Volunteers and Donations for the 2024 Weinberg Memorial Library’s Annual Book Sale

The University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library is accepting book, DVD, and CD donations for its annual book sale occurring on Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28. A special preview sale will be held on Friday, April 26 for current (2023-2024) Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library members, current Schemel Forum members, and current University of Scranton students.

The Weinberg Memorial Library is accepting hardcover and paperback books in good condition, such as fiction and non-fiction books, cookbooks, young adult books, and children’s books. The Library is also accepting unscratched DVDs and CDs. Donation appointments are needed. There will be a hiatus for accepting donations starting on Saturday, April 13 until the completion of the annual book sale on Sunday, April 28. Donations will be welcomed again following this pause. In addition, the Weinberg Memorial Library is welcoming volunteers to help with the book sale. Volunteer shifts for the book sale are flexible.

To schedule an appointment to donate books and/or DVDs and CDs, obtain clarification on accepted items, or to volunteer, please contact Melisa Gallo at melisa.gallo@scranton.edu or (570) 941-6195. To check the status of your Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library and Schemel Forum memberships, please contact Kym Fetsko at kym.fetsko@scranton.edu or (570) 941-7816.

Environmental Art Show – Call for Art – Deadline for Submissions EXTENDED to Thursday, April 4th

The Weinberg Memorial Library is seeking submissions for our annual exhibit of Environmental Art.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to Thursday April 4th. All physical works of art can be dropped off at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of the Library. All artwork is returned after the art show ends.

In addition to the physical exhibit, we are offering the option to exhibit virtually. The virtual exhibit will debut during Earth Week on April 15, 2024. If you are submitting digital artwork, you can submit your artwork at the following link:


The art show theme for 2024 is Creating Connections. Artists are encouraged  to develop artwork around this year’s theme, sharing their connection with nature or a sustainable practice.Submissions are open to all and we encourage submissions by University of Scranton students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

Environmental Art promotes the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, video and more.

The art show will be held in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room on the 5th floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library April 15-24, 2024. The exhibit opening event, An Artist Talk with Theresa O’Connor, will be held on April 15th at 5pm. More details to follow.

You can view our 2023 virtual exhibit and photos of some of our previous in-person exhibits at:


If you would like to submit but have questions or need assistance with your submission, please contact Marleen Cloutier at marleen.cloutier@scranton.edu.

Environmental Art Show – Call for Art – Deadline for Submissions March 28th

The Weinberg Memorial Library is seeking submissions for our annual exhibit of Environmental Art.

The art show theme for 2024 is Creating Connections. Artists are encouraged  to develop artwork around this year’s theme, sharing their connection with nature or a sustainable practice.Submissions are open to all and we encourage submissions by University of Scranton students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

Environmental Art promotes the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, video and more.

The deadline for submissions is set for Wednesday, March 28th, 2024. All physical works of art can be dropped off at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of the Library. All artwork is returned after the art show ends.

The art show will be held in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room on the 5th floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library April 15-24, 2024. The exhibit opening event, An Artist Talk with Theresa O’Connor, will be held on April 15th at 5pm. More details to follow.

In addition to the physical exhibit, we are offering the option to exhibit virtually. The virtual exhibit will debut during Earth Week on April 15, 2024. If you are submitting digital artwork, you can submit your artwork at the following link:


You can view our 2023 virtual exhibit and photos of some of our previous in-person exhibits at:


If you would like to submit but have questions or need assistance with your submission, please contact Marleen Cloutier at marleen.cloutier@scranton.edu.

Lightning Talks: Open Educational Resources

The Weinberg Memorial Library invites University Faculty to “Lightning Talks: Open Educational Resources” on February 27th at noon in our Heritage Room. The Affordable Learning Committee is excited to welcome faculty members: Colleen Farry, Art History, Mike Fennie, Chemistry, Jason Graham, Mathematics, and Adam Pratt, History to discuss the use of OER in their courses.

For more information on OER on campus and how to apply for the Library’s Affordable Learning Implementation Grant, visit the link below.


