2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Award Winners Announced

Charles Cavin Sylvester is the winner of the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Undergraduate Upper-level category

Charles Cavin Sylvester is the winner of the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Undergraduate Upper-level category. This prize is awarded to the winning project completed in a 200- to 400-level course.

Charles is a senior Environmental Science major, he submitted to the competition the paper titled “Environmental Review of CFCs and their Replacements; the Montreal Protocol Plan” completed in the course CHEM 390: Chemical Literature and Writing, taught by Dr. Michael Fennie.

For research purposes, Charles relied on a number of library databases such as Academic Search Elite, ProQuest Central, and the American Chemical Society publications in order to identify pertinent peer-reviewed primary source literature. Charles utilized a wide range of sources including secondary sources such as textbooks and white papers to ascertain governmental information regarding the Montreal Protocol. In his description of research he also mentions obtaining access to three crucial papers for his research through the Library’s Interlibrary loan system. Charles used the citation management software Zotero to manage and organize his large number of sources, and adds that as a first-time user of Zotero, he was amazed at how this tool streamlined his research process. 

In choosing this research topic, Charles mentions; “I wanted to choose something that affects everyone, something that is applicable to everyone’s daily life, something that would help better the lives of all. Pope Francis calls us to be stewards of the Earth. Most recently in his “Laudato Deum,” he specifically called out the United States for not being good enough. Therefore, embracing my Jesuit values, I wanted to write an impactful paper on the Montreal Protocol Plan to assess if were we doing enough to protect ourselves from the tragedy of ozone depletion by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).” 

Through the research process, Charles mentions, “I have done many research projects throughout my time at the University, but this one truly taught me the notion of not giving up before I found the right data. My strive for Magis drove me. To write a fair and accurate paper, I needed specific data for CFCs and their three replacements concerning ozone depletion potentials, pathways for tropospheric sinks, radiative efficiencies, lifetimes, and global warming potentials. It was not an easy task, but I am extremely satisfied that I was successful in doing so. It made my paper so much more complete. The accomplishment will stick with me, and it taught me a lasting lesson about researching.” His research is timely and describes high-level scientific processes in a readable and straightforward manner. His work details a truly successful application of Science as a change agent for improvement in environmental policy. 

Honorable Mention awards in the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Undergraduate Upper-level category were presented to Gabrielle Bingener, a third-year Neuroscience major, for her project titled “Transposing The Wounded Storyteller,” completed in the course ENLT 224: Perspectives in Literature about Illness taught by Dr. Billie Tadros; and to Occupational Therapy major Victoria Smulowitz for her paper titled “The Impact of Breast Cancer Survivors’ Participation in Society Due to a Loss of Occupational Engagement,” completed in the course OT 250: Scientific Writing and Information Literacy taught by Dr. Carol Coté.

Gabrielle Allen and Julianna Lunt are the winners of the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Graduate category.

Gabrielle Allen and Julianna Lunt are the winners of the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize in the Graduate category.

Gabrielle and Julianna are in the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program.  They submitted to the competition their project titled “The Changing Role of Occupational Therapy in Neonatal Care” completed in the course OT 544: Leadership Principles, Ethics, and Pragmatics, taught by Dr. Marlene Morgan.

When Gabrielle and Julianna set off on their Historical Analysis of Occupational Therapy assignment, they wanted to choose a topic that would be beneficial for the occupational therapy profession and focused specifically on vulnerable populations, whose lives have been impacted by advancements in OT. They ultimately landed on neonatal care. 

For this difficult historical analysis, they used a multitude of Library resources, from print to digital, and archival. They also sought assistance from the librarians who guided them through how to begin finding and evaluating relevant information. While at first intimidated by the research process, they began to feel “a bit like detectives” as they went about their information seeking.  In true Jesuit tradition, they were pushed to become better researchers while tasked with taking time to be reflective of their findings. 

