Fall Hours

The Scranton Riverwalk
(photo by Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority)

It’s been a lovely summer here at the Weinberg Memorial Library, but we’re all excited to see our students coming back to campus for the Fall 2011 semester.  As long as Irene doesn’t interfere, we’ll be here this weekend to welcome our new students and welcome back our returning students and faculty:

Saturday, August 27: 12pm – 6pm

Sunday, August 28: 12pm – 11:30pm

And then we’ll begin our regular Fall hours:

Monday – Thursday: 8am – 11:30pm

Friday: 8am – 10pm

Saturday: 12pm – 8pm

Sunday: 12pm – 11:30pm

And as always, our 24-hour spaces on the first floor will be open (you guessed it) 24 hours a day with a Royal Card swipe.  We look forward to seeing all of you!

2nd Floor Renovations Underway

The 2nd floor of the library is currently undergoing renovations. The 2nd floor computer lab and printers will be unavailable from July 5-15th. Reference services and study space are still available on the 2nd floor. The rest of the library remains open as well.

Holiday Weekend

Photo taken by JNN13, under a Creative Commons License

The Library will be closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for the 4th of July Holiday weekend.

Summer hours will resume on Tuesday July 5 (Opening at 8am and closing at 10pm).

Access to both 24 hour spaces will be available by swiping your Royal Card.

Summer Hours Begin

SummerPhoto courtesy of Flickr user Teo via a CC License

The Weinberg Library begins (slightly) abbreviated service hours starting Tuesday, May 31.   Regular weekdays (Monday-Thursday) hours are 8 A.M. until 10 P.M.  We open at 8 A.M. and close  at 4:30 P.M. on Fridays.   Saturday hours are noon to 6 P.M. and Sunday hours are noon to 8 P.M.   The complete holiday, break, and Media Resources hours are posted on the Library’s homepage.

Spring 2011 Library Hours

Photo courtesy of Warren Brown Photography

It’s a new year and a new semester! The Library is back to regular hours, and we’re looking forward to working with you this spring!

Monday -Thursday:    8 A.M.-11:30 P.M.
Friday:    8 A.M.-10 P.M.
Saturday:    Noon- 8 P.M.
Sunday:    Noon-11:30 P.M.

Library Closing Early


Image courtesy of Martin Cathrae, under a Creative Commons license

Due to the weather conditions the library will be closing at 8pm tonight (Tuesday, January 18, 2011).

The Library’s two 24 hour rooms will be open for student use and are accessible by swiping your Royal Card. Both 24 hour rooms have computer access and printing is available.

Help is available for any questions you may have through the library’s Virtual Reference Service. You can Chat 24/7 with a librarian by clicking the embedded link.

Be safe, everyone!

Intersession 2011 Hours

Image courtesy of Alyson Hurt, under a Creative Commons license

To all of our Intersession students and faculty, welcome back to campus! The Library is open and ready to help you find what you need.  Come see us during our Intersession hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. –   4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Noon  –   6:00 p.m.
Sunday: Noon  –  10:00 p.m.

Extended Library Hours for Finals 2010

Extended Hours

Wednesday-Thursday, December 1-2………….8:00a.m.- Midnight

Friday, December 3…………8:00a.m- 10:00p.m.

Saturday, December 4…………9:00 a.m.- 9:00p.m.

Sunday, December 5…………Noon – Midnight

Monday-Thursday, December 6-9………..7:00a.m.- 2:00a.m.

Friday, December 10…………8:00a.m.- Midnight

Saturday, December 11………..8:00a.m.- 5:00p.m.

Sunday, December 12…………Closed

Library Hours for Thanksgiving Break

The library will be opening and closing on a holiday schedule for Thanksgiving Break.

Tuesday 11/23  8AM to 10PM

Wednesday 11/24 — 8AM to 4:30PM

Thursday 11/25 — Closed

Friday 11/26 — Closed

Saturday 11/27 — Closed

Sunday 11/28 — Noon to 11:30PM

Have a happy Thanksgiving!