New Magazine Display on the 2nd Floor

In addition to the library 2nd floor being open 24 hours a day, we have added a magazine display rack. This new display is located near the end of the periodicals stacks. It holds the most recent issues of 20 popular periodical titles, among them: Rolling Stone, the Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, and Sports Illustrated. If you are looking for one of these magazines, look in the new display rack instead of the plastic periodical box.


Like all periodicals, these magazines are for library use only and cannot be checked out. Here is a listing of the twenty titles featured on the magazine display:

Atlantic                                                                         Nation

America                                                                        National Geographic

Bloomberg Businessweek                                         New Yorker

Consumer Reports                                                     Popular Science

Discover                                                                       Prevention

Ebony                                                                           Psychology Today

Essence                                                                        Rolling Stone

Fortune                                                                        Science

Harper’s                                                                       Sports Illustrated

Health                                                                           Time

(A periodical is any publication that comes on a regular interval such as daily, weekly, monthly, annually.  A magazine is not scholarly, not peer reviewed.  It is intended for reading enjoyment.  A journal is scholarly and may be peer reviewed.)