In their description of research, they summarize the ways their research process reflected Ignatian characteristics when they say, “Whether it was the discernment of choosing a research topic that would benefit the future of OT and help advocate for the infants in the NICU, or learning how to navigate new equipment to access archival journals on microfilm, this project fostered growth in many different ways.” 

They go on: “We found ourselves discussing our gratitude to receive a Jesuit education while completing this research project,” and furthermore apply the Jesuit concept of “Contemplatio ad amorem” to their work on this project when they say:“The research process incorporated active parts and also included reflection of the findings. It was in these moments of reflection that we were able to uncover themes throughout history and have “breakthrough moments”. Most importantly, our research was driven by the love of God because we sought to choose a topic that would improve the quality of life for His most vulnerable creations.”

In this way, Gabrielle and Julianna illustrate how the research process can transform both the researcher and those whom the research will serve.

Honorable Mention awards in the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Graduate category were presented to Master of Occupational Therapy students Catherine Casola and Kiera Harvey, their project titled “The History of Occupational Therapy in Neurological Conditions,” completed in the course OT 544: Leadership Principles, Ethics, and Pragmatics, taught by Dr. Marlene Morgan; and to Doctor of Physical Therapy students Lauren Colella, Erin O’Shaughnessy, Michele Felice Rovaris, and Sydney Walters, for their project titled “Mental Health Factors and Exercise Adherence in Women with Breast Cancer Interventions: A Systematic Review,” completed in the course PT 773: Scientific Inquiry III for PT, taught by Dr. Anthony Carusotto.

Emma Torok is the winner of the 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Undergraduate Foundational category. This prize category is designed to recognize research excellence and learning in the first year. It is awarded to the winning project completed in a 100-level course.*

Emma is a first-year Early Education Major who submitted her paper titled “Analyzing the Effectiveness of In-Person Learning vs. Online Learning” completed in Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera’s Writing 107: Composition course. 

Tasked with researching an argumentative contemporary issue related to her major, Emma began her research in class and an information literacy session with a faculty librarian where she learned about different types of resources available including books, videos, online journals, Interlibrary Loan, and more. In her description of research, Emma discussed using the Library’s main search tool, Royal Search, to find peer reviewed articles through the use of limiters and Boolean logic. She shared how adding a variety of sources, like scholarly research articles, but also news articles from the New York Times and NPR, helped balance her argument and solidify her findings. 

Emma also discussed the importance of keeping an open mind while conducting research as to avoid confirmation bias. In her application she states, “There have been times when I began my research specifically looking for articles that agreed with my predetermined thoughts. However, for this project, I deliberately searched for articles that stated the benefits of both online and in-person learning. I am so thankful for all that I learned in the library program and on the library website because, without learning other perspectives, my paper would not have been formulated fairly.”

Emma went on to discuss how through the research process she embodied the Ignatian characteristic of Cura Personalis. She states, “My research paper demonstrated this in two main ways: my open perspective to research and my personal connection to my topic. Before conducting any research, and even before finalizing my topic, I ensured that I educated myself on both sides of the debate. Just like St. Ignatius would do, I appreciated and thought critically about both perspectives before deciding my opinion.” 

The 2024 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Undergraduate Foundational category Honorable Mention award was presented to first-year Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology major Andrew Mauriello, for his project titled “Gene Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Some of the World’s Deadliest Diseases” completed in his WRITING 107: Composition course taught by Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera.

Currently celebrating its 13th year, the Weinberg Memorial Library inaugurated the Library Research Prize in 2011 to recognize excellence in research projects that show evidence of significant knowledge of the methods of research and the information gathering process, and use of library resources, tools, and services. In 2017, the prize was named for Professor Emerita Bonnie W. Oldham, who founded the prize at the University in 2011. The Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize was fully endowed in 2019 and consists of a prize of $500 awarded to winning projects in each of the three categories: Undergraduate Foundational (100-level projects), Undergraduate Upper-level (200- to 400-level projects), and Graduate.