Environmental Art Show – Call For Art – 2024

The Weinberg Memorial Library is seeking submissions for our annual exhibit of Environmental Art.

The art show theme for 2024 is Creating Connections. Artists are encouraged  to develop artwork around this year’s theme, sharing their connection with nature or a sustainable practice.Submissions are open to all and we encourage submissions by University of Scranton students, staff, faculty, and alumni.

Environmental Art promotes the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, video and more.

The deadline for submissions is set for Wednesday, March 28th, 2024. All physical works of art can be dropped off at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of the Library. All artwork is returned after the art show ends.

The art show will be held in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room on the 5th floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library April 15-24, 2024. The exhibit opening event, An Artist Talk with Theresa O’Connor, will be held on April 15th at 5pm. More details to follow.

In addition to the physical exhibit, we are offering the option to exhibit virtually. The virtual exhibit will debut during Earth Week on April 15, 2024. If you are submitting digital artwork, you can submit your artwork at the following link:


You can view our 2023 virtual exhibit and photos of some of our previous in-person exhibits at:


If you would like to submit but have questions or need assistance with your submission, please contact Marleen Cloutier at marleen.cloutier@scranton.edu.

Welcome Class of 2027 to the Weinberg Memorial Library

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to welcome the Class of 2027 to The University of Scranton!

Sign up for the Heritage Hunt, the interactive introduction to the Library and its resources for first-year students!

Watch our welcome video to learn more about the Weinberg Memorial Library.

To consult with a University of Scranton Librarian during our service hours, you can ask for research assistance at the first floor Library Services Desk, call 570-941-4000, or use the Ask a Librarian chat boxes on our website. Assistance is available 24/7 through the chat box, which is covered by librarians not affiliated with the University of Scranton outside service hours.

The Library’s Research & Scholarly Services department, located on the second floor, can assist you with research, such as finding, evaluating, and citing information. Look for the purple “Research Librarian on call” signs to locate a librarian available for drop-in research assistance. Research consultations can be scheduled by using the Ask a Librarian chat box or by contacting your subject liaison librarian directly by email.

To find resources, such as books, periodicals, and media, use Royal Search located on the Library’s home page. The Library’s large collection of e-books, e-journals, and streaming media are available 24/7. To access the Library’s online content, you must first authenticate through my.scranton.edu.

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available for requesting articles not currently accessible at our library. For ILL questions/concerns, please email interlibrary-loan@scranton.edu.

Circulation Services, located at the first floor Library Services Desk, can help you borrow and return print materials, laptops, and iPads. You can also pick up items on reserve, books placed on hold, and Interlibrary loan materials. In the lobby area in front of the Library Services Desk you will find New Books recently added to our collection, our Recreational Reading Collection which offers a variety of new and popular fiction and nonfiction, our new Graphic Novels collection, and our Featured Media Collection that contains recently acquired and popular DVDs.

The Weinberg Memorial Library has five floors and offers a variety of spaces to support your study and research needs including computer workstations, individual study space, group study rooms, quiet study areas, and the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room.

The Library’s Pro Deo Room, Reilly Learning Commons, 2nd floor, and 3rd floor remain accessible to students 24 hours a day when campus is open and include printing stations, group study rooms, and lab computers.

The Reilly Learning Commons (RLC), located on the first floor, is a collaborative space with access to high-powered computers, video and audio recording rooms, and reservable group study rooms equipped with white boards and monitors.

The Media Resources Collection (MRC), located on the third floor, provides media materials for instructional support and student learning. Students can borrow films on DVD or Blu-ray, music on CDs or LP records, and audiobooks. The EdLab collection, found within the Media Resources Collection, consists of children’s literature and K-12 textbooks.

University of Scranton Archives and McHugh Family Special Collections, located on the fourth floor, collects, preserves, and provides access to historical materials including medieval manuscripts, rare books, American penmanship and local and University history. Appointments are recommended.

The Digital Services Department provides access to digital content related to University Archives and Special Collections. You can search our digital collections online at https://digitalservices.scranton.edu/.

