We’d like to introduce the Weinberg’s newest faculty member: Sheli McHugh, our Cataloging/Metadata Librarian! Sheli joined us in June 2010, having previously served as the Scranton Public Library‘s Head Cataloger. Sheli has a B.A. from Penn State and earned her M.L.S. at Clarion University in 2005. She’s a native of Northeastern Pennsylvania and is an active member of the Pennsylvania Library Association.
The next time you visit the Library, stop by the cataloging room on the first floor and say hi! In the meantime, to help you get to know Sheli, we asked her a few questions:
What made you decide to be a librarian?
After I finished my undergrad degree, I was working full time for my parents. Lots of people had advice on what I should do for the rest of my life…then my high school principal’s wife suggested I look into library science. I did a little bit of research (I Googled it!) and the first thing I read was about the librarian at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and how they talk to major film directors and writers every day. Since my undergrad degree was in film studies, I was sold!
What do you like most about cataloging?
I like finding a place for things to fit in – like doing a crossword puzzle and figuring out what goes where for each clue.
What’s the strangest item you’ve ever cataloged?
I once cataloged a Gerry McNamara bobble head.
What are you reading now?
I just bought my copy of Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. I wish I was reading it RIGHT NOW! It’s taunting me from my purse! I’m also reading Wuthering Heights for a book club I belong to at Anthology…but I’m shelving that till I finish Mockingjay.
Where’s the best place to get coffee in NEPA?
My favorite coffee shop is Northern Light Espresso Bar on Spruce St. But, I also love Zummo’s and Mansour’s. I definitely go to NLEB the most, so I’ll go with that.
What else should the University community know about you?
I’m the co-chair for the Scranton Reads committee. We try and get everyone in the community to read the same book and talk about it each October. This is my second year as co-chair and I’ve been a member of the committee for several years.