Indie Magazines for Everyone


One of my favorite websites to kill some time on is Issuu.

Issuu is a website which allows you to “Publish yourself.”

I think it’s pretty cool that you can publish your own work on this website, but that is not the reason why I enjoy it so much.

Issuu has a large collection of magazines which are all free for you to peruse. The only difference is that these magazines are not the ones that you usually see at the grocery store.

Because Issuu is free to publish on, a lot of magazines which are not mass-produced and are uber-popular in America use it to increase their readership.

The magazines are mostly Independent, Student run, or from outside the U.S.A. The content of these magazines ranges from Poetry, Photography, Art, Graphic Design, Film Reviews, Popular Culture, just about everything…

Issuu is a great way to get your daily dose of culture and to read something a little different for a change.

Check it out at

Oscar-Scranton-Schemel Connection: Jay Parini’s The Last Station


Now that the Olympics are over, it’s time to start preparing for the next big event – the Academy Awards are this Sunday!  And this year, there’s a Scranton connection.

West Scranton native Jay Parini is the author of The Last Station, a novel about the last year of Tolstoy’s life – and the film adaptation of the novel has received two Oscar nominations.  Helen Mirren (who plays Sofya Tolstoy) and Christopher Plummer (Leo Tolstoy) are up for Best Supporting Actor and Best Actress, respectively.   The Last Station was also nominated for five awards (including Best Feature) at Friday’s Film Independent Spirit Awards.  For more details about the film and Parini’s work, see this article from the February 5 Scranton Times-Tribune.

This Spring, Mr. Parini will be making a special appearance on campus to discuss his book and the film at one of our Schemel Forum “Insights” luncheons.  The luncheon will be held Friday, April 9 from 12pm-1:30pm in Room 509 Brennan Hall.   Registration fees are $20 per person or $30 per couple for the luncheon – and Schemel Forum members get in free. To register, please contact Kym Fetsko at fetskok2 (at) scranton (dot) edu.

Olympic Gold

Image from the

The United States is still leading the medal count in the 2010 Winter Olympics.

View the medals’ table.

In Men’s Ice Hockey, Canada knocked out the Russian Federation yesterday and will be playing Slovakia in the Semi-Final Round tomorrow. The undefeated United States team also plays tomorrow against Finland.  I’m looking for a rematch of the United States and Canada in the Men’s Ice Hockey Gold Medal game, which is scheduled for 3:15 EST on Sunday, February 28. NBC will be broadcasting the game live.  The US beat Canada in the Preliminary Round so if they meet again, it’ll definitely be an exciting game!

In Women’s Ice Hockey, the United States faces off against Canada tonight at 6:30 EST. The game will be broadcast live on MSNBC. Canada has the home team advantage, but the US team is coached by Mark Johnson who played on the 1980 Miracle on Ice team. If you like ice hockey, you won’t want to miss this game.

Compare and Contrast vs. Wikipedia is a free information resource tool which shares a few similarities to it’s widely popular colleague, Wikipedia.

Some of the similarities are that they are both free resources and they’re extremely easy to use… Another one is that they don’t look great when citing them in a research paper.

Wikipedia is undoubtedly the more popular resource and almost certainly has more articles in its collection.

However, the biggest difference between the two is the way articles are written.

As most everyone knows, Wikipedia uses “group intelligence” to compile what many consider to be highly accurate and extremely accessible information; whereas others consider it to be riddled with erroneous information, typos, and consider it poorly written. has each article written by a single author. The authors of the articles are known as Guides. These Guides are hired by solely to be their resident expert in a given field. At first glance sounds like it has an advantage over Wikipedia in so much as it could provide more reliable information. However, not all of the Guides live up to the standards that are required in Academe. Most guides are not scholars, they do not have a Ph.D., and haven’t dedicated their lives to their given field.

Many guides on the other hand are very well informed and highly trained, so another similarity between and Wikipedia is that they are mixed bags. You could be getting high quality information from both, but by the next paragraph you can be reading something that simply isn’t true.

The fact is that you are going to get information from website such as and Wikipedia (I do it too), but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from websites like these, depending on the accuracy of information that you need, it’s OK to read these articles.

The important thing is that you cross reference the information provided with a more reliable source (i.e. encyclopedia, handbook, reference manual, etc.).

Please know that I am not saying its OK to cite Wikipedia and in your homework assignments (I am 100% against that), what I am saying is that it’s OK to check information resources like these, but you should always check more than one resource to make sure the information is accurate. Lastly, make sure those additional resources are highly reliable — those are the resources you can cite!