Winners of the 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Announced

The Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize

Abigail Christine Gillen is the winner of the 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Undergraduate Upper-level category, which is awarded to the winning project completed in a 200- to 400-level course.

Research Prize Winner Abigail Gillen holding framed certificate.
Abigail Christine Gillen, 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Winner in the Undergraduate Upper-level Category

Abigail is a second-year Occupational Therapy major who submitted to the competition her paper titled “Effectiveness of Yoga on Symptom Management for Persons Living with Breast Cancer,” completed in the course OT 250: Scientific Writing and Information Literacy in OT, taught by Dr. Lisa Kozden. Abigail’s project was a literature review on a topic which changed through the course of her research process. In her description of research, she shares she discovered “a new world of research that I was unaware existed because of my accidental findings” which set her down a “new path” for her project, choosing to focus her research on the management of specific breast cancer symptoms including yoga as an intervention.

Abigail used a variety of Library resources, services, and techniques, including the databases CINAHL and ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, and attended an information literacy instruction class with a faculty librarian. The judges were especially struck by the high number of sources Abigail found, consulted, and integrated into this 200-level literature review assignment: her APA references list contains 55 sources. 

The judges also observed Abigail’s personal learning and understanding of the research process and how it connects to Ignatian values; on this, Abigail says, “Magis: a restless desire for excellence. This Ignatian value was constantly on my back […] if I can really help people or at least develop a better understanding of my research in my own space and eventually help clients in the future then I couldn’t just complete this paper to check something off my to-do list.” She goes on to argue for the necessity of research in her field: “Research is necessary, especially in occupational therapy” [because we have to] “prove to people that we make a difference” and also “prove that our interventions work, that we, as a profession are truly making a difference in our communities.”

Sponsoring faculty Dr. Lisa Kozden says of working with Abigail, “Abby showcases her hard work and dedication to the scientific writing process in this assignment. She actively participates in class and demonstrates a sincere interest in learning about the research process. It is my absolute pleasure to work with Abby. This award is well deserved.”

Honorable Mention awards in the Undergraduate Upper-level category were presented to Elizabeth D. Behling, a third-year student in the Occupational Therapy program, for her paper titled “The Effect of Movement Therapy on Symptom Severity in Adults with Parkinson’s Disease: An Evidence Review,” completed in the course OT 350: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods for Dr. Ann Romanosky; and to Jessica Tsu, also a third-year student in the Occupational Therapy program, for her paper titled “Efficacy of Functional Electrical Stimulation Versus Virtual Reality in Improving Upper Extremity Function in Patients with Stroke: An Evidence Review,” completed in the course OT 350: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods for Dr. Deborah Budash.

E Kerr and Ashley Dugasz are the winners of the 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Graduate category.

Research Prize Winners Ashley Dugasz and E Kerr holding framed certificates.
(Left to Right) Ashley Dugasz and E Kerr, 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Winners in the Graduate Category

E and Ashley, graduate students in the five-year Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program, submitted to the competition their project titled “Occupational Therapy, Medicine, and Queer Identity,” completed in the course OT 501: Leadership in OT for Dr. Marlene Morgan. Their project was a historical literature review requiring they find sources on their topic from each decade dating back to 1910. Their research “yielded a timeline of sorts, in that it mapped out the prevalence, classification, and opinions held by society, with regards to gender and sexuality,” as they share in their description of research

But there were challenges they faced in pursuing research on this topic. They go on to share: “Up until very recently, even with progress towards equity and diversity in the late 90s/early 2000s, information was hard to come by regarding queer identity, except for articles that focused on queer identity as an ailment, or as a condition that needed to have a specific “cause”.” There were also challenges in executing the search process for sources; they explain, “We had to adjust some of the terminology throughout our searches, since different time periods used and referred to what we now know as “queer identity” in different ways (such as an illness, mental health condition, etc.).”

E and Ashley’s persistence through these challenges was not only academic but personal: through this research project, they “wanted to trace the history of our shared queer identity, specifically with regards to our future profession, so we could gather a better understanding of how we got where we are today, and where, potentially, we still need to go.” In this way their research and reflection on it is both brave and forward-looking, making connections to future applications of their personal learning through the research process.