 Prize winners were honored at an Awards Ceremony & Reception on Friday 5/17 at 1:00 pm in the Charles Kratz Scranton Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library.

 Information about the Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize can be found on the website: http://www.scranton.edu/libraryresearchprize

Congratulations to all of our honorees!

*Emma Torok was unable to attend the awards ceremony and is therefore not pictured along with the other winners.

Find Library Spaces Now Available to Provide Accessibility and Sensory Information for Library Study Spaces!

The Weinberg Memorial Library’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility (DEIA) committee in collaboration with the Library Systems department is pleased to announce our sensory and accessibility map of our library spaces. In recognition of the ever increasing diversity of our population of Library users, the committee recognized the need for our users to be able to have a clearer picture of what our Library spaces provide and how our Library spaces may meet their specific needs. In the Spring and Summer of 2023, the DEIA committee membership audited and collected accessibility and sensory data for each study space in the library. The committee then examined what both our peer institutions and Libraries at many larger institutions were doing in order to provide this information in an accessible and understandable format. We settled on a few specific design ideas we wanted to emulate.The committee then turned our findings over to Library Systems Coordinator & Developer Jennifer Galas, whom created an interactive web application which includes photos of our Library spaces, coupled accessibility, and sensory information for each of the study spaces within the Library. This web application is also linked to our study room reservation system, so users can find a space that suits their needs based on the information within the application and then immediately reserve that specific study room if it happens to be one of our reservable spaces. Find Library Spaces can be accessed via the library homepage by clicking on the button labeled “Find a Study Space” on the right-hand side of the page. You can also find links to it on the Library SPaces page, and the Library’s DIversity Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility page.

An image of the Library homepage with the Find Study Spaces button on the right hand side of the screen highlighted with a black rectangle and pointed to with a black arrow

Find Library Spaces was intentionally designed for all users of our library to be able to find the ideal study space that meets their learning needs. The Find Library Spaces application features a number of filters that can help users limit to a preferred lighting type, find a space that has  specific furniture available, or look for a study space that is quiet and distraction free. Each space has associated icons that notate access to power, wheelchair accessibility, and noise level demonstrated by a loudspeaker icon with varying degrees of sound waves to indicate more or less noise typically found in that space. Users should keep in mind that noise level information may change depending on semester dynamics, such as during finals week when the library is quite crowded.


It is a priority for Library faculty, staff, and administration to continually provide an environment of inclusivity, accessibility, and belonging and the Find Library Spaces application provides another tool for students to access in order to meet their specific learning needs within the Library environment. The Library DEIA Committee is currently comprised of Prof. Kate Cummings, Research & Instruction Librarian for Business; Prof. Colleen Farry, Digital Services Librarian, Prof. Sheli Pratt-McHugh, Research & Instruction Librarian for Technology & Outreach, and Library Department Chair; Prof. Ian O’Hara, Research & Instruction Librarian for Health Sciences; Sharon Finnerty, Media Resources Coordinator; and Kevin Kocur, Interlibrary Loan Coordinator. The committee would also like to thank Mackenzie Machell, G ’23, who served as a student representative on the committee during the work on this project, and Jennifer Galas for her collaboration and development expertise in implementing the Find Library Spaces application.

Job Opportunity: Research & Instruction Librarian for Business (full-time faculty, 12-month, tenure-track), Weinberg Memorial Library at The University of Scranton

The University of Scranton invites applications for a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track Research & Instruction Librarian for Business. The regularly scheduled hours for this position will be primarily Monday-Friday, 10:00am-6:00pm, with occasional hourly adjustments as needed. The successful candidate will be appointed to the rank of Assistant Professor and will be compensated according to the collective bargaining agreement, see https://www.scranton.edu/academics/provost/FAC/fac_contract.shtml. A generous benefits package is offered, including medical, dental, and vision coverage, retirement plan, paid vacations, holidays, research leave, and tuition remission. All full-time faculty members also have the opportunity to join our faculty union which serves as the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).

