Call for Artists



The library will be hosting the 3rd Annual Environmental Art Show during the University’s Earth Week Celebration (April 18-25). The purpose of the Art Show is to showcase the artistic talents of our students, staff, and faculty while promoting sustainability and the environment.

As always the Art Show is comprised solely of University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty submissions, so the success of the show relies on the number of submissions we receive. All types of artwork are accepted for display in the Art Show, but they must be your own creation, and they must be environmentally themed. Our definition of “environmentally themed” is understood very liberally and includes: nature scenes, animals, environmental degradation, sustainability messages, recycled goods, and so on.

Please consider submitting to the show before April 12 and attending the Art Show’s Reception on Monday April 22 from 5-7 pm. All submissions will be returned to the artists before the end of the Spring semester.

Public Services Librarian to speak at Pages & Places Café

You might know him as our evening Public Services Librarian, but George Aulisio is also a philosopher.  On top of his master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Drexel University, he holds a Master of Liberal Arts degree in Philosophy and Metaphysics from the University of Pennsylvania.

On July 12, he’ll share some of his research on technological determinism, or how technology affects and drives society in different directions, at the Pages & Places Café in the Radisson Hotel’s Platform Lounge.

The Café program begins at 7pm, but you can also come early for a 6pm happy hour. Admission is free. We’ll see you there!



Open Access Simplified

Due to what many consider to be unfair business practices, the Open Access movement continues to grow, but what is Open Access anyway? In order to better understand the movement, the library created an Open Access page on our Research Guides. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that though libraries and librarians are usually the ones asked to explain Open Access (and often run Open Access programs on campus) , the decision to adopt Open Access is a campus wide issue, not one the library can make unilaterally.

On the page you can find a definition of Open Access, its subtle nuances, the various issues, and the multiple roads toward knowledge that is more open and accessible to everyone.

For more on Open Access, check out our previous post “Princeton, Open Access, and the Evolution of Scholarly Communication.”

Schemel Forum Spring 2012 Schedule

What’s the best way to beat the post-holiday blues? How about thinking Spring by thinking Schemel?

Our Schemel Forum Spring 2012 schedule is out, and it’s packed with captivating speakers and sessions to steal your attention away from the winter gloom:

If you still need convincing, take a few minutes to listen to Schemel Forum director Sondra Myers talking over this season’s Schemel Forum events with WVIA’s Erika Funke.

As always, registration is required, so please contact program coordinator Kym Fetsko at to make your reservation or to find out more about our programs.

Lackawanna Valley Digital Archives

There’s a great new resource available for anyone interested in local history.  The Lackawanna Valley Digital Archives, hosted by the Scranton Public Library and funded by a grant from the Willary Foundation, contains digitized photographs, manuscripts, maps, paintings, letters, and videos related to the history of the Valley and its surrounding areas.

While the Digital Archives will continue to grow, there are already three great collections available to the public:

We’re partial to the Out of the Wilderness collection since it contains Civil War era materials found, described, digitized, and transcribed last spring by University of Scranton history students in Dr. Kathryn Shively Meier’s Civil War class.

The Lackawanna Valley Digital Archives is a collaborative effort involving many of our local cultural heritage institutions, including the Scranton Public Library, the Lackawanna Historical Society, the Steamtown National Historic Site, the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper library, the Anthracite Heritage Museum, and our own Weinberg Memorial Library.  In addition to the Willary Foundation, other funding partners include the Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority and the Scranton Area Foundation. We’re looking forward to working together with all of our colleagues on more digital projects in the future!

For more information, see About LVDA or take a look at Go Lackawanna‘s 500 Vine column from November 20th, “New Digital Service Preserves History.”  You can also subscribe to the Digital Archives’ Facebook page for updates.

Iggy’s for sustainability… are you?

Iggy stopped by the library today to get a drink of water. As you can see, Iggy practices a sustainable lifestyle, using his Save Our World BPA-Free water bottle to fill up at the library’s purified water station. If only we were all more like Iggy.

