Library Game Night on Thursday!

Game Night March 2016- Smash Bros

The Library will be hosting a Game Night in the Reilly Learning Commons on Thursday, March 31 from 8 – 11 PM. There will be free pizza, soda, and snacks for students. All students are invited to join in the fun!

Financial Literacy

Financial_Graphic_RGBIndividuals as well as small businesses and organizations contribute to the economic vitality of their community through innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development.

April has been declared Financial Literacy Month.  the experts at Money Management International (a nonprofit, full-service credit counseling agency) created Begin your 30 step path to financial wellness any day of any month to help you create a successful strategy to better your overall financial position.

Money Smart Week®, a public awareness campaign designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances, is April 23-30 for 2016. It was created by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002. – This website is organized around the MyMoney Five principles so you can quickly identify resources and tools to help you in these areas. The Tools page page can help you locate and use on-line calculators,  budget worksheets,  planning checklists and other helpful resources from the federal government for making financial decisions.

Advantage Credit Counseling Service, Inc. (ACCS) is a non-profit credit counseling organization incorporated in 1968, Advantage Credit Counseling Services is committed to educating consumers about wise money management and the responsible use of credit. Try their free online budgeting and goal tracking tools.

Bankrate, Inc., the Web’s leading aggregator of financial rate information, offers a 10 question Financial Literacy Quiz. You get instant feedback!

Here at The University of Scranton the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at  works to grow the economy of Northeastern Pennsylvania by providing entrepreneurs with the education, information and tools necessary to build successful businesses.  For more information, visit the SBDC site.

Power Shut Down

Friday March 25, the 24 hour spaces in the library will not be accessible between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. due to a power shut down.

The International Film Series Presents: Her

Her poster image0036690
Image courtesy of Warner Bros.

Set in Los Angeles in the not-too-distant future Her leaves the viewer with plenty to think about and discuss. It tells the story of Theodore a lonely writer who is having trouble accepting the break-up of his marriage. When he purchases a new operating system, OS1, which is advertised with the words “It’s not just an operating system; it’s a consciousness,” his life begins to change. Before long Theodore comes to depend on “Samantha,” the voice of his constantly evolving operating system. When the relationship becomes intimate, it leaves both of them wondering if a romance between a human being and a cyber consciousness can be sustained.

Directed by Spike Jonze, Her is in English and stars Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams.

Please join us on Wednesday April 13th at 7 p.m. in Room 305 of the Weinberg Memorial Library for this free event. Professor Donna Witek will lead a discussion following the film.

Please note: This film portrays adult situations and language.

This event is open to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Please email for more information.

2nd Call For Art!

env art call for art 2016The library is seeking submissions for the 6th Annual Environmental Art Show. The art show will be held from April 15th until the 21st.

The purpose of the Environmental Art Show is to promote the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, and more. The show is comprised entirely of University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty submissions, so please consider contributing!

The deadline for submissions is set for Thursday, April 14, 2016. All works of art can be dropped off at either the circulation or reference desks of the library. All artwork is returned after the exhibit has closed.

For photos from the past Environmental Art Shows see the following links:

EAS 2011 — EAS 2012 — EAS 2013 — EAS 2014 — EAS 2015 

Spotlight on Student Worker: Alexis Kuhner

Alexis Kuhner began working in Media Resources in June of 2015 and quickly became accustomed to the department. She immediately began working on summer projects and her friendly personality made her a natural at assisting patrons.

Alexis is a Business Administration major from Philadelphia. She chose Scranton because the Jesuit mission appealed to her, and the location provided her the opportunity to be fairly close to home, while still having the distance and opportunities to become her own person.

In addition to her studies and work, Alexis handles social media for Octaves, the University’s a capella group.  She uploads their videos to YouTube and posts to their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. She’s also the audio specialist for the club.  Alexis is on the senior class committee for Shamrockin’ Eve where she manages the social media accounts.

The class Alexis most enjoyed during her four years at the University was Introduction to Finance and Investments and her favorite professor is Dr. Jinghan Cai. In her spare time Alexis likes to cook, read and hike, and her favorite book is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

The advice Alexis would give to other University of Scranton students would be to take advantage of the resources available at the Library and to check the Media Resources collection before you rent a movie.

A surprising fact about Alexis is that she plans to attend culinary school after graduation, and her career goal is to open her own restaurant!

Thank you, Alexis, for all your hard work. We wish you all the best!