The Research & Instruction Librarian for Business contributes to the Library’s campus-wide focus on transformative teaching and learning in the Ignatian tradition. In addition to regular faculty responsibilities, the Research & Instruction Librarian for Business engages in information literacy instruction, research support, and collection development for the academic departments in the University’s Kania School of Management and other cognate disciplines, including Communications, Health Administration, and Human Resources.

Essential Duties:

  • Teaches as part of the Library’s information literacy program, which includes information literacy instruction in core general education courses, as well as undergraduate and graduate level disciplinary courses
  • Provides research services and scholarly assistance to members of the university community both in-person and online
  • Serves as library liaison to the Kania School of Management, a role that includes providing course-integrated instruction and collection development in business related subject areas (accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, operations and analytics), as well as other subject areas as assigned
  • Meets the expectations of tenure-track faculty while progressing toward tenure by following the expectations set forth in The University of Scranton’s Faculty Handbook
  • Provides the responsible provision of Library services and building operations coordination with other Library faculty and administration

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Participates in Library and University initiatives, e.g., by serving on committees and leading in innovative programs and projects for the Library and University community
  • Performs other related duties as assigned

Minimum Education Requirements: Possession of an American Library Association (ALA) accredited Master’s degree at time of appointment 

Minimum Job Experience Requirements:

  • Experience working in a library or archives
  • Experience working collaboratively with others to pursue, manage, and complete projects

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Familiarity with business or related subject areas (e.g. accounting, advertising, finance, economics, health administration, human resources, marketing, operations. etc.)
  • Knowledge of current trends in academic librarianship related to research and instruction, such as knowledge of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
  • Experience creating engaging learning opportunities for student, faculty, or community audiences
  • Proficiency in the use and adoption of technological tools, such as social media and other emerging technologies and platforms, for the delivery and support of library services
  • Strong desire to explore pedagogical approaches and learning theories that can enrich teaching practice
  • Familiarity with assessment methods and techniques
  • Supervisory experience

Additional Skills Required:

  •  Willingness to develop the knowledge required to provide information literacy instruction in business related courses
  •  Ability to deal well with members of the public
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, oral and written communication skills, and presentation skills
  • Strong analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work effectively both as a team member and independently
  • Ability to work creatively and collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and community-at-large
  • Professional commitment to user-focused library services
  • Professional commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Ability to engage in scholarship and service in order to meet qualifications for reappointment and tenure, as defined in the Faculty Handbook
  • Ability to attain a second Master’s degree in a subject field, or the completion of thirty graduate credits in a discipline that improves professional competence, as a requirement for tenure (if not already accomplished at time of hire)

Schedule/Work Hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., with occasional adjustments as needed.

Salary: Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor with a starting yearly minimum salary of $56,494.00. As outlined in the current collective bargaining agreement, see: https://www.scranton.edu/academics/provost/FAC/fac_contract.shtml.

About the Library and University

The Weinberg Memorial Library provides superior resources, services, and programs that meet the dynamic and diverse scholarly, cultural, and social needs of the University and our community. We value teaching, research, and lifelong learning, and we are committed to intellectual freedom, preservation, accessibility, and sustainability. Our work environment is forward-looking and participatory, with an emphasis on transparency and faculty/staff development.

The University of Scranton is a regional institution of more than 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students located in northeast Pennsylvania near the Pocono Mountains. Recognized nationally for the quality of its education, Scranton is one of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States. It is committed to providing liberal arts education and strong professional and pre-professional programs in the context of Ignatian educational principles, especially the care and development of the whole person. Drawing on the strengths that have made it a recognized leader in the Northeast (ranked 6th among the master’s level universities in the North by U.S. News and World Report), Scranton is committed to a culture of scholarship and excellence in teaching and is moving into the front ranks of America’s comprehensive universities.

