank you to those who took the time to respond to our questions, we held a drawing for three prizes.  Our lucky winners were students Shawna, who took home a new digital camera, and Scott and Pete, who both won an 8GB flash drive.

We’ll be using the results of the survey to help us improve Library programs and better serve the University community.  Many thanks to Shawna, Pete, Scott, and all who participated!

P.S. Even if you didn’t get to fill out a LibQUAL+ survey, we still want to know what you think about the Library!  You can give us feedback by commenting on this blog, leaving us a message in our Suggestion Box, or posting on our Facebook wall.

Pro Deo Room Computers

Thanks to the students and faculty who have gave us feedback in the LibQual Survey. During Spring break, the Information Resources staff and Library Systems staff worked to improve computer performance in the Pro Deo Room. Staff worked on each computer work station and upgraded the network hubs on the 1st and 3rd floors to switches in order to improve network performance on those floors. We welcome your input. Please report any computer problems to the Circulation Desk on the Library’s 1st Floor.

Thank You.