Call for Art! — Environmental Art Show 2018

The library is seeking submissions for the 8th Annual Environmental Art Show. The art show will be held from April 17 to April 24.

The Environmental Art Show promotes the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, and more. The art show relies on submissions by University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty, so please consider contributing!

The deadline for submissions is set for Friday, April 13. All works of art can be dropped off at either the Circulation or Research Services desks of the library. All artwork is returned after the art show ends.

Environmental Art Show – Call For Art!

env art call for art 2016

The library is seeking submissions for the 6th Annual Environmental Art Show. The art show will be held from April 15th until the 21st.

The purpose of the Environmental Art Show is to promote the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, and more. The show is comprised entirely of University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty submissions, so please consider contributing!

The deadline for submissions is set for Thursday, April 14, 2016. All works of art can be dropped off at either the circulation or reference desks of the library. All artwork is returned after the exhibit has closed.

For photos from the past Environmental Art Shows see the following links:

EAS 2011 — EAS 2012 — EAS 2013 — EAS 2014 — EAS 2015 

Bike Scranton Season Wraps Up

The University’s 2015 participation in this bike share program was very successful. In 5 months we loaned bikes 312 times, with 188 of those loans being to undergraduates. Special thanks to the Lackawanna Heritage Valley for inviting the University to partner on this new program. Bike Scranton will be back in April of 2016. Thanks to everyone for your positive response to this green initiative!

Bike Scranton at the Weinberg Memorial Library


As of today the Library has 3 bicycles available for borrowing. The program is called Bike Scranton, which is a cooperative program between the University of Scranton Office of Sustainability, and the Lackawanna Valley Heritage Authority. All University of Scranton students, faculty, and staff as well as Lackawanna County Library System card holders will be permitted to check out a bicycle as long as they are at least 18 years of age. Each bicycle comes with a lock and an adjustable helmet upon checkout. The borrowing period for each bicycle is unlimited, but all bicycles must be returned before the library closes. Soon there will be 3 more bikes available, for a total of 6.

Other participating locations in the bike Scranton program are the office of the Lackawanna Valley Heritage Association (, the Hilton Scranton hotel, and Cedar Bike Shop ( Bikes checked out from the Weinberg Memorial Library must be returned here, and we will not accept returns from any of the other Bike Scranton locations.

The Lackawanna Valley Heritage Authority owns all of the bicycles. Bike Scranton will be seasonal, and the transportation and storage of the bicycles will be the responsibility of our University Facilities staff.  The bikes will be routinely maintained via Cedar Bike, and the University Office of Sustainability is in the process of developing bike routes throughout the city.

Please ask at the Circulation Desk if you have any questions.

Environmental Art Show Opening and Reception

orange ad_ongoing_2015

Starting at 12:00PM on Monday, April 13, the 5th annual Environmental Art Show will be open to the public and will be available for viewing during the library’s regular hours. There will be a reception on Tuesday, April 14 from 5-7PM. Please join us for light refreshments and the opportunity to meet with the artists and other environmental and sustainability enthusiasts. The show will end on Monday, April 20.

Final Call for Art

call for art_2015Please remember to bring your environmentally themed artwork to the library by or before Friday, April 10 for inclusion in the 5th annual Environmental Art Show!

All submissions can be brought to either the circulation desk or the reference desk. Items will be returned at the close of the Art Show.

Second Call for Art!

call for art_2015The library is seeking submissions for the 5th annual Environmental Art Show. The art show will be held from April 13th until the 20th.

The purpose of the Environmental Art Show is to promote the natural beauty of our environment and the ideal practice of sustainable living through artworks of all types, including painting, photography, repurposed goods, sculpture, and more. The show is comprised entirely of University of Scranton student, staff, and faculty submissions, so please consider contributing!

The deadline for submissions is set for Friday, April 10, 2015. All works of art can be dropped off at either the circulation or reference desks of the library. All artwork is returned after the exhibit has closed.

For photos from the past Environmental Art Shows see the following links:

EAS 2011 — EAS 2012 — EAS 2013 — EAS 2014

LHVA Trail Cleanup Saturday Morning

Members of the Library Green Team will be participating in an LHVA Heritage Trail Cleanup on Saturday, May 3rd at 10am at the Elm St. Trailhead in South Side. If you’re interested in attending, we’ll be meeting on the Linden St. circle at 9:50am or you can meet us at the trailhead. We hope many of you are able to join us!