Given these challenges, they were able to find, read, and synthesize 49 sources on their topic of “queer identity and presence within the medical realm” dating from the 1910s through the present. To do this they used resources such as the CINAHL, JSTOR, and EBSCOhost library databases, advanced search techniques such as citation chasing which they learned in an information literacy instruction class with a faculty librarian, and new-to-them technology in the form of microfilm and the readers needed to read and access it.

In all this, E and Ashley understood their research as supported and connected to Ignatian values. In particular, the “restless desire for excellence” characterized by the magis can be seen in their persistence through search challenges related to their topic and the dearth of ready historical information about it. And cura personalis for them is evident both in their personal connection to the topic and in their connection to using what they learned in the future “as occupational therapists who focus on working with the whole person.”

Sponsoring faculty Dr. Marlene Morgan comments on E and Ashley’s project, “This is the first time that queer identity has been the focus of a historical analysis” and that the “researchers did a remarkable job locating primary resources on this topic from the early years to the present. They identified medical journals, life stories, legislation, and reports of social perspectives.” Dr. Morgan also highlights the impact of the project when she says, “The need for occupational therapy practitioners to value cultural diversity and practice cultural humility are evident in this project.”

Honorable Mention awards in the Graduate category were presented to Doctor of Physical Therapy students Kerri Breznak, Hannah Woodeshick, Jessica Book, and Karllo Pozo, for the project, “Virtual Reality for Gait and Balance in Adults with Unilateral Amputation: A Systematic Review,” completed in PT 773: Scientific Inquiry III in PT for Dr. Renée Hakim; and to Kameron Matthews, Taylor Baloga, Matthew Schreck, and Carli Tetla, students also in the Doctor of Physical therapy Program, for the project, “Impact of Service on Social Responsibility and Cultural Competency in DPT Students: A Systematic Review,” completed in PT 773: Scientific Inquiry III in PT for Dr. Dana Maida.

Allison Magee is the winner of the 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Undergraduate Foundational category, which is awarded to the winning project completed in a 100-level course.

Research Prize Winner Allison Magee holding framed certificate.
Allison Magee, 2023 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Winner in the Undergraduate Foundational Category

Allison is a first-year mathematical sciences major on the actuarial science track who submitted to the competition her paper titled “Genetics in Life Insurance,” completed in Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera’s WRTG 107: Composition course. Tasked with researching an argumentative contemporary issue related to her major, Allison chose the topic of genetics in life insurance, using Library resources that included the databases Academic Search Elite (EBSCO) and ProQuest Central, attending an information literacy instruction class with a faculty librarian, and taking advantage of the Library’s InterLibrary Loan service to “expand [her] knowledge of the subject of life insurance,” as she shares in her description of research

From the information literacy class Allison applied advanced search techniques including “Boolean operators in database search fields paired with filters for academic journals,” noting that academic journal keywords “were a great tool to expand [her] searches within the databases.” She found a balance of academic and popular sources for her project, and by doing so exceeded the minimum source requirement, an example of the restless desire for excellence characterized by the magis. Allison comments on this in her description of research when she shares, “Something I have learned about the research process is that it can be draining at times. The perfect source is not going to appear out of thin air and it can take some time.” She goes on to say, “While all the library’s tools and resources make research easier, I realized the best skill for researching is patience, a love of learning, and a passion for your research topic.” 

In her description of research she also reports that at the start of the project she was going to argue against the use of genetic information in life insurance underwriting but through her research she changed her position in favor of its use in life insurance because doing so keeps life insurance affordable for all, an example of cura personalis applied to research.

Sponsoring faculty Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera comments on the Ignatian learning evident in Allison’s project and shares, “Allison fully embraced her own agency on this assignment. She came up with a challenging research topic . . . which seemed beyond the scope of a 100-level foundational writing course and a topic which may have been better suited for a 300- or 400-level course. . . . During the process of tackling the argument-research assignment . . . it became clear Allison is a person who demonstrates Magis through exceptional commitment to excellence, and persistence through challenges.”

