Poem in Your Pocket Day 2020

You may know that April is National Poetry Month, but did you know that Thursday April 30 is “Poem in Your Pocket” Day? The Academy of American Poets encourages poetry lovers to share a poem virtually this year.

  • Select a poem and share it on social media using the hashtag #pocketpoem.
  • Simultaneously participate in the Shelter in Poems initiative, and select a poem that brings you solace during this time of distance and solitude. Share what it means to you and use the hashtags #pocketpoem and #ShelterInPoems.

I am choosing to share here the poem “When I Rise Up” by Georgia Douglas Johnson

When I rise up above the earth,

And look down on the things that fetter me,

I beat my wings upon the air,

Or tranquil lie,

Surge after surge of potent strength

Like incense comes to me

When I rise up above the earth

And look down upon the things that fetter me.

Please consider sharing a poem you love or that inspires you with a friend today, either directly or via social media. Today I wish you all “surge after surge of potent strength”.