Encore Library Catalog Down

If you are looking for items that the Library has in its catalog, the Encore catalog is having technical problems and is not available. The older version of the catalog called the “classic catalog” is available and everything the Library owns may be searched using this version. To get to the classic catalog, click “Advanced Search” or go directly to http://weinberg.scranton.edu/search/

POSTPONED EVENT: Senator George J. Mitchell


We have just learned that Senator Mitchell has had a death in his family and will be unable to come to Scranton on Thursday, September 10.

The lecture will be rescheduled for a later date.

For more information contact:
Emily Brees at  570-941-6206 or email Emily.Brees@scranton.edu 


For more information on upcoming Schemel Forum events, click here.

Sept. 17th – Schemel Forum Luncheon – Mark Rothko: Immigrant, Artist, Pioneer

rothko-number-61Join the Schemel Forum for the first World Affairs Luncheon of the Fall 2015 season featuring a lecture by

Annie Cohen-Solal, Ph.D.
Cultural historian, Writer and Professor of American Studies at the Université de Caen

Mark Rothko: Immigrant, Artist, Pioneer
Although Mark Rothko has undeniably reached the status of an iconic artist whose paintings sell for about $80 million, he remains mysterious. Cohen-Solal approaches him through the lens of her social history research and unveils many fascinating aspects of his life and character. Rothko fought the narrow-mindedness of many US institutions and was deeply committed to giving all publics genuine access to art.

Thursday, September 17th, Noon to 1:30 pm

DeNaples Center, Room 405
A book signing will follow the lecture.

Cost: $20 pp / $30 per couple, free to Schemel Forum Members and The University of Scranton staff, faculty and students.

RSVP to emily.brees@scranton.edu or online by clicking here.

To view all the Schemel Forum programming for the fall, click here.

Library Exhibit: 125th Anniversary of the International Correspondence Schools (ICS)

125th Anniversary of ICS

The International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pennsylvania grew out of a question and answer column written by Thomas J. Foster, publisher of Colliery Engineer and Metal Miner. In 1885, Pennsylvania passed a Mine Safety Act, which required miners and inspectors to pass examinations on mine safety. Foster’s column helped mine workers, many being recent immigrants with limited English, to pass the exams. The column proved so successful that Foster created a correspondence course on coal mining. In 1890, Foster, who had relocated his publishing venture from Shenandoah to Scranton’s Coal Exchange Building, incorporated the “The Colliery Engineer Company,” creating the foundation for a formal school. In 1891, Foster and mining engineer Alexander Dick founded the “The Colliery Engineer School of Mines.” Until the International Textbook Company incorporated the school in late 1894, the names Colliery Engineer School of Mines, School of Mines, Correspondence Schools, and the International Correspondence School were used interchangeably. By early 1895, the school was officially known as the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pennsylvania or ICS for short.

The first class enrolled 500 miners but within eight years, more than 190,000 students had enrolled in a variety of courses. Besides the initial classes related to mining, ICS expanded into a variety of technical fields as well as providing basic courses in English. By the first decade of the twentieth century, over 100,000 new students per year were enrolling in ICS courses; by 1910, a million cumulative enrollments had been achieved; and, by 1930, four million. By World War II, ICS’s reputation was such that it was given the War Department contract to develop the department’s training manuals. In 1916, ICS created The Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences in what is now the Scranton Preparatory School building. ICS was located on Wyoming Ave until 1958 when they relocated to Oak Avenue.

ICS Buildings
ICS Locations: Above- General Offices, Below- Women’s Institute (Now Scranton Prep)

ICS continued to thrive after the war but by the 1990s greater educational offerings had reduced the role of correspondence schools. ICS has changed names a number of times since 1996. The ICS location is currently operated by Penn Foster Career School, which is a regionally and nationally accredited post-secondary distance education school and considers ICS to be its predecessor.

In 2002, The University of Scranton Weinberg Library was given a collection of ICS materials by the company. These materials, primarily from the ICS marketing department, will be the focus of an exhibit celebrating the history of the company. On Tuesday, November 3 at 6:00 PM Professor William Conlogue of Marywood University, and author of Here and There: Reading Pennsylvania’s Working Landscapes and Working in the Garden: American Writers and the Industrialization of Agriculture, will talk about the history of ICS at a reception for the exhibit in the Heritage Room of Weinberg Memorial Library.

This exhibit will be on display in the Weinberg Library’s fifth floor Heritage Room through Friday, December 11, 2015. For more information, please contact Special Collections Librarian Michael Knies Michael.Knies@Scranton.edu (570) 941-6341.


Library 2nd Floor Redesign

IMG_20150825_094234550In conjunction with the 2nd floor being open 24/7, the Library staff has made some furniture changes. There is a new casual seating area where  microfilm cabinets used to be. Some carrells, tables, and casual seating were rearranged to make better use of the natural light from the windows on the Galvin Terrace side. A high table and two stools are now near the windows overlooking the hydrangea garden.

The two large study rooms are no longer considered “group” study rooms. They are now being called  “individual” study rooms and are designed for several individuals studying or working quietly. One room has mostly office furniture. This room also has three computer workstations. The other room has six indvidual study carrells and two large desks.

Later on this semester we will be asking your opinion about these and other changes.

The International Film Series Presents “Lucky”

Photo courtesy of Film Movement.

How could a recently orphaned, 10-year old homeless South African boy ever be called Lucky? Over the grave of his dead mother, Lucky makes a promise to make something of himself. Leaving the security of his remote Zulu village for the big city with the hope of going to school, he arrives on the doorstep of an uncle who has no use for him. Lucky then falls in with Padme, a formidable Indian woman with an inherent fear of Africans, who takes him in as she would a stray dog. Together, unable to speak each other’s language, they develop an unlikely bond. Through an odyssey marked by greed, violence, and ultimately belonging, Lucky shows how a child’s spirit can bring out decency, humility and even love in adults struggling to survive in the new South Africa.

Directed by Avie Luthra this award-winning South African film is in Zulu, Hindi and English with English subtitles.

Please join us on Tuesday September 22nd at 7pm in Room 305 of the Weinberg Memorial Library for this free event. Jean Lenville, Assistant dean of the Library, will lead a discussion after the film.

This film is open to faculty, staff, students, and the public. Please email Sharon.finnerty@scranton.edu for more information.

Sept. 10th – Join The University of Scranton Schemel Forum for a lecture featuring Senator George J. Mitchell


The event is free and open to the public.  For more information and to RSVP contact Emily.Brees@scranton.edu.

For more information on upcoming Schemel Forum events, click here.