Official University of Scranton Diversity Statement

The University of Scranton is committed to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory employment and educational environment. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other status protected by law. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

To Apply

Applicants must apply online at https://universityofscrantonjobs.com and include a cover letter summarizing qualifications and strengths, a curriculum vitae (or résumé), and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin immediately with a potential start date of August 1, 2022. See a direct link to the job posting here: https://universityofscrantonjobs.com/postings/5628. Prof. Ian O’Hara, Research & Instruction Librarian for Health Sciences, serves as the Search Committee Chair.

Land Acknowledgement

November is National Native American Heritage Month. This observance commemorates the history, heritage, and culture of Native Americans and Alaskan Natives. It is during this month we acknowledge the vast achievements of America’s original indigenous people. This month is also a time to educate, examine, and raise awareness about the unique challenges and sufferings Native people and communities have faced historically and continue to contend with.

Land acknowledgment is a traditional custom that dates back centuries in many Native nations and communities. Today, land acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to recognize Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live.The University of Scranton has officially adopted a Land Acknowledgment Statement to recognize and honor the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Lenape, the Munsee, the Shawnee and the Susquehannocks in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The Statement reads:

The University of Scranton acknowledges the original inhabitants and nations of this land: the Lenape, the Munsee, the Shawnee and the Susquehannocks.  May we be ever mindful of their legacy and contributions and commit ourselves to stewarding this land with care and compassion as we navigate our communities towards faith and justice.

The Weinberg Memorial Library faculty, staff, and administration join University President Fr. Marina and the broader university community in acknowledging the land as an act of reconciliation that honors the authentic history of the original people of this territory.The library has chosen to add this land acknowledgement to our website under the “About the Library” section.

The library also wishes to recognize Dr. Adam Pratt, associate professor of history,  and his research students, Peter Burke and Katia Ramirez, for assisting with the development of this statement. The Land Acknowledgement will also be posted on the University’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion website and on the Office of Equity and Diversity’s website. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to read the university land acknowledgement statement at the start of events whenever possible. For more information on land acknowledgement, see the US Department of Arts & Culture’s Honor Native Land.


Proquest Digital Microfilm is now Proquest Digitized Newspapers-Recent Newspapers

ProQuest Digital Microfilm has been upgraded and relaunched as ProQuest Digitized Newspapers-Recent Newspapers. ProQuest Digitized Newspapers-Recent Newspapers is a new digital archive that offers full-page images of recent editions of essential and most-requested newspaper titles. Recent Newspapers titles are available individually or in regional collections. For titles in the program, coverage begins in the late 2000s and goes up through the most recent issue with a three-month embargo. The Recent Newspapers content is hosted on the ProQuest platform, and is fully searchable at the page level and cross-searchable with all other products on the ProQuest platform. Currently, the Weinberg Memorial Library provides access to both The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal via ProQuest Digitized Newspapers. Please see the link below to view these resources in our library A-Z list:


Philadelphia Inquirer and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Digital Archive Now Available

The Weinberg Memorial Library now provides access to the digital archive of the Philadelphia Inquirer and also the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via ProQuest Historical Newspapers. Below are links to these two digital archives as well as coverage details:

Philadelphia Inquirer (Current coverage includes 1860-2001, forthcoming in 2017 the paper will span 1829-2009) –  http://search.proquest.com/hnpphiladelphiainquirer

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Current coverage includes 1786-2003, forthcoming in 2017 the paper will span 1768-2008) – http://search.proquest.com/hnppittsburghpostgazette

The Philadelphia Inquirer is a morning daily newspaper that services the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. It was founded in 1829 by John R. Walker and John Norvell, and is the third oldest surviving newspaper in the United States. The Inquirer has the eighteenth largest average weekly newspaper circulation in the country. Throughout its history, the Philadelphia Inquirer has won 19 Pulitzer prizes.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is the largest daily newspaper serving the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. It was first printed in 1786 and has gone through several name changes in its publication history. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has won six Pulitzer prizes since 1938.