Princeton, Open Access, and the Evolution of Scholarly Communication

Yesterday, the faculty of Princeton University unanimously voted to adopt a new policy for scholarly publications (PDF). In support of open access, the policy prohibits faculty members from signing away exclusive rights to publishing companies. Instead, the policy assigns to the University a nonexclusive right to copy and provide access to faculty publications. The policy only covers journal and conference articles (not unpublished works, books, or other scholarly works), and faculty members can request that this policy be waived for articles, on a case-by-case basis.  With this vote, Princeton joins a growing coalition of higher education institutions that have enacted open access policies.

What does this mean for the Weinberg Memorial Library?  This increasing support for and interest in open access has a lot of important implications for academic libraries.  Princeton’s new policy (and the media attention it’s getting) may be a harbinger of major change in the world of scholarly communication.  As Karin Trainer, university librarian at Princeton, noted to the Chronicle:

“Both the library and members of the faculty, principally in the sciences, have been thinking for some time that we would like to take a concrete step toward making the publications of our extraordinary faculty freely available to a much larger audience and not restricted to those who can afford to pay journal subscription fees.”

We, too, have high hopes that movement towards open access will make scholarly works more accessible and more affordable for our University community. So tomorrow at our Library Advisory Committee meeting, we’ll be starting a conversation about open access with our faculty members to hear their questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Princeton’s report also points out another significant implication for libraries:

“Although it makes sense to adopt such a policy even if the University does not establish an open-access repository of its own, we believe that the University and its faculty will benefit most from this policy if it does establish such a repository… An open-access policy without a ready means for faculty to post their scholarly articles and an equally ready means of retrieval would be of very limited value.”

In some fields, well-integrated open access repositories already exist – like for physics, math, and computer science. But in other disciplines, especially the humanities, these types of repositories are unusual.  So universities all over the country have started to create their own institutional repositories to host the scholarly works of their faculty and students, and academic librarians with expertise in information organization and preservation have stepped up to create, manage, and maintain them.  Here at the Weinberg, we’ve been thinking about an institutional repository over the past few years – but when we asked our faculty about it, we didn’t hear much demand for that kind of service. Now, after Princeton’s announcement, it seems like a good time to ask again.

To join in our campus conversation about open access, post a comment here or talk with a UofS librarian. We hope to hear feedback from our students, faculty, and community.

Open Access resources:

Light in August: Summer Schemel Forum Events

The Schemel Forum is joining forces as a programming partner with the new Pages & Places @ Anthology to present three programs this August.

Light in August, a series of conversations, is designed to shed light on subjects of both current and enduring interest in a friendly, informal setting.  All programs are free and open to the public and will be held at the Alley Kitchen & Coffee House (formerly Outrageous) at 515 Center Street in Scranton.  Programs begin at 6pm with a happy hour, continue with a 7pm presentation, and conclude with a guided discussion.

Thursday, August 11
Marcellus Shale: Two Citizens Speak Out
Bill Tersteeg, Professor Emeritus at Keystone College
Gretchen Ludders, Tunkhannock Watershed Coalition

Thursday, August 18
What Makes Classical Music Classical? Themes and Variations
Mark Woodyatt, one of the region’s most gifted and virtuosic violinists

Thursday, August 25
Profile of a School that Works
Jennifer Niles, founding principal of one of the most successful charter schools in the country, the E. L. Haynes Public Charter School in Washington, D. C.


Schemel Forum fall schedule

It may be 90 degrees outside, but it’s not too soon to start thinking about fall – and the Library’s Fall 2011 Schemel Forum offerings!

We’ve just posted the schedule, so be sure to check out our University for a Day program, our five World Affairs luncheon seminars, three exciting new evening courses, and our bus trip to and guided tour of the Newark Art Museum.

As always, registration is required, so please contact program coordinator Kym Fetsko at to make your reservation or to find out more about our programs.

Congratulations to our seniors!

The Weinberg Memorial Library would like to congratulate our senior work study students on their graduation! We’re so grateful for all of their hard work, and we’ll miss them all dearly.

The students were honored today with a luncheon, where they received a certificate of appreciation.  Each student also will have a book in their major added to our collection in their honor (ask them which book is theirs!).