Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Faculty – Applications are open for Fall/Intersession 2025

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful faculty applicants.

What is Affordable Learning and OER? 

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which includes online textbooks, media, and other materials freely available and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER and open-source software or may compile course materials from open access e-books and journals or appropriately licenses Library materials to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

Accepted applications can also use an additional fund (up to $200) to purchase library materials not currently owned, subject to licensing terms. If you are interested in purchasing new material, please contact the Affordable Learning Committee ( prior to submitting your application to ensure that appropriate licensing options are available.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide. Please visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page for more information and reports from previous recipients.

To apply…

Fill out the Application Form.

The library will award up to four $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Fall/Intersession courses.

Application Deadline: Friday, April 25, 2025




Lightning Talks: Open Educational Resources

The Weinberg Memorial Library invites University Faculty to “Lightning Talks: Open Educational Resources” on February 27th at noon in our Heritage Room. The Affordable Learning Committee is excited to welcome faculty members: Colleen Farry, Art History, Mike Fennie, Chemistry, Jason Graham, Mathematics, and Adam Pratt, History to discuss the use of OER in their courses.

For more information on OER on campus and how to apply for the Library’s Affordable Learning Implementation Grant, visit the link below.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Faculty – Applications are open for Spring/Summer 2024

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.  

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which includes online textbooks, media, and other materials freely available and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER and open-source software or may compile course materials from open access e-books and journals or appropriately licenses Library materials to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide. Please visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page for more information and reports from previous recipients.

The library will award up to four $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring/Summer courses.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 1st, 2023

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Faculty – Applications are open for Spring/Summer 2024

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.  

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which includes online textbooks, media, and other materials freely available and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER and open-source software or may compile course materials from open access e-books and journals or appropriately licenses Library materials to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide. Please visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page for more information and reports from previous recipients.

The library will award up to four $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring/Summer courses.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 1st, 2023

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.


Applications due for Affordable Learning Implementation Grants – Deadline Dec. 2nd!

The Weinberg Memorial Library will award up to four $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring/Summer 2023 courses to successful full-time faculty applicants.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 2nd, 2022 (This deadline will NOT be extended)

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which includes online textbooks, media, and other materials freely available and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER and open-source software or may compile course materials from open access e-books and journals or appropriately licenses Library materials to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide.

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring/Summer 2023

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which includes online textbooks, media, and other materials freely available and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER and open-source software or may compile course materials from open access e-books and journals or appropriately licenses Library materials to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide.

The library will award up to four $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Spring/Summer 2023 courses.

Application Deadline: Friday, December 2nd, 2022

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants – Application Deadline Extended to April 29th, 2022

The deadline to apply for an Affordable Learning Implementation Grant for Summer/Fall 2022 has been extended to April 29th, 2022.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by replacing expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

For our Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, full-time faculty may opt to use existing OER textbooks and open source software or may compile course materials from appropriately licensed e-books and journals that are open access or available through the Library to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

Please visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page for more information and reports from previous recipients.

For a list of links to available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the Library’s OER Research Guide.

Looking for more Affordable Learning resources? You can simply search the catalog by typing in “Scranton Affordable Learning” into the Catalog search box on the library home page. Or select the new Open Access Search tab to search for Open Access and OER material through our new CloudSourceOA database.

For additional information about Affordable Learning and how to find resources that can be used as part of the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, materials presented at the March 9th discussion on implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and Affordable Learning materials in the classroom can be viewed on the Library’s OER Research Guide.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Celebrate Open Access Week! Join the Affordable Learning Discussion 10/27





The Library invites University of Scranton Faculty to join us during Open Access Week on Wednesday, October 27th, at 11:00 am on Zoom to discuss implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and affordable learning materials in the classroom.

Discussion will include an introduction to OER, how to locate OER and other open materials within the Library’s collection and online, and suggestions for how you can replace costly textbooks and other resources with OER and/or appropriately licensed library resources. We will also discuss a new trial database, CloudSource OA, and workshop with attendees to utilize this resource that curates and aggregates open access publications and open educational resources from leading academic publishers and universities.

Librarians will also answer questions about OER and the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants (formerly the Open Educational Resources Grants), available to full-time Faculty and accepting applications until November 19th.

Click here to register for the Zoom link.

Celebrate Open Education Week! Join the Affordable Learning Discussion 3/3





The Library invites University of Scranton Faculty to join us during Open Education Week on Wednesday, March 3rd, at 11:00 am on Zoom to discuss implementing Open Educational Resources (OER) and affordable learning materials in the classroom. Affordable learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes.

Discussion will include an introduction to OER, how to locate OER and other open materials within the Library’s collection and online, and suggestions for how you can replace costly textbooks and other resources with OER and/or appropriately licensed library resources. Librarians will also answer questions about OER and the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants (formerly the Open Educational Resources Grants), available to full-time Faculty and accepting applications until April 16th.

Click here to register for the Zoom link.

Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Fall 2021

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to offer $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants to successful full-time faculty applicants.

Affordable Learning aims to reduce the financial burden on students by eliminating expensive for-cost textbooks and course materials with no-cost or low-cost educational resources. OER stands for Open Educational Resources, which include online textbooks, media, and other materials that are available freely for use and can be remixed/reused for educational purposes. For our Affordable Learning Implementation Grants, formerly OER Implementation Grants, faculty may opt to use existing OER textbooks and open source software that is available online or may compile course materials from appropriately licensed e-books and journals that are open access or available through the Library to replace all, or some, of their for-cost course materials.

For a list of available OER and appropriately licensed Affordable Learning resources, visit the OER Research Guide. The Library’s OER Committee will be hosting an informational session over Zoom about the grants and available resources on March 3rd from 11 am – noon if you are interested in learning more. Please register if you would like the Zoom meeting link.

The library will award up to two $1,000 Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for Fall 2021 courses. These grants are also made possible with additional funding from The University of Scranton’s Strategic Initiatives Funding.

For more information and the application form, visit the Affordable Learning Implementation Grants web page.