Copied under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License from Author: Earl Andrew

The sport of curling dates back to 16th century Scotland. The object of this game is to slide a round stone over a stretch of ice toward a target circle. Players often use a “curl” (hence the sport’s name) to alter the stone’s trajectory. Teammates use a broom to sweep the ice ahead of the oncoming stone in order to facilitate a longer slide or to adjust the arc of the curl. Blocking and knocking out an opponent’s stones are important strategies of the sport.

Curling was added to the Winter Olympics in 1998. Currently leading the standings, Canada’s women’s team appears headed to the medal round after winning all five of the preliminary games played to date.

Take this quiz to find out how much do you know about curling.

2010 Winter Olympics

Olympic rings

(This image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.)

Even if you’re not a sports fan, you probably have seen some of the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Canada, specifically Vancouver, British Columbia. The United States is currently leading the medal race with 14, followed by Germany with 10, and France with 7. Last night I watched Shaun White win the Gold Medal in the Snowboard Men’s Halfpipe. WOW! His first run earned him 46.8 points (out of a possible 50).  No need to make a second run, but he did. Why? For some people, it’s not just about winning. Listen to what Shaun said after the run.

I’ll be posting about other events as the games continue.

Let me know which event is your favorite: [polldaddy poll=2721283]

Library Love on Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras at the Library!

Thank you all for making our first gaming night at the library a big success! Last night, at least 65 students came by the 5th floor Heritage Room to eat wings and pizza, and get their game on.

Super Smash Brothers was a big hit.

Games that got the most play include Super Smash Brothers and the Wii Fit — even the classic game Scattegories got in on the action.

There was also a raffle, which 67 students entered. There were three $10 Amazon gift cards awarded as prizes. The winners of the raffle drawing are:

Dan Parisi (Senior)

Devin Patel (Junior)

James Costello (Senior)

Winners will be notified via email of how and where to pick up your prizes.

We got enough positive feedback to know that gaming night is something we should do on a regular basis. So, we can all look forward to another gaming night in the library, since this one was such a hit.

But, by far, the best part of Mardi Gras at the Library was all of the *library love* we got from everyone who participated. Thanks for the great feedback guys, and we can’t wait for the next one!

Library Love (aw shucks :) )

(A special shout-out to the Center for Health and Education Wellness for lending us the games, and to our very own Bonnie Oldham and George Aulisio for planning this awesome event. For more coverage of Mardi Gras at the Library, including photos, check out our Facebook page:

Mardi Gras!

Just a reminder…

Mardi Gras at the Library is Tonight!

Come to the Heritage Room between 8-11 to enjoy Wii games, Board Games, Pizza, Wings, Chips, Pretzels, Donuts, Soda, M&M’s, Free Beads, and Prizes!!

See you there!

Share those photos!

Good news – we still have seats left for this Friday’s Technology on Your Own Terms workshop on photo sharing.

This time, Library systems staff member and computer training coordinator Vince Yanusauskas will present “Can You See Me Now?: Creating Digital Web Albums to Share with Family and Friends.”  Vince will demonstrate Google’s free Picasa service, which gives users 1 GB of free storage space to save, organize, describe, and share their favorite photos with their favorite people.

The workshop will be held on Friday, February 19th from 12pm-1pm in Weinberg Memorial Library Room 306.  If interested, be sure to register for a seat at, under Special Events.  All University faculty and staff are welcome.

Photo collage (made using Picasa) is courtesy of Flickr user Burnt Pixel, under a Creative Commons license.

Wolfram | Alpha

By now Wolfram|Alpha might already be old news, but just in case you haven’t heard about it, you should really check it out…

Caffeine Vs. AspirinWolfram|Alpha is set-up to look like a Search Engine similar to Google, but it is actually a “computation machine.”

This resource is a good tool for finding statistics, socio-economic data, information on a date, figuring out equations, and has data on specific locations.

You’ll see on their Examples by Topic page that Wolfram|Alpha could be useful for the following Subjects — Math, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Education, Sociology, Criminal Justice, Engineering, Geography, and a lot more.

Just to get a feel for it, I suggest plugging in your Birthday to see what you get, then try doing a comparison, for example: Scranton, PA vs. Philadelphia, PA.

I’m sure you’ll at least find it to be interesting. Those of you who work with numbers, facts, and data might find this “computation machine” to be downright awesome.