Academic Video Online: Premium now available via the Weinberg Memorial Library

       Academic Video Online: Premium is the largest and most comprehensive video subscription service available to libraries. It delivers more than 48,000 video titles spanning essential academic subject areas including: anthropology, business, science, engineering, counseling, history, music, film, and many more.  Academic Video Online is a replacement for our prior streaming video service VAST from Alexander Street and all content previously found in VAST is available in Academic Video Online. Partnered with recognized providers of content such as:  PBS, 60 minutes, Asian Film Online, and the BBC, Academic Video Online: Premium provides a breadth of expertly produced and relevant academic video content. A link to Academic Video Online can be found by accessing the library home page (www.scranton.edu/library), clicking on the articles and databases tab, and either search for Academic Video Online in the search box, or clicking on databases and finding Academic Video Online under the tab for databases “A”.  It can also be found by logging into the My.Scranton portal and clicking on the “Library” tab, and clicking on the “Databases” link under “Resources” or searching the Library’s Catalog.

New Magazine Display on the 2nd Floor

In addition to the library 2nd floor being open 24 hours a day, we have added a magazine display rack. This new display is located near the end of the periodicals stacks. It holds the most recent issues of 20 popular periodical titles, among them: Rolling Stone, the Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker, and Sports Illustrated. If you are looking for one of these magazines, look in the new display rack instead of the plastic periodical box.


Like all periodicals, these magazines are for library use only and cannot be checked out. Here is a listing of the twenty titles featured on the magazine display:

Atlantic                                                                         Nation

America                                                                        National Geographic

Bloomberg Businessweek                                         New Yorker

Consumer Reports                                                     Popular Science

Discover                                                                       Prevention

Ebony                                                                           Psychology Today

Essence                                                                        Rolling Stone

Fortune                                                                        Science

Harper’s                                                                       Sports Illustrated

Health                                                                           Time

(A periodical is any publication that comes on a regular interval such as daily, weekly, monthly, annually.  A magazine is not scholarly, not peer reviewed.  It is intended for reading enjoyment.  A journal is scholarly and may be peer reviewed.)

New Books Shelves moved to the First Floor

The Library’s latest book acquisitions have been relocated from the second floor to shelves on the first floor of the Weinberg Memorial Library.  The “New Books” can be found directly to the left of the circulation desk behind the Library Gate Attendant desk.  If you are searching for a book in the catalog and you see “NEW BOOKS” in the record for the book, that book will be located on the New Book Shelves and not in the stacks on the 3rd, 4th or 5th floors.  “NEW BOOKS” can also be used to search as a subject, which will locate all of the titles most recently added to our catalog. Please feel free to browse and borrow our recent additions, among them  Is Pluto a Planet?

Bike Scranton at the Weinberg Memorial Library


As of today the Library has 3 bicycles available for borrowing. The program is called Bike Scranton, which is a cooperative program between the University of Scranton Office of Sustainability, and the Lackawanna Valley Heritage Authority. All University of Scranton students, faculty, and staff as well as Lackawanna County Library System card holders will be permitted to check out a bicycle as long as they are at least 18 years of age. Each bicycle comes with a lock and an adjustable helmet upon checkout. The borrowing period for each bicycle is unlimited, but all bicycles must be returned before the library closes. Soon there will be 3 more bikes available, for a total of 6.

Other participating locations in the bike Scranton program are the office of the Lackawanna Valley Heritage Association (http://www.lhva.org/), the Hilton Scranton hotel, and Cedar Bike Shop (http://www.cedarbikeandpaddle.com/). Bikes checked out from the Weinberg Memorial Library must be returned here, and we will not accept returns from any of the other Bike Scranton locations.

The Lackawanna Valley Heritage Authority owns all of the bicycles. Bike Scranton will be seasonal, and the transportation and storage of the bicycles will be the responsibility of our University Facilities staff.  The bikes will be routinely maintained via Cedar Bike, and the University Office of Sustainability is in the process of developing bike routes throughout the city.

Please ask at the Circulation Desk if you have any questions.