How Can 500 Words=$500?

You can receive $500 if you are the winner of the Weinberg Memorial Library’s Library Research Prize!

How to Apply:

1. Complete the Project Application Form. (Individual or Group) Group winners share the $500.

2. Submit a 500-700 word description of the research methods and information gathering process used to complete a research project for a course that you take here at the University of Scranton. Your essay should include how you used library resources, tools and services to gather your research. (Upload along with your application.)

3. Submit a copy of your project along with the application, which can be in any format.

4. A bibliography or other appropriate listing of sources consulted. (Upload with your application.)

  • Use bibliography format and conventions appropriate to the discipline.
  • Cite all sources that you consulted, even if you did not directly quote from them. This bibliography may differ from your Works Cited or Reference List since it will include not only your quoted sources, but also your background material.

5. Ask your professor to complete a statement of faculty support. (Online form for faculty.)

Dates to Remember:

  • Application Deadline is Friday, December 6, 2013 at 4:00pm for courses completed during Summer or Fall

For more information, visit or contact Prof. Bonnie Oldham by phone 570-941-4000 or email bonnie dot oldham at

Spotlight on Student Workers: Caroline Dress

The Library would like to recognize Caroline Dress, a Counseling and Human Services major, for her hard work and dedication to the Weinberg Memorial Library.  Caroline has worked in Media Resources/EDLAB since September 2010.  She is passionately involved both on and off campus as President of Students for Suicide Prevention, Business Manager of Liva Arts Club, Team Leader for the Harry Potter Retreat, and as an intern at NEPA’s Children’s Advocacy Center. When she is not attending to these responsibilities, she is most likely baking, watching movies, travelling, or spending time with friends and family.  After graduation in June 2014 Caroline plans to become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor.  Caroline finds that being able to meet and help the wonderful faculty and students of the University of Scranton is the most rewarding aspect of her job.  Her interest in movies and theater, her writing ability and helpfulness make Caroline a perfect fit for Media Resources/EDLAB. 

Thank you Caroline for a job well done!

Honor Roll, 1945


In honor of our many veterans: This Honor Roll booklet from January 1945 lists 1,835 University of Scranton students and alumni who had served in the armed forces.

Find photographs, documents, news clippings, and more about the many veterans in the University community in our digital collections.


Spotlight on Student Workers

Did you know that the Library employs a large group of student workers? We really couldn’t function without them! Last spring, Library Supervisors met to brainstorm ideas for making others more aware of the important contributions of our student staff. In the coming months we will be “introducing” our readers to many of our students via this blog, concentrating first on those who will be graduating in May. We hope this “spotlight” of recognition will let our students know how much they are valued!

Wearable Technology: The Next Big Trend

November 13, 2013 – 12:00-1:00PM in WML 305

As more wearable devices (Google Glass, Jawbone Up, Fitbit, the Pebble Watch, etc) hit the market, it’s important to understand what they do and how they are being used. At this session, Joseph Casabona (System Integrator & Web Developer) will answer those questions plus explain how they are being used in higher-ed.

Google Preps Updated Glass Hardware For EarlyThere will be a live demo of Google Glass and more. A light lunch will be provided.

Sessions are open to all University faculty and staff, but seats are limited, so please let us know you are coming. You can register at – under Technology on Your Own Terms.

Pennsylvania Library Association Conference: Award and Presentations

The Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) held its annual conference in Seven Springs, PA, October 20-23rd. University of Scranton Librarian, Bonnie Oldham, was honored with an award at the conference. Two other University of Scranton librarians attended this year; Digital Services Librarian, Kristen Yarmey, and Cataloging and Metadata Librarian, Sheli McHugh.

During the annual business meeting for PaLA, University of Scranton’s Information Literacy Coordinator, Bonnie Oldham was awarded a Certificate of Merit for her continued contribution to the Association. Oldham has served on the board of College and Research Division of PaLA as well as the Northeast Chapter. Congratulations, Bonnie Oldham!

Yarmey presented a conference session titled “Capture all the URLs: First Steps in Web Archiving” where she discussed her work implementing Archive-It at The University of Scranton and how other institutions can begin to plan their web archiving projects. Yarmey also presented on a panel with other Pennsylvania librarians to discuss programs that support and highlight PA Forward‘s Five Literacies, focusing on Civic and Social literacy.

McHugh presented a poster session discussing survey results that analyzed how cataloging librarians use Twitter as a Personal Learning Network to connect with other catalogers. The survey also examined if their Twitter use can lead to higher levels of Social Capital, or sense of belonging to ones community.


Clippings Collection: 100 Years of University of Scranton News

ClippingsCollnFor the past few months, we’ve been working on a giant digital collections project. Earlier this year, in preparation for the University’s 125th anniversary, we digitized 97 oversized scrapbooks, filled with newspaper clippings about the University, that were hiding in our basement.

There’s an immense variety of materials inside the books – some are dedicated to academics, others to athletics and alumni – and they date from as early as the 1890s to as recent as the 1980s. Some of the scrapbooks were in good shape, while others were falling apart:

What we’re working on now is processing and cataloging the digitized images, to make them easy to browse and search. While we’re only about a quarter of the way done, you can take a look at our progress by searching and browsing 9,000+ articles from the 20 scrapbooks currently available in our new University of Scranton Clippings Collection.

Note: Items in this collection are restricted to on-campus users only, but off-campus users will still be able to search and browse records for the articles.

We’ll be adding articles from the rest of the scrapbooks throughout the year, so check back often! You can also send questions or comments to us at

Library “Comic Con” Game Night Recap

Last night the library held its most successful Game Night to date! A large number of students, staff, and faculty had fun playing video games and board games, enjoyed the free pizza, and even got to make buttons! The library holds a Game Night once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring semester, so if you missed out there’s always next semester! For a glimpse at some of the fun we had, see some of our photos here:


Students enjoyed playing Super Smash Bros.

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Rock Band:


photo 3photo 4

Mario Kart:
photo 5photo 2 (1)








Just Dance:

photo 2

photo 5 (2)










Our winner for best costume, Harley Quinn!

photo 3 (3)


Don’t forget to check the blog and WML Facebook page regularly to find out about other exciting events hosted by the library!