Book, Plant, & Tag Sale This Weekend

The Friends of the Library are sponsoring a Book & Plant Sale this weekend!
The sale will include used non-fiction and fiction hardcover and paperback books, plants, tag sale items, and jewelry. The sale takes place in the Heritage Room on the fifth floor of the Library, with all proceeds benefiting the Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library Endowment.
The sale will be open Saturday, April 28, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, April 29, from noon until 4 p.m.

Digital Collections, New and Improved

We’ve just put a shiny, new interface on our digital collections, and we’d love for you to take a look!  Some of the new features we’re excited about:

  • A new homepage for Digital Collections
  • A new University History page where you can cross-search all of our University-related collections
  • Improved browsing, searching, and viewing
  • Easier ways to download and print photos and documents from our collections
  • Tagging, commenting, and sharing

Take our new collections for a test drive, and then let us know what you think! There are still a few quirks we’re working out, so if you run into any problems, just let us know at

King of Devil’s Island

Photo courtesy of Film Movement

Join us for a presentation of the Norwegian thriller King of Devil’s Island at 7 p.m. Friday May 4, 2012 in Room 305 of the Weinberg Memorial Library.  Dr. Kathryn Meier and Professor Mark Meier will lead a discussion following the film.

Described by Film Movement as the true story of the infamous Bastøy Boys Home correctional facility in Norway, the movie begins with the arrival of seventeen-year-old Erling, a rumored murderer.  He clashes with the island facility’s governor (Stellan Skarsgård), who believes manual labor, rigid discipline, and harsh punishment are the only methods that can turn the boys into honorable members of society. Erling slowly rouses the rest of the boys out of their resigned existence, and encourages them to fight to lift their spirits. When tragedy falls at the hand of the cruel dorm master, Erling leads his comrades in a courageous and vicious rebellion that will bring them head to head with the Norwegian Army.

Directed by Marius Holst King of Devil’s Island is in Norwegian with English subtitles.

This free event is open to faculty, staff, students and the public. Seating is limited so please contact Sharon Finnerty at (570) 941-6330 or for reservations.

Student Volunteers needed for Earth Week Trail Cleanup!

Section of the LHVA Heritage Trail. Photo by Owen Worozbyt, LHVA Volunteer Coordinator
Section of the LHVA Heritage Trail. Photo by Owen Worozbyt, LHVA Volunteer Coordinator
There will be a volunteer opportunity for students interested in supporting the environment and the local community. The Library Green Team and Campus Ministries will be hosting a trail cleanup along the Lackawanna County Heritage Trail. The 1 mile long trail borders the University of Scranton’s South Side baseball field. All interested students should meet outside the library on Saturday April 21st at 9:30AM, the van will be leaving at about 9:45AM.
The cleanup will go from 10am to approximately 1pm, gloves and trash bags will be provided. For more information contact either George Aulisio at or Fr. Rick Malloy at

McHugh Named Northeast Woman

The Weinberg Library’s very own Cataloging Librarian, Michelle (Sheli) McHugh,  has been named the Northeast Woman by the Sunday Scranton Times newspaper.  Please offer your congratulations to her and read the full story here.


Earth Week 2012

U of S Earth Day Fair 2010

Earth Day 2012: Sunday, April 22nd

Earth Day is only about a week away!  This list of U of S Earth Week events at makes it easy to learn what environmentally themed activities are happening on campus starting with tomorrow’s annual Street Sweep.

Included in the list are Library activities like the opening reception for the Environmental Art Show, which will take place Monday at 7pm in the Heritage Room.  As part of this year’s Foursquare Frenzy,  there will be a special prize for the first students who check-in during the reception, and it’s not too late to submit artwork! Just bring in your submissions to the Library by Monday morning.

Want to learn more about how you can go green? Check out resources on sustainability in the Library Catalog or Research Guides.

You can also visit the Media Resources Center to watch one of the top sustainability themed films available at the Library:

  1. The Age of Stupid– DVD- feature film
  2. The Day After Tomorrow –DVD- feature film
  3. Eating Alaska– DVD- documentary/educational film
  4. King Corn-DVD- documentary/educational film
  5. An Inconvenient Truth –DVD- documentary/educational film
  6. No Impact Man-DVD- documentary/educational film
  7. Flow: For Love of Water-DVD – documentary/educational film
  8. Food, Inc. –DVD- documentary/educational film
  9. The 11th Hour– DVD- documentary/educational film
  10. The Great Warming -3 parts VHS- documentary/educational film
  11. Warnings from the Ice VHS- documentary/educational film

Foursquare Frenzy At the Library!

The Foursquare Frenzy 2012 is in full effect! If you’re a Foursquare user and check-in to various venues on campus, be sure to upload a picture and you’ll be entered to win special prizes! The Frenzy runs from April 10-23rd. To learn more about the prizes, venues and rules head on over to this site.

The Library is participating in several ways. Simply by checking in to the Library, with a photo of the inside or outside of the building, after midnight you can earn the Bookworm Bender Badge!

Are you the mayor of the Library? We are giving away the “Save Our World” water bottles to anyone who earns mayor status of the Library. There will also be a special prize for the first several people to check-in during the Environmental Art Show opening night reception!

Check-in! Play! Win!

Good luck Foursquarers!

Seniors: Vote for Teacher of the Year

Our colleagues over in the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence asked us to share this announcement:




2012 University of Scranton

Teacher of the Year Award

Each year the Graduating Senior Class selects its “Teacher of the Year.” Beginning Monday, April 16th, please vote for the faculty member who you believe best exhibits the following characteristics:

  • Maintains the highest standards of academic excellence and fairness.
  • Inspires interest in the discipline through personal enthusiasm and dedication.
  • Is consistently effective in communication.
  • Is available outside of the classroom.

The award will be presented during Class Night on Friday, May 25th, 2012.

HOW TO VOTE:  To cast your electronic ballot, access

WHEN TO VOTEMonday, April 16th, 9:00 a.m. – Friday, April 20th 5:00 p.m.

Remember a Faculty Member Whose Teaching Has Inspired You!  Your Vote Counts!

Opening Reception for the Environmental Art Show!

The Library will be hosting its annual Environmental Art Show in conjunction with the University’s celebration of Earth Week. The Exhibit has a grand opening and reception which will be held on Monday April 16 at 7pm to approximately 9pm.

All are welcome to attend.

Please come stop by to admire the Artwork, you will also have the opportunity to discuss the various pieces with the artists themselves. Refreshments and snacks will be served!