Let’s run through a hypothetical scenario:
Its 9:30 Wednesday morning, you’ve been “awake” for a total of 10 minutes, you haven’t brushed your teeth, you haven’t eaten, and you are by no means ready to meet the world. You look over at your wall calendar and what do you see? –
Bring a copy of “The Devastated Nest: Crises of Identity in Wuthering Heights and Antigone” from Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature to class Wednesday (10 am).
Okay, you have approx. 30 minutes to get ready for the world, get to the library, ask a librarian how to find the article, wait in-line to print the article, print it, and then run to class.
Oh, and you are still in your pajamas.
Because we feel sorry for you and how taxing the life of the American College student can be, the Librarians have just made your life easier…
We are online ALL DAY LONG from 8 AM to 11:30 PM.
Same scenario, this time instead of running to the library, you send out an IM to UofSRefDesk, a librarian promptly responds to your question, directs you to the article, you print it at home, and you still have time to put on a decent pair of pants and make it to class early enough to suck up to your professor.
So what was that Screen name again?
AIM = UofSRefDesk
MSN = UofSRefDesk
Yahoo! = UofSRefDesk
Google Talk = UofSRefDesk
I suggest adding us to your buddy list now, that way when you really need us, you won’t have to waste that precious time looking for our screen name again.
Oh, and if you look to your immediate left you’ll see the IM a Librarian “widget.” This little window is a portal right to a University of Scranton Librarian, it acts exactly the same way as an IM window except it lives in your browser. No need to register, just type your text and send. We will respond right inside the same window. This widget IM Window is also available on the Ask-A-Librarian Page.
So, remember no matter which program you use to chat, add us to your buddy list!
Go ahead, just say hello. We won’t mind – we like the attention.