The Weinberg Memorial Library is closing today (December 23) at 4:30pm for the winter break. We’ll reopen on Monday, January 4th at 8:00am. The Library faculty and staff would like to wish you very happy holidays, and we look forward to seeing you in 2010!
Tag: holiday
Holiday hours
Final exams are almost over, and here at the Weinberg, things are starting to wind down for the holidays. Due to Friday and Saturday exams, we’ll still be open until midnight tonight, but starting on Saturday we’ll be on our holiday schedule. Here’s when you’ll find us open:
Friday, December 11: 8am – Midnight
Saturday, December 12: 8am – 5pm
Sunday, December 13: CLOSED
Monday- Friday, December 14-18: 8am – 4:30pm
Saturday-Sunday, December 19-20: CLOSED
Monday-Wednesday, December 21-23: 8am-4:30pm
December 24 – January 3: CLOSED
Good luck on those last few finals, and we hope that everyone makes it home safely for the holidays!
Pictures with Santa, PLUS a Holiday Book Signing
It’s December, and the holiday season is in full gear here at the Library. Our lobby is decked with boughs of garland; our study spaces are filled with students dreaming of a white Christmas; and the smell of Java City peppermint mocha fills the air.

Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas at the Library without the one and only Santa Claus. We’re thrilled to announce that St. Nick will be dropping by again this year, and he has graciously offered to pose for portraits with our students, faculty, staff, and community members. Santa will be in the Heritage Room on two different days this year: Thursday, December 3, from 11:30am – 4:00pm, and Friday, December 4, from 2:30pm – 6:00pm.
You can get a framed photograph of you with Santa for a $7 donation! All funds raised will go to help bring the magic of Christmas to a young boy in our community.
On your way up to the Heritage Room, don’t forget to stop by our Christmas Tag Sale in the lobby. You’ll find decorations, CDs, and unique gifts all available for affordable prices.
As an added bonus this holiday season, the Weinberg Memorial Library is also excited to welcome local author Peter V. Tafuri, who will sign copies of his new children’s book, The Christmas Dog. The book tells the heartwarming story of a stray dog who helps Mary and Joseph on the first Christmas. Mr. Tafuri will be in the Heritage Room with Santa on Thursday from 11:30am – 4:00pm and Friday from 2:30pm – 4:30pm. Bella, the Christmas Dog herself, won’t be joining us at the Library, but you can meet her (and have another chance to get your book signed by Mr. Tafuri) later that night at First Friday. Bella will be at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (232 Wyoming Avenue in Scranton) from 6pm-9pm.
Side note for animal lovers: In real life, Bella is a rescue dog who likes to help kids learn to read. You might also see her around the community, showing off her dancing skills to raise money for the Humane Society.
Thanksgiving Holiday Hours
Just a reminder that the Library will be closing at 4:30 pm today, Wednesday 11/25, and will reopen again on Sunday 11/29 at 12 noon.
Also, the 24/7 Chat Reference service will be unavailable on Thanksgiving itself, but returns on Friday.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Enjoy the break!
Fourth of July closing
Photo courtesy of Stephen Baack, under a Creative Commons license
The Weinberg Memorial Library is closing at 10:00pm today for the Fourth of July weekend. We’ll reopen on Monday, July 6, at 8:00am. Enjoy the holiday!
P.S. Looking for a place to celebrate? The Scranton Times-Tribune has a guide to NEPA fireworks displays.
P.P.S. Wired has a great how-to wiki on photographing fireworks using a point-and-shoot camera, a digital SLR, or even your iPhone.
Smile, Summer’s here! :-)
The end of finals week is 2 short days away… And the sun is out and the temps are high, which means, summer is here! …all of which makes this librarian a happy gal! :-)
It also means the Library hours change in honor of the summer months:
Memorial Day Weekend and the week following:
Saturday-Monday, May 23-25: Closed
Tuesday-Thursday, May 26-28: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Commencement Weekend:
Friday, May 29: 8:00 AM-8:00 PM
Saturday, May 30: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Sunday, May 31: Closed
Summer Hours:
June 1-August 4:
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Saturday: 12 Noon-6:00 PM
Sunday: 12 Noon-8:00 PM
And of course, congratulations (or conGRADulations, as I like to say *rimshot*) to our graduating seniors, U of Scranton Class of 2009!
Easter hours
See you in January!
The Weinberg Memorial Library will close tomorrow, December 23rd, at 4:30 p.m. and will reopen on Sunday, January 4th. Happy holidays from everyone here at WML!
Library Service Hours Over the Break
So, we finally made it! Finals are over, and Christmas break has begun! *cue the celebratory trumpets*
Now is the time for all that book learnin’ to have a chance to settle into our minds and selves… And so, the Library is taking a bit of a break with you. Here are the Library hours over the break:
December 15-19, Monday-Friday — 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
December 20-21, Saturday-Sunday — Closed
December 22-23, Monday-Tuesday — 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
December 24, 2008 – January 4, 2009 — ClosedPlease note that the Pro Deo room — aka the 24-hour room — closes with the library on December 23rd at 4:30 PM, and reopens on Sunday, January 4th.
In addition, our Virtual Reference services are taking a bit of a break along with us:
IM Reference Service via Meebo will be unavailable from Monday, December 15, 2008 through Sunday, January 4, 2009. The service will resume on Monday, January 5, 2009.
24/7 Chat Reference Service will be closed from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 through Thursday, December 25, 2008 for Christmas. It will also be closed from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 through Thursday, January 1, 2009 for New Year’s. The service will resume as usual on Friday, December 26th and Friday, January 2nd, respectively.
So, enjoy the break! Merry Christmas and many blessings this holiday season! See you in the new year…
Library pride
I couldn’t help but feel proud to see the Weinberg Memorial Library so well represented on the University’s Christmas card this year, signed by Father Pilarz himself. The Pro Deo room never looked so welcoming.