PALCI Outage

We’ve received notification from the University of Pittsburgh that, due to a system failure, the PALCI EZ-Borrow system did not accept requests for a few hours on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10.  For that reason —

Any PALCI EZ-Borrow requests placed between 7:15pm on Thursday, April 9 and 9:15am on Friday, April 10, will need to be placed again.

If you have questions or need help re-placing an EZ-Borrow request, feel free to ask a librarian.

Robert Kuttner on “Obama’s Challenge”

Robert Kuttner, founding co-editor of The American Prospect and Senior Fellow at DEMOS, a New York-based think tank, came to campus today to speak at the Schemel Forum luncheon.

Robert Kuttner speaking at the DeNaples Center

Kuttner, author of Obama’s Challenge: America’s Economic Crisis and the Power of a Transformational Presidency, criticized President Obama’s approach to economic stimulus, saying that current policy was equivalent to “reinflating the bubble.”   He advocated that Obama listen to dissenting voices, including FDIC chair Sheila Bair and Economic Recovery Advisory Board chairman Paul Volker.  Kuttner’s talk was well attended, and there were excellent discussion questions from the audience.

Sondra Myers, Senior Fellow of the University, with Robert Kuttner at the book signing

After the luncheon, Kuttner stayed to sign copies of his book.  If you’re interested in Kuttner’s perspective (or his signature!), you can find a signed copy of Obama’s Challenge in our University Archives.  Also check out two of Kuttner’s other books, The Squandering of America: How the Failure of our Politics Undermines our Prosperity and The Life of the Party : the Democratic Prospects in 1988 and Beyond – both are available in the Library.

Many thanks to Schemel Forum director Sondra Myers for hosting another excellent event!

Seniors: Vote for Teacher of the Year!

Our partners in crime over at the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) asked us to remind graduating seniors put in their votes for this year’s Teacher of the Year award.

CTLE says…

Each year the Graduating Senior Class selects its “Teacher of the Year”. Beginning Monday, April 20th, please vote for the faculty member who you believe best exhibits the following characteristics:
•    Maintains the highest standards of academic excellence and fairness.
•    Inspires interest in the discipline through personal enthusiasm and dedication.
•    Is consistently effective in communication.
•    Is available outside of the classroom.

To vote, make sure to cast your electronic ballot between 9am on Monday, April 20th and 5pm on Friday, April 24th. The award will be presented during Class Night on May 29.

Class of 2009, your vote counts – so be sure to remember and recognize a faculty member whose teaching has inspired you!

E-Z Borrow down on Friday

This Friday, April 10th, the PALCI E-ZBorrow service will be down from 9am until 12pm noon.  The University of Pittsburgh University Library System, which hosts E-ZBorrow, will be conducting some required maintenance during that time period.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.

More study space, starting Monday!

Our students have been asking for more study space (such dedicated learners!), and here at the Weinberg, we’re doing our best to meet their needs.

During intersession, Library staff members moved some of our less-often used print periodicals down to the basement in order to free up some space on the 1st floor.  The shelves that used to hold those periodicals have just been removed, so there’s a nice chunk of empty space waiting by the group study rooms.

Tables and chairs have been ordered and will arrive on Monday.  Be the first to try them out, and let us know what you think!

Update: The freight company who is shipping our new furniture had to change our delivery date from today (Monday) to tomorrow (Tuesday).  So we’ll have to wait one more day for our new study space.  Sigh.

Update Part 2: New tables and chairs are here!  Come try them out!

Reference Books

Reference Books. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…

Some beautiful reference books.
Some beautiful reference books.

One, you are intelligent.

Two, you are a good conversationalist–you always have something interesting to say.

Three, you are trustworthy–I always feel safe repeating what you tell me.

Four, you would never cheat on me–you are always right where I left you and would never be caught out of the library.

Alas, we have not always been so good to you…

The large majority of us disregard you and forget to visit you from time to time.

Many of the ones who do like to spend time with you will often not give credit to the smart things you say.

Lastly, we are seeing other reference books on the side…

Three Cheers for our new Catalog!

The University of Scranton Weinberg Memorial Library is proud to present…


Our new catalog!!

Okay, technically it’s not really a new catalog – our Library catalog still includes all of the books, e-books, videos, and periodicals you know and love.  But it does have a shiny new interface that we hope will make it easier for our students and faculty to discover new resources.

New features of the catalog include…

  • A Tag Cloud that you can use to find resources on similar topics (you can even add your own tags if you like!)
  • A “Refine By…” tool to help you narrow down your search results to exactly what you need for your research
  • An “Articles and More” tool that will help you extend your search to find articles from some of our databases
  • A “Recently Added” box to show you what’s new on any given topic

Interested? Try out a search by going to the Library’s homepage.  Type in the box, and hit the big orange arrow.


Don’t like what you see? You can still use the “classic” catalog interface – just look under the Library Catalogs menu and click on the first link for Our Classic Catalog.

Pro Deo Room Computers

Thanks to the students and faculty who have gave us feedback in the LibQual Survey. During Spring break, the Information Resources staff and Library Systems staff worked to improve computer performance in the Pro Deo Room. Staff worked on each computer work station and upgraded the network hubs on the 1st and 3rd floors to switches in order to improve network performance on those floors. We welcome your input. Please report any computer problems to the Circulation Desk on the Library’s 1st Floor.

Thank You.