Honorable Mention awards in the Undergraduate Foundational category were presented to first-year Accounting major Gabriella Greene, for the project, “What Is Odinism? How Has It Developed Over Time?” completed in COMM 121X: Mythology in the Media for Dr. Howard Fisher; and to first-year Computer Engineering major James William O’Malley IV, for the project, “Batteries: Sustainable or Unsustainable?” completed in WRTG 107: Composition for Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera.

Currently celebrating its 12th year, the Weinberg Memorial Library inaugurated the Library Research Prize in 2011 to recognize excellence in research projects that show evidence of significant knowledge of the methods of research and the information gathering process, and use of library resources, tools, and services. In 2017, the prize was named for Professor Emerita Bonnie W. Oldham, who founded the prize at the University in 2011. The Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize was fully endowed in 2019 and consists of a prize of $500 awarded to winning projects in each of the three categories: Undergraduate Foundational (100-level projects), Undergraduate Upper-level (200- to 400-level projects), and Graduate.

Prize winners were honored at an Awards Ceremony & Reception on Thursday, May 11, 2023 in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library.

Information about the Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize can be found on the website: http://www.scranton.edu/libraryresearchprize

Congratulations to all of our honorees!


2023 Weinberg Memorial Library Book Sale


Join us at the Weinberg Memorial Library’s book sale this weekend! The University of Scranton’s Weinberg Memorial Library will hold its annual book sale on Saturday, April 29th from 9:00AM to 8:00PM and Sunday, April 30th from 12:00PM to 4:00PM. A special preview sale will be held on Friday, April 28th for current University of Scranton students and current (2022-2023) Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library members and Schemel Forum members. Interested in becoming a member of the Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library? Information for membership can be found at Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library. To check the status of your Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library and Schemel Forum memberships, please contact Kym Fetsko at kym.fetsko@scranton.edu or (570) 941-7816.

The book sale will have a vast array of hardcover and paperback books including non-fiction books, fiction books, cookbooks, young adult books, and children’s books. In addition, the book sale will have a variety of DVDs and CDs.

Any questions about the book sale? Please reach out to Melisa Gallo at melisa.gallo@scranton.edu or (570) 941-6195.

We look forward to seeing you at the Weinberg Memorial Library’s annual book sale!

2023 Environmental Art Show is now open!

The 2023 Environmental Art Show:  Welcome to my World is now open!

Stop by or view it online!

Exhibits can be viewed in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library from April 14-25, 2023.

You can view the virtual exhibit at:


Environmental Art promotes the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, and more.

On Friday April 14th, in conjunction with the opening of the Environmental Art Show, Artist Stéphanie Williams, a designer, beekeeper, and educator, will be leading an interactive presentation at 4:30 pm in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room. 


Stéphanie works in mixed mediums, incorporating nature, people, creatures, environments, sounds, and energies that we share into her art. She will discuss the relationship of bees to her art, her experiences as a beekeeper, and will address some of the environmental challenges facing bees and the American beekeeping community today. There will also be an opportunity to participate in a public art piece at the event.

Can’t make the 4:30pm event but still want to participate in the public art piece – Stéphanie will be out in front of the Library today, April 14th, between 10-11am and 12-1pm. We invite you to join us, meet Stéphanie and help to contribute to Stéphanie’s work.

All guests must follow the University of Scranton Health and Safety Protocols. If you have questions about this event, please contact Marleen Cloutier at marleen.cloutier@scranton.edu

Volunteers Needed–Trail Cleanup!

We’ll be hosting a trail clean up for Earth Week at the Lackawanna Heritage Trail at the Broadway St. Trailhead, next to the Quinn Athletic Fields. The cleanup will take place on Sunday, April 23 at 10am. We will pick up garbage, paint information kiosks, possibly plant trees and remove invasive weeds. Supplies will be provided by the Lackawanna Heritage Valley.

If you have any questions email, sheli.pratt-mchugh@scranton.edu. Friends and family are welcome too! Join us to celebrate Earth Week!