New TechCon Positions for Fall

The Library will be hiring new TechCons, student work study positions, to provide technical support to students within the new Reilly Learning Commons. The Learning Commons will open in August on the first floor of the Library.

TechCons (technology consultants) are highly skilled student workers who are technology savvy, self-driven, reliable, and able to work independently as well as in a team environment. They work approximately ten to twelve hours each week, with flexible scheduling, and gain valuable real-world experience and training.

The Learning Commons TechCons will:

  • Provide technical support/troubleshoot technology related problems for students and faculty in the Learning Commons in the use of:
  • Software:  Windows and Macintosh Operating Systems, Microsoft Office Applications, E-mail, Web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox), Panopto lecture capture software, LibCal room reservation, audio and video editing software on MACs and PCs (GarageBand, iMovie, etc.)
  • Hardware:  PC and Macintosh basics, printer basics, Scannx scanner
  • Network:  wireless network access
  • Systems:  MyScranton, LMS, Royal Drive
  • Work directly with faculty and students on a wide range of projects.
  • Research and Present emerging technologies
  • Are knowledgeable about web design and multimedia software

Apply Online and be sure to select Learning Commons when selecting the job that you are applying.

Lackawanna County Lecture Series with Douglas Preston

From our friends at The Lackawanna County Library System: We are pleased to invite you to the Lackawanna County Library Lecture Series with Douglas Preston on Friday, April 25th at 7PM in The Theater at Lackawanna College.

Douglas Preston is the author of techno-thriller and horror novels alone and in collaboration with co-author Lincoln Child. He is also the author of non-fiction books, and has been involved in real-life murder investigations in Italy, including the controversial Amanda Knox case.

Tickets are free with a library card from any library! Tickets available at any Lackawanna County library or visit

View the Flyer for more information: Preston Lecture


Game Night Tonight!


Come to the Library tonight for our bi-annual Game Night in the Heritage Room (5th floor) from 8-11pm! We’ll be playing Just Dance, Mario Kart, and Rock Band! We’ll also have our button maker out for some button fun! We’ll also have pizza, soda, and snacks available. Hope to see you all there!!

Touch-Table Update

You may have noticed that our mulit-touch Ideum Platform table has been out of order recently. We have been working on fixing the device, with no luck. Ideum is going to be sending us a new monitor that will hopefully solve the problem. We will let you know when it is back up and running! touch table

PaLA Northeast Chapter Holds Annual Social

nepala fall social 2013On Sunday the Northeast Chapter of the Pennsylvania Library Association held its annual Fall Social at the brand new North Pocono Public Library in Moscow, PA. The theme of the social was Maker Spaces and we heard from Jared and Ellis from Make Lehigh Valley. Maker Spaces or Hacker Spaces are places/organizations for people to join and make things, usually electronics and technology focused but may include anything from knitting to soldering. Jared explained how Make Lehigh Valley was formed and the projects they have been involved with, like teaching classes for kids at a local science center, building a 3D printer, experiments with Raspberry PI and Arduino workshops. After the presentation, Ellis taught chapter members how to build cellphone microscopes.

Other chapter members demoed maker-type projects they’ve been holding at their libraries. Elizabeth Davis from the Scranton Public Library demoed Makey Makey boards and robotic programing. Brian Fulton from the Scranton Times-Tribune displayed postcards he designed and printed. Sheli McHugh from the University of Scranton demoed button making with the button maker that the Library just purchased and used at the Game Night in October. The demos provided an opportunity for librarians to learn about new programs that they may want to offer at their libraries.

The social attendees then toured the beautiful new North Pocono Library and enjoyed snacks and goodies provided by the library and the chapter.

Pennsylvania Library Association Conference: Award and Presentations

The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) held its annual conference in Seven Springs, PA, October 20-23rd. University of Scranton Librarian, Bonnie Oldham, was honored with an award at the conference. Two other University of Scranton librarians attended this year; Digital Services Librarian, Kristen Yarmey, and Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, Sheli McHugh.

During the annual business meeting for PaLA, University of Scranton’s Information Literacy Coordinator, Bonnie Oldham was awarded a Certificate of Merit for her continued contribution to the Association. Oldham has served on the board of College and Research Division of PaLA as well as the Northeast Chapter. Congratulations, Bonnie Oldham!

Yarmey presented a conference session titled “Capture all the URLs: First Steps in Web Archiving” where she discussed her work implementing Archive-It at The University of Scranton and how other institutions can begin to plan their web archiving projects. Yarmey also presented on a panel with other Pennsylvania librarians to discuss programs that support and highlight PA Forward‘s Five Literacies, focusing on Civic and Social literacy.

McHugh presented a poster session discussing survey results that analyzed how cataloging librarians use Twitter as a Personal Learning Network to connect with other catalogers. The survey also examined if their Twitter use can lead to higher levels of Social Capital, or sense of belonging to ones community.


Comic Con Game Night


The Library will be hosting its biannual Game Night on October 24 at 8pm in the Heritage Room. This semester it will be Comic Con themed, wear your favorite costume and enter to win a prize! We will have Rock Band, Just Dance, Super Smash Brothers, and more! The student Game Club will be sharing some of their favorite games with us as well. We’ll have pizza, snacks, and soda too!

Trail Cleanup on National Public Lands Day

On Sautrday, September 28, the Library Green Team will be participating in National Public Lands Day by helping clean a portion of the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail. We’ll be meeting at the Elm St. Trailhead in South Scranton at 10am. Here is more info from the LHVA:

The Lackawanna Heritage Valley National and State Heritage Area (LHVA) will celebrate National Public Lands Day with a clean-up event on the Scranton section of the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail on Saturday, September 28, 2013. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. Volunteers are asked to gather at the Elm Street Trailhead by the South Side Shopping Center in South Scranton. Free parking is available. Map to Trailhead

The clean-up effort will focus on water-treating the new fence and cleaning along the trail as well as removing debris from the Lackawanna River. The public, including trail users, students, and service organization members, are invited to volunteer for the event. LHV will provide free gloves, garbage bags, tools, and water for all volunteers.

National Public Lands Day is the nation’s largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands in the United States. Lackawanna Heritage Valley applauds the National Public Lands Day’s mission to preserve and protect America’s natural heritage by participating in this annual day of caring for public lands. National Public Lands Day in the US began in 1994 with three sites and 700 volunteers. Lackawanna Heritage Valley has participated in the event for the past five years.

Library Changes for 2013

touch tableYou may notice a few physical changes on the first floor of the Library when you return this semester. The most noticeable changes are in the Pro Deo room by Java City. Through a considerable donation for the Library’s 20th Anniversary last year, we were able to purchase an Ideum Platform Multitouch Table. The Multitouch Table runs on Windows 8 and has several apps installed. You can view photos from the Library’s Flickr stream, look at images of Hurricane Sandy’s effects on the Jersey Shore, view the landscapes of the planets in our solar system, put a puzzle together, and more! We will be working on adding apps and customizing programs for the device throughout the year. If you have any suggestions for the Multitouch Table, please, let us know. We are excited to see how you use the table and all its capabilities.

Cafe tablesAnother big change in the Pro Deo room is the addition of six cafe tables in half of the room. This has allowed us to increase seating in the space and make it more inviting from the outside looking in. The Pro Deo room now has a more cafe-like vibe for group discussion and interactive learning. While it may feel more open,  there are an additional 10+ seats.

The computer work stations and study carrells have been relocated to the Reilly Learning Commons, aka the other 24 Hour Room, so the same amount of computers are still available 24 hours a day! There is also a floating white board in the Reilly room, additional couches,and two high top tables with stools.