Environmental Art Show Now Open

EAS opening 2013


On Earth Day, Monday, April 22 from 5-7PM the 3rd Annual Environmental Art Show will host a reception open to the public.

The Environmental Art Show boasts a new Instagram Exhibit featuring dozens of photographs from student, staff, and faculty photographers, an exhibit documenting a U of S Travel Course that went to the Philippines , as well as numerous, diverse, and excellent artworks from sixteen different campus artists.

Please join us at the Reception Monday night to interact with the artists and appreciate their art. There will be light refreshments served.

The Art Show is open for viewing any time the library Heritage Room is open and will run until Noon on Thursday, April 25.

Environmental Art Show Submission Deadline Extended



The deadline to submit works of art for the Environmental Art Show has been extended to Wednesday April 17.

We are looking for all types of art, including photography, paintings, 3D Objects, repurposed/recycled items, and so on.

Please bring your works of art to the Library’s Reference Desk on the 2nd floor.

The 3rd Annual Environmental Art Show will run from Thursday, April 18 to Thursday, April 25. There will be a reception to meet the artists on Earth Day, Monday, April 22 from 5-7 PM in the Heritage Room of the library.

If you have any questions, contact george.aulisio@scranton.edu

Call for Artists



The library will be hosting the 3rd Annual Environmental Art Show during the University’s Earth Week Celebration (April 18-25). The purpose of the Art Show is to showcase the artistic talents of our students, staff, and faculty while promoting sustainability and the environment.

As always the Art Show is comprised solely of University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty submissions, so the success of the show relies on the number of submissions we receive. All types of artwork are accepted for display in the Art Show, but they must be your own creation, and they must be environmentally themed. Our definition of “environmentally themed” is understood very liberally and includes: nature scenes, animals, environmental degradation, sustainability messages, recycled goods, and so on.

Please consider submitting to the show before April 12 and attending the Art Show’s Reception on Monday April 22 from 5-7 pm. All submissions will be returned to the artists before the end of the Spring semester.

Environmental Art Show — 1st Call for Art
















Attention students and faculty home for Intersession:

The library will be hosting the 3rd annual Environmental Art Show in April. The purpose of the Environmental Art Show is to promote the natural beauty of our environment and the ideals of sustainability through art.

The art show is comprised entirely of student, staff, and faculty submissions, so please consider contributing artwork that fits into the following loosely defined criteria.

Almost any type of environmentally themed art is accepted, this includes Paintings, Photographs, Digital Media, Mixed Media, Fashion, 3D Objects, etc. Examples of environmentally themed art include images depicting human effects on the environment, nature scenes, animals, environmental messages, recycled or re-purposed goods, and so on.

The deadline for submissions is set for Friday, April 12, 2013. There will be an opening night reception scheduled open to the public and your family. All works of art are returned after the exhibit comes down at the end of April.

For photos from the past Environmental Art Shows see the following links:

Environmental Art Show 2011

Environmental Art Show 2012

Extended Hours

The library will be open for extended hours “dead week” and finals week.

Tuesday 12/4 — 8AM to Midnight

Wednesday 12/5 — 8AM to Midnight

Thursday 12/6  — 8AM to Midnight

Friday 12/7  — 8AM to 10PM

Saturday 12/8  — 9AM to 9PM

Sunday 12/9  — 10AM to Midnight

Monday 12/10  — 7AM to 2AM

Tuesday 12/11  — 7AM to 2AM

Wednesday 12/12  — 7AM to 2AM

Thursday 12/13  — 7AM to 2AM

Friday 12/14  — 8AM to Midnight

Saturday 12/15  — 8AM to 5PM

Sunday 12/16 — Closed


Mathematica 8 Training

“Wolfram Research will be on campus Tuesday, September 18 to give a technical talk on Mathematica 8 from 11:45am-1pm.  The talk will be held in the Math Lab of the Loyola Science Center, Room 328.

This seminar will be given 100% in Mathematica and will show useful teaching and research examples for mathematics, the physical sciences, engineering, and business/economics. Ideas for creating universal examples in Mathematica that can be used by colleagues or students with no prior Mathematica experience will be a central theme.

The content will help attendees with no prior experience get started with the Mathematica language and workflow. Since there is a large amount of new functionality in Version 8, most intermediate and advanced users who attend these talks report learning quite a bit as well. All attendees will receive an electronic copy of the examples, which can be adapted to individual projects.

Students and Faculty from all departments are welcome to this event.

To make sure there will be enough space, please email andy_dorsett@wolfram.com to RSVP for the event.”

Student Volunteers needed for Earth Week Trail Cleanup!

Section of the LHVA Heritage Trail. Photo by Owen Worozbyt, LHVA Volunteer Coordinator
Section of the LHVA Heritage Trail. Photo by Owen Worozbyt, LHVA Volunteer Coordinator
There will be a volunteer opportunity for students interested in supporting the environment and the local community. The Library Green Team and Campus Ministries will be hosting a trail cleanup along the Lackawanna County Heritage Trail. The 1 mile long trail borders the University of Scranton’s South Side baseball field. All interested students should meet outside the library on Saturday April 21st at 9:30AM, the van will be leaving at about 9:45AM.
The cleanup will go from 10am to approximately 1pm, gloves and trash bags will be provided. For more information contact either George Aulisio at George.Aulisio@scranton.edu or Fr. Rick Malloy at Richard.Malloy@scranton.edu.

Opening Reception for the Environmental Art Show!

The Library will be hosting its annual Environmental Art Show in conjunction with the University’s celebration of Earth Week. The Exhibit has a grand opening and reception which will be held on Monday April 16 at 7pm to approximately 9pm.

All are welcome to attend.

Please come stop by to admire the Artwork, you will also have the opportunity to discuss the various pieces with the artists themselves. Refreshments and snacks will be served!

Final Call for Art — Environmental Art Show

The Library is still accepting submissions for its annual Environmental Art Show! You now have until Sunday April 15th to bring your Environmentally themed artwork into the library.

The purpose of the Environmental Art Show is to promote sustainability through outreach and artwork. By submitting a piece (or pieces) to the Environmental Art Show you are showing your support for the Environment and letting the local community know that The University of Scranton cares about Sustainability.

Environmental Artwork can be broadly interpreted and includes, but is not limited to: Photographs oil paintings, water colors, acrylics, mixed media, recycled goods. Environmental subjects include, but is not limited to: flowers, nature scenes, trees, animals, environmental degradation and destruction, etc.

I strongly urge you to show your support for sustainability and submit artwork